Run a Script

In order to run an IEG script the script definition and the associated schema definition must be uploaded into the system. There are a number of ways this can be done which will be covered later in this guide. The most straightforward way to upload the definitions is via the administration screens in the Intelligent Evidence Gathering section of the Administration Workspace.

To gain access to the IEG administration screens, you will need to log in as an admin user. Once logged in, you will see a section in your shortcuts panel called Intelligent Evidence Gathering and when you click on it you will see a menu for 'IEG' which contains a link called 'Scripts'. If you click on this, you will see a page that contains a list of the IEG scripts currently in the system and various links to allow you to perform activities on these scripts.

At the top of the 'Scripts' page is an 'Import' link which lets you upload, or import, a new IEG script definition.

Similarly, if you click on the 'Datastore Schemas' link of the menu for 'IEG' you will see a page that contains a list of the DS schemas currently in the system. At the top of the 'Datastore Schemas' page, there is also an 'Import' link which lets you upload, or import, a new schema definition.

For convenience, IEG provides a type of test harness that allows IEG scripts to be tested without having to integrate them into the Cúram application. The test harness does have some limitations but it allows most scripts to be tested as soon as they are uploaded into the system. IEG scripts may be run either in a tab or in a modal window via the admin screens.

A script can be run using either the 'Run' or 'Run in Modal' options for the script from the 'Scripts' page. As there is no explicit association between an IEG script and a DS schema, when you select the option to run a script you will then be asked to select a schema from a dropdown with which to execute the script. Clicking on the 'Run Script' button will cause the IEG Player to launch and you will be presented with the first page of the script.