Relationships Node (Required)

This node is used to specify all relationship details about the entity. Entities can have 0..n relationships of type Parent, Child, Mandatory Parents, Pre Association or Related.

Parent Node (Optional)

The developer adds a Parent node for every possible parent type that the evidence entity has.

Table 1. Parent Node Attributes
Attribute Mandatory Possible Values Description
name Yes Any valid evidence entity name The logical name of the parent evidence entity.

Mandatory Parents Node (Optional)

In the case where an entity has multiple parents, which must all be specified, the <Parent> elements should be wrapped in an outer <MandatoryParents> element as follows:

  <Parent name="Parent1"/>
  <Parent name="Parent2"/>

Child Node (Optional)

The developer adds a Child node for every possible child type that the evidence entity has.

Table 2. Child Node Attributes
Attribute Mandatory Possible Values Description
name Yes Any valid evidence entity name The logical name of the child evidence entity.

PreAssociation Node (Optional)

The developer adds a PreAssociation node where the entity needs to be associated with another entity before creation so that related attributes from the associated entity may be displayed on the create screen

Table 3. PreAssociation Node Attributes
Attribute Mandatory Possible Values Description
to Yes Any valid entity name The evidence type that the entity is associated 'to'.