Oracle Environment

This section describes the steps required to install and setup the reporting solution for Oracle. An assumption is made that the developer is familiar with the tools for the Oracle database platform.

There are two possible configuration options when setting up Reporting for Oracle:

  1. The Reporting component, OWB client and Oracle server (hosting the Repository owner and Reporting schema's) reside on one machine.
  2. The Reporting component and OWB client reside on one machine, and the Oracle server (hosting the Repository owner and Reporting schema's) reside on a remote machine.

When setting up a Reporting sand box environment Option 1 is recommended as it is a more straight forward and simple configuration. However, if you are constrained by your local configuration and must use an existing Oracle server then Option 2 is possible.

Note: Regardless of which option is chosen the Staging and Central schemas must exist on the same Oracle instance. We also recommend that the Datamart schema is put on the same instance.