Validating a Script

When a script is executed via the admin screens in this way, the script is validated before it is executed. You may also choose the 'Validate' option for the script from the 'Scripts' page. All scripts should be validated before they are executed. If the script fails validation, a list of validation errors will be displayed. The validation errors must be addressed before the script can be run from the 'Scripts' page.

Fill in some sample data on the first page of the script and select the Next button. Now this same sample data should be displayed on the summary page. The answers are not modifiable but an edit link is provided to jump back to the page where that data was entered.

Please note, pressing the Next button in the IEG Player on the summary page of the script that has been implemented in this example will cause an error to be displayed. This is because not all the properties of the script have been defined. The required properties will be covered later in this guide.