Generic Search Server related properties in the Cúram application

These properties are the application system properties and can be administered in the usual way via the property administration in the application. All of the relevant properties are available under the Category called "Application - Lucene enhanced search parameters". A full list of these properties may be found in Configuration Properties

Table 1. Cúram Generic Search Server Related Properties
Property Name Description
curam.lucene.luceneEnhancedSearchEnabled Default: "NO". By default, all Generic Search Server functionality is disabled. In order to enable it, you must set this property to "YES" to turn on enhanced search. Unless this is set to "YES", no enhanced searches will be available.
curam.lucene. luceneOnlineSynchronizationEnabled Default: "NO". To enable the event publishing mechanism that makes changes in searchable data available to the Search Server you must set this property to "YES". Unless this is done, inserts and updates to searchable data will not be propagated to the Search Server.
curam.lucene.externalUpdateEventsEnabled Default: "NO". To ensure that if any search service related data is updated externally, then the external system receives related update synchronization events to synchronization the searchable data, in case if property "curam.lucene.luceneOnlineSynchronizationEnabled" is not enabled. Enabling this property has same impact as enabling "curam.lucene.luceneOnlineSynchronizationEnabled" on the application. To enable property "curam.lucene.externalUpdateEventsEnabled" set this property to "YES".

Finally, each search that supports Enhanced Search has a property that determines whether it uses the Generic Search Server or the database. This allows each organisation to choose on a per-search basis which enhanced searches to use.