Data Definition XML Files

These generated files were briefly introduced in Under the Hood. The .xml files describe the database tables and the constraints that should be placed on them.

Data Definition XML Files, shows a sample table definition. An entity can have any number of attribute elements. Not all elements will have all the attributes (the size attribute is only present for strings and Large Objects).

Figure 1. Table Definitions
  <entity tablename="Fully qualified tablename"
    <attribute ddltype="DD Type from the UML Model"
               notnull="Indicator whether Nulls are allowed"
               size="Size qualifier for the DDL Type"

Data Definition XML Files, shows a sample foreign key constraint. There can be any number of key, association and foreignkeypair elements.

Note: If foreign keys are applied to a DB2 for z/OS database by the Data Manager manual intervention will be required to move the tables from the check_pending state. Please consult with your local Database Administrator (DBA) to resolve this.
Figure 2. Foreign Key Constraints
   <association tablename="Local Table name"
                othertablename="Remote table name"
     <foreignkeypair localfield="Local field name"
                     remotefield="Remote field name"/>

Data Definition XML Files, shows a sample primary key constraint. There can be any number of key and attribute elements.

Figure 3. Primary Key Constraints
  <key tablename="Fully qualified tablename">
    <attribute keyname="Field name"/>

Data Definition XML Files, shows a sample index constraint. There can be any number of index and indexattribute elements.

Figure 4. Index Constraints
    <indexdetails tablename="Fully qualified tablename"
                  indexname="Name for the Index" >
      <indexattribute attribute="Field name"/>

Data Definition XML Files, shows a sample Unique Constraint. This can have any number of constraint, association and attribute elements as necessary.

Figure 5. Unique Constraints
    <association tablename="fully qualified tablename">
      <attribute field="field name on table for constraint">

Data Definition XML Files, shows a sample of the metadata that is generated to support the batch processes that have been modeled by the developer. There may be any number of batch processes which have any number of parameters.

Figure 6. Batch Metadata
  <batch process="Process Name"
         operation="Operation Name"
         application="Application Name"
    <parameter name="Parameter name"
               type="Domain Type"/>

Data Definition XML Files, shows a sample of the metadata that is generated to support the security that has been modeled by the developer. There may be any number of function identifiers (FIDs).

Figure 7. Security Metadata
    name="Function identifier name"
    operation="Operation to allow access to"
    fidenabled="Indicate whether enabled by default or not"
    iswebservice="Indicate whether this is a web service"

Data Definition XML Files, shows a sample of the metadata that is generated to support the field level security that has been modeled by the developer. There may be any number of fields returned.

Figure 8. Field Level Security Metadata
     operationname="Function identifier name"
     fieldname="Field name"
     sidname="Associated SID"