Payment Messages

This message type creates messages based on the payments issued, canceled etc for a citizen. These messages are persisted to the database. They replace each other, for example, if a payment is issued and then canceled, the payment issued message will be replaced with a payment canceled message. The properties file EJBServer\components\CitizenWorkspace\data\initial\blob\prop\ contains the properties for financial message text, message parameters, links and images. This properties file is stored in the resource store. This resource is registered under the resource name CitizenMessageMyPayments. To change the message text of financial messages, or to remove placeholders or change links, a new version of this file must be uploaded into the resource store. The table below describes the messages created when various events related to payments occur in the system, and the property in that relates to each message created.

Table 1. Payment messages and related properties
Payment event Message Property
First payment issued on a case Message.First.Payment
Latest payment issued Message.Payment.Latest
Last payment issued Message.Last.Payment
Payment canceled Message.Cancelled.Payment
Payment reissued Message.Reissue.Payment
Payment stopped (case suspended) Message.Stopped.Payment
Payment / Case unsuspended Message.Unsuspended.Payment

Customization of the Payment Messages Expiry Date

The number of days the payment for which the message will be displayed to the citizen can be configured using a system property. By default the property value is set to 10 days, however, this can overridden from property administration.

Table 2. Payment message expiry property
Name Description
curam.citizenaccount.payment.message.expiry.days The number of days the payment message will be displayed to the participant.