Mileage Reimbursement Example

Social Enterprise agencies provide mileage reimbursement to clients who are participating in scheduled activities as part of a service plan, e.g. job search or job placement. The agency will pay the participant mileage at a specified rate if they use their own vehicle for traveling to a scheduled activity. Most agencies pay mileage at a specified rate up to a maximum amount e.g. $200 per month. This type of requirement is typically implemented in the application using a product delivery case. Therefore the addition of a Mileage Reimbursement plan item to a service plan should result in the creation of a product delivery. The product delivery is used to pay the client the appropriate amount in respect of the mileage claimed. This document is primarily concerned with the design of the integration between the product delivery case and the service plan; the elements of design specific to the product delivery case (i.e. the evidence and rules) are beyond the scope of this document and are not considered.