
Clients added to a SEF may be either fully registered Cúram clients or CPI based clients whose information has been retrieved from a non-Cúram system. The information available for the client depends upon whether the client is Cúram registered or CPI based. If Cúram registered, the Cúram participant manager may be accessed from the SEF to record and view an extensive set of information with regard to the client. If CPI based, the client information available depends upon the data stored for each client in the CPI. The customer may extend the CPI to include information specific to their particular needs. For more information see Cúram Case and Participant Index (CPI).

Clients may be added to a SEF as part of the initial creation of the case. Additional clients may be added to the SEF at later dates. Clients may also be removed from the SEF. The SEF retains a history of the addition and removal of clients.