Working with Client Applications

HCR makes use of Cúram Intake (CI) functionality to provide case workers with the tools they need to effectively process and manage applications in a swift and expedient manner by providing the link between the application and case management. For further information on Cúram Intake, please consult the Cúram Intake guide. The HCR solution takes advantage of the flexibility afforded in Cúram Intake.

A case type of Application Case has been defined to specifically meet the requirements for processing applications. As evidence changes over time it becomes impossible to differentiate between application evidence and any other evidence updates on an integrated case. The application case type addresses these and other issues.

For HCR, application cases are used to manage any of the options that an individual or employee can apply for, including applications for insurance affordability assistance, application for exemptions from the mandate to purchase health insurance, applications for individuals who proceed to shop directly for insurance without financial assistance, and employees who are applying for employer-sponsored coverage.

Each of these application processes have been separated out from the insurance affordability application onto their own case types meaning they are configured with the specific evidence types and verifications required only by those applications. For example, an application to shop in the exchange without assistance does not require the capturing of any income information, nor any verification requirements relating to income. The application is specifically designed to capture non-financial information such as state residency and citizenship so that applicants can be determined eligible to purchase QHPs through the exchange. All of these application types map onto a single Insurance Affordability integrated case type for the household. The application case types that are available are: