How It Works

For a payment correction, the generation of the financial schedules is normally a two step process. First a product delivery case is created and the reassessment information is used to create the evidence for the case. When that case is subsequently activated the evidence is used as the basis for the financial schedules.

An alternative process is possible for an underpayment correction. With this approach it is possible to deliver the underpayment on the original benefit case, rather than using a separate underpayment case. In this situation the reassessment information is still used to create the evidence, but the necessary financial component(s) are created immediately afterwards.

There are a number of factors taken into consideration when deciding how to represent a payment correction as a financial schedule. These include the payment correction type determined by the reassessment, the product used to deliver the payment correction, the number of components included in the reassessment, and various administration and product settings. The following sections provide more information on each of these factors.