Loading Data

It should be noted that the execution scripts shipped for the Oracle environment are present to help developers and testers executing ETL processes. These are not intended for production environments.

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to...\Reporting\components. Run "build run.staging.all". Check that the staging tables have data. Specifically the S_ETLCONTROL table should have date/time stamps.
  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to...\Reporting\components. Run "build run.central.all". Check that the central tables have data. Specifically the DW_ETLCONTROL table should have date/time stamps.
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to...\Reporting\components. Run "build run.datamarts.all". Check that the datamart tables have data. Specifically the DM_ETLCONTROL table should have date time stamps.
  4. Open a command prompt and navigate to...\Reporting\components\Core. Run "build run.datamarts.operational. aggregates". Note that the purpose of this command is to run the aggregate ETL's on a monthly basis. As a result this command will only execute on the last day of a month.

    This command executes the following ETL's:


    Before running them, please set the environment.datamart.aggmonth.start/end dates to the required dates in the application.properties file, otherwise the ETL's will run for every month from 1934 till now (Default date set in Application.properties file).

  5. The command "build run.all" aggregates the commands in point 1 to 3(above). Use this command on a regular basis (e.g. nightly).

Note : If the ETL processes were not deployed successfully they cannot execute correctly. Please note that any messages from the build targets stating "deployed successfully" may be misleading. OWB does not report errors in deployment when deploying from the command line, use the control center to verify all ETL processes are successfully deployed.

Appendix C "Build Script Commands" contains an overview of the build commands available with regards to executing ETL processes. The command "run.all" runs all ETL processes, please note that ETL processes are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Control ETL Processes: These are ETL processes that do not need to be executed with each batch run, and possibly should not be executed with each batch run (depending on your requirements). The control ETL process populate control tables which only need to be populated once, and thereafter the tables only need to be populated when new ETL processes are added to the system, other control ETL process only update table which contain data that changes infrequently
  2. Operational ETL processes:These are the ETL process that must be executed for each batch run as the extract from the transactional tables within the Curam database schema.

If your primary requirement is to verify operational data extracts, we recommend that the following jobs be executed as part of your batch run: