Agenda Player Configuration

The Agenda Player can be configured by adding/modifying entries in AgendaConfig.xml. A version of this file should be in your components directory.

The following is an example of the Agenda Player configuration file contents:

  <PLAYER ID="DefaultConfig" TITLE="Default.Title"
           MODE="incremental" CONFIRM-QUIT="false"/>
  <PLAYER ID="Claimant.Config" TITLE="Claimant.Title"
           NAVIGATOR-HIDDEN="true" MODE="incremental"

The attributes that can be used for particular configuration (PLAYER element) are as follows.

Table 1. Attributes of the PLAYER element
Attribute Description
ID The ID of this particular configuration (referred to by CONFIG attribute of FIELD element in UIM which contains Agenda Player).
TITLE Title key for Agenda Player title, displayed on its header. This key is used to look up customized/localized title from appropriate properties file as described in Agenda Player Customization.
MODE This attribute allows for specifying Agenda Player navigation mode. It might have values of basic, incremental or full, incremental being the default one, used if the attribute is skipped in an configuration.
NAVIGATOR-HIDDEN When this attribute is specified and set to true, Agenda Player will be displayed in Claimant View (see above).
CONFIRM-QUIT This attribute can be used to display a confirmation dialog when a user clicks on the Cancel button. When present and set to true, a confirmation dialog will be displayed to confirm the user's intention to quit the Agenda Player or to cancel and return to the player.