Performance Measures and Evaluation Criteria Configuration

Performance measure values can be also determined based on service delivery evaluation results. For example, the measure 'Percentage of clients satisfied' is determined based on the number of client satisfaction evaluations that have passed. For measures that are dependent on service evaluation, evaluation criteria are configured in the Administration application, along with ranges of scores and outcomes. Below is a sample configuration.

Service Offering - Job training service

Measure - Client satisfaction

Service Evaluation Criteria related to the measure client satisfaction (both configured to score 0 for 'No' and 1 for 'Yes':

  1. Were you satisfied with the course administration?
  2. Were you satisfied with the course content?

Failure: Maximum Score = 1

Success: Minimum Score = 2

In this example, scores are assigned to the possible responses and ranges are defined for the possible outcomes. When the responses are collected, based on the number of service evaluations that are successful, the percentage of clients satisfied is determined. For more information, see Measuring Provider Performance.