Calculation of Decision Details

The system of interfaces and implementations follows a similar pattern to that for eligibility/entitlement calculations (see Calculation of Eligibility and Entitlement) and key decision factors Calculation of Key Decision Factors; however, given the free-form structure of decision details data, there are some important differences which are described throughout this section.

The responsibilities for calculating a case's decision details are divided between fixed implementations provided by the application and custom implementations for a product (some of which must adhere to application-shipped interfaces).

Sections A and G describe a layer of fixed implementations similar to that of the eligibility/entitlement calculations, and contribute to calculating and storing the overall determination result, which also holds the decision details. Although not described below, this layer also includes the calculation of contributing product periods.

The processing described in sections B, C, D, E, and F represents a layer that results in rule objects that are created in-memory only and are not stored on the database. Similar to eligibility/entitlement calculations, section B and D describes a fixed interface shipped by the Engine and sections C, E, and F describe custom product-specific processing.

Although not described below, there is also a final layer similar to that described in Calculation of Eligibility and Entitlement that is responsible for the creation of rule objects that are retrieved by the custom product-specific processing described in section F.

This section describes the important interfaces and implementations involved in the calculation of the decision details that form part of a determination result.