How It Works

This section describes how fixed processing by the Engine and custom processing combine to calculate and display decision details.

The calculation and display of a determination involves a mixture of:

The list of display categories are configured at a product level; in other words, the strip of display category tabs available for a determination are the same no matter which product period contributes to a coverage period.

Note that for any display category, it is not mandatory to configure decision details rules for your product periods; any or all of your product periods can opt not to use decision details rules for a display category, and if so the Engine will display a message on the screen to say that no details are available. This situation can arise if a change in legislation means that a new display category must be introduced for a product, yet only new (later) product periods need to display details for that category (because that category of details are simply not relevant to an earlier period).

For example, let's say that a product is implemented which has a means test against a household's income. The product is configured to show an "Income" decision details tab which provides details of how the total income for the household was derived. However, in 2010 legislation changed so that from 2010 onwards, the means test includes the value of a household's assets as well as total income. To implement the new legislation, the following steps would be taken:

The Engine follows the following high-level steps to arrive at decision details that can be displayed to a case worker:

The data interfaces and implementation for calculation of decision details, and subsequent display of decision details are described in more detail below.