Selecting a Life Event

The Citizen Account provides a citizen with a list of configured life events. A citizen can select a life event by choosing the My Information option in the account and selecting Update My Information. Common life events are displayed first. An agency can specify that a configured life event is common in UA life event administration. A life event is considered common if it is an event that may happen frequently in citizens lives, for example, having a baby, getting married, moving house. Displaying a list of common life events aims to prevent the user from having to search from a long list of life events to find the information required.

If a citizen cannot find the required life event in the list of common life events, a list of all configured life events is also provided. Life events can be categorized in UA administration so that a life event can be identified easily. For example, changing jobs, income changes and change of address life events could be categorized under 'Employment'. If a life event is neither common or categorized it is displayed in a General section.

A description of the category and the life event are provided so that a citizen can identify which life event will provide the information they need. The description of the category and the life event are configurable in UA life event administration.

On selection of a life event, a citizen is brought to a page which provides more information about the life event selected and also allows the citizen to submit information to agencies which relate to the selected life event.

Life events may also be informational i.e. They can be used to provide information to the citizen such as links to useful websites. This information can be defined in UA life event administration.