Approving a Plan Item that has a Frequency Specified

When a frequency has been specified for the plan item, one service authorization and one or more service authorization line items are created. The number of service authorization line items to be created is determined based on the frequency, expected start date, and expected end date specified for the plan item. Each service authorization line item represents one day on which the participant is authorized to receive the number of units authorized as specified on the plan item. The total number of units authorized for the plan item is then determined based on the number of units authorized and the number of service authorization line items created. An example is below:

If a user enters an expected start date of January 1, 2008; an expected end date of January 11, 2008, a frequency of weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday; a units authorized of 2, and a rate authorized of $200, 4 service authorization line items will be created, and a total units authorized of 8 will be calculated.

From Date: January 1, 2008 (Tuesday)
To Date: January 1, 2008 (Tuesday)
Units Authorized: 2
Unit Amount: 200

From Date: January 2, 2008 (Wednesday)
To Date: January 2, 2008 (Wednesday)
Units Authorized: 2
Unit Amount: 200

From Date: January 8, 2008 (Tuesday)
To Date: January 8, 2008 (Tuesday)
Units Authorized: 2
Unit Amount: 200

From Date: January 9, 2008 (Wednesday)
To Date: January 9, 2008 (Wednesday)
Units Authorized: 2
Unit Amount: 200