
Refer to User Interface Element 1.4 in Introduction to see an example of a fully configured application search in the User Interface.

The application search, is defined using the application-search element. In its simplest form, the application-search element requires two attributes, which are used when there is only one type of search and no combo box is to be displayed:

Table 1. Attributes of the application-search Element
Attribute Description
default-search-page Optional.

A reference to the UIM page that will be displayed when the search button is clicked.

When this attribute is used, it is assumed there is only one type of search and no search type combo box is displayed.

initial-text Optional.

The text to be displayed in the text entry field as a prompt. This text should describe what type of information can be provided for the search, e.g. Enter a participant reference number.

The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file.

The application-search element supports two child elements, detailed in Table 2, which are used for more complex style searches.

Table 2. Supported Child Elements of the application-search Element
Element Description
search-pages Optional.

Defines multiple types of search. See search-pages for more information.

further-options-link Optional.

Defines a link to a more advanced search page. See further-options-link for more information.


The search-pages element is used when multiple search types are required, e.g. Person, Case, or types of search, e.g. Person Surname, Person Reference Number. Each search type is listed in a combo box and a different prompt is displayed in the text entry field depending on the selected entry in the combo box.

The search-pages element supports the child elements detailed in Table 3.

Table 3. Supported Child Elements of the search-pages Element
Element Description
search-page 1..n.

Defines a single search type. The attributes of the search-page element are defined in Table 4.

Note: Where the search-pages element is used to define multiple types of search, the initial-text and default-search-page must not be specified.
Table 4. Attributes of the search-page Element
Attribute Description
type Mandatory.

The unique identifier for the type of search. It will be passed as a parameter (searchType) to the UIM page invoked when the application search is performed.

description Mandatory.

The text to be displayed for the search option in the combo box. The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file.

page-id Mandatory.

A reference to a UIM page that will be displayed when the search button is clicked.

initial-text Mandatory.

The text to be displayed as a prompt in the text entry field when that business object is selected in the combo box. The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file.

default Optional.

A boolean indicating if this entry is the default entry to be selected in the combo box. One, and only one, entry should have the default specified as true.

Note: Blank values are not allowed in the search type combo box, so if the user requires a generic search (i.e. across all business objects), they must provide configuration data for this. For example, a business object of "All" linked to a page that will carry out the search across all the business objects that have been defined.

Search pages are linked using a reference to the UIM page to be opened when the search button is clicked. The UIM pages defined for a search can expect a number of parameters to be passed to them and used as part of the search:

For more information on creation of UIM pages see UIM Reference


In addition to multiple search types, the application search also supports a link to a more advanced search page. This is specified using the further-options-link element, which requires the following attributes:

Table 5. Attributes of the further-options Element
Attribute Description
description Mandatory.

The text of the link. The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file.

page-id Mandatory.

A reference to a UIM page that will be displayed when the link is clicked. This UIM page should require no page parameters.