Accepting or Rejecting Identical Evidence

The incoming evidence list displays the complete list of identical evidence available for sharing on the target case. From this list, caseworkers can choose to accept or reject any or all of the incoming evidence. While all incoming evidence can be rejected, the validations for accepting incoming evidence must take into account all evidence records for the same target evidence and ensure that there are no conflicts introduced with accepting the incoming evidence. In addition to the basic validations described in Table 1, there are additional validations which come into play when accepting multiple incoming evidence records with conflicts. The following table describes these additional validations:
Note: Caseworkers may find it easier to accept one incoming evidence record at a time, particularly when there are many related records leading to an increased risk of conflicts.
Table 1. Additional Validations Applied when Accepting Multiple Incoming Evidence Records.

This table describes additional validations applied when accepting multiple incoming evidence records.

Source Evidence Record Statuses

Evidence Sharing Outcome

New incoming evidence record, related incoming evidence update As the updated evidence is related to the new evidence, the caseworker must accept these records one at a time.
New incoming evidence record, related incoming evidence removal In this scenario, the caseworker can accept either of these on its own or both; however, by accepting both, the evidence broker will discard the new, incoming evidence record due to the acceptance of the related removal.
Multiple, related incoming evidence updates As the updates are related to each other, the caseworker must accept these updates one at a time. Evidence comparison can help the caseworker determine which evidence update is more suitable (if either) for acceptance on the target case.
Incoming evidence update, related incoming evidence removal In this scenario, the caseworker can accept either of these on its own or both; however, by accepting both, the evidence broker will discard the updated incoming evidence record due to the acceptance of the related removal.
New incoming evidence record, related incoming evidence update, related incoming evidence removal Either the new or the updated evidence can be accepted but not both. The removal can be accepted along with the acceptance of either of these.