
Actions may have a fixed cost associated with them, for example, providing a client with a bus pass may have an associated cost of $50. Certain actions may have a cost associated with them but it cannot be identified until the action has been completed. In this case, the case worker can only estimate the cost of the action on creation. Other actions may have no cost associated with them, for example, the case worker may create an action for a client to take daily exercise.

To cater for these various cost models, a configuration setting is provided which allow an administrator to dictate they type of cost associated with an action i.e. No cost, fixed cost or user specified cost. On creation of an action, estimated cost can be specified if the action has been configured to allow a user to specify a cost. If a fixed cost has been configured, the actual cost is displayed to the case worker during creation of the action. If there is no cost is associated with an action, cost is not displayed to a case worker during action creation.