Related Node (Optional)

The developer adds a Related node for every possible related type that the evidence entity has. The Related relationship is used to relate evidence entities to non-evidence entities.

Note: Note that currently the generator only supports relating to the core Employment entity, and as such that is the only option.

The Related Node can contain zero to many ParticipantType Nodes.

Table 1. Related Node Attributes
Attribute Mandatory Possible Values Description
to Yes Any valid non evidence entity name The entity that the entity is related to.

ParticipantType Node (Optional)

The ParticipantType node defines a case participant role type, to use when relating a non evidence record to the evidence one.

The system will find all participants registered on the case with the appropriate role type, and then list all records of the Related type for those participants, which can then be chosen to relate the evidence record to.

Table 2. ParticipantType Node Attributes
Attribute Mandatory Possible Values Description
type Yes Any valid case participant role type The case participant role types listed are used to relate the evidence entity type with the related, non-evidence entity. It facilitates navigating to the screen which lists the records the entity can be related to.