
Cases added to a SEF may be fully Cúram based, i.e. case management is undertaken by the Cúram application, or they may be based in non-Cúram systems and available to the SEF via the CPI. If the case is a Cúram managed case, the agency worker (assuming the worker has the appropriate security privileges) may access the case from the SEF. If the case is managed by a non-Cúram system, the user will have access only to the information stored in the CPI for that case. The customer may extend the CPI to include case information specific to their particular needs (please refer to the CPI chapter of this document for more information).

Cases may be added to a SEF as part of the initial creation of the SEF. Additional cases may be added to the SEF at later times. Cases may only be added that involve clients already added to the SEF. Cases may also be removed from the SEF. The SEF retains a history of the addition and removal of cases.