Viewing Mileage Reimbursement Plan Item Details

We have already discussed how the addition of a plan item to a service plan can result in the creation of a product delivery case. However, the integration between the plan item and the case should not end at that point. To provide full integration between the plan item and the product delivery case, the user should be able to maintain the critical aspects of the product delivery case from the plan item. Therefore the view page designed to display the details of the plan item, should also display the most pertinent case information. In addition, the user should be able to maintain this case information from the plan item details page (this same information should also be maintainable on the case).

The most important information on the Mileage Reimbursement product delivery is the distance traveled by the client and therefore the mileage claimed. The addition of this information is also the most common processing that will occur in respect of the case. Therefore, the plan item details page should display this information and provide the user with the ability to enter it. While the details may need to be visible from the plan item, the full case management facilities will always be available. A hyperlink could be added for easy acceses to the Mileage Reimbursement product delivery. This page may be opened by the user before the case has been created, i.e. the plan item (or service plan) has not been approved. In this instance there will be no case related information to display. An informational could be returned to inform the user that the case has not yet been created.