Considering Nominees

For an overpayment correction, the nominee on the Payment Correction case will be the primary client of the original benefit case and the nominee delivery pattern will be 'Once-off by Invoice'.

For an underpayment correction the nominee on the Payment Correction case will be same as the nominee underpaid on the original benefit case. If this is different to the primary client, a second nominee will be added to the Payment Correction case to support this. The nominee delivery pattern will be 'Once-off by X' (where X is the delivery method of that nominee on the original benefit case). A new nominee can also be added to the underpayment case and assigned to the benefit underpayment component, however unlike regular benefit cases, the payment cannot be split between multiple nominees over different period of times because an underpayment is a single once off payment. In order for a different nominee to receive the underpayment, the date range of the component assignment must cover the entire cover period of the benefit underpayment component. If the date range of the component assignment does not cover the entire cover period, then the original nominee will still receive the entire underpayment.

For a net zero payment correction, the nominee on the Payment Correction case will be the primary client of the original benefit case and the nominee delivery pattern will be 'Once-off by X' (where X is the delivery method of that nominee on the original benefit case).

In the example, the Engine has determined that an overpayment correction is required. The nominee on the financial component will be the primary client of the original benefit case and the nominee delivery pattern will be 'Once-off by Invoice'.