
An application is defined by creating an XML file with the extension .app in the clientapps directory. The root XML element in the .app file is the application element and the attributes allowed on this element are defined in Definition. The application banner is configured using these attributes.

Table 1. Attributes of the application Element
Attribute Description
id Mandatory.

The unique identifier for the application, which must match the name of the file. This id matches to an APPLICATION_CODE entry and is used to determine the application to display for a particular user.

See Associate an Application with User for more information.

title Optional.

The text for the title that will be displayed as part of the application banner. The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file.

sub-title Optional.

The text for the subtitle that will be displayed as part of the application banner. The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file.

user-message Optional.

The text for the welcome message that will be displayed as part of the application banner. The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file.

The text can contain a placeholder, %user-full-name, which will be replaced with the users full name. The full name is determined based on the FirstName and Surname fields on the Users database table.

hide-tab-container Optional.

When set to true, this indicates that there is only one section in the application and the section tab should not be displayed. The default is false.

header-type Optional.

This indicates that an additional header is to be used and what type of content will be provided. The values supported are static and dynamic.

See Optional Header for more information.

header-source Optional.

A reference to the source that will be used as an additional header. The value of this depends on the value of header-type. For static content, the attribute should reference a filename of a file in the resource store. For dynamic content, the attribute should reference a custom widget.

See Optional Header for more information.

The application element supports the child elements detailed in Definition.

Table 2. Supported Child Elements of the application Element
Element Description
section-ref 1..n.

The application must contain a minimum of one section-ref element. Each section-ref element references a section to be included in the application. See section-ref for more information.

application-menu Optional.

Allows for the optional addition of links to the application banner. The links supported include the user preferences editor, application logout and help. See application-menu for more information.

application-search Optional.

Allows for the optional addition of a quick search facility on the application banner. See application-search for more information.