Viewing Provider Details

To allow a citizen to choose a provider which best suits their need, additional provider information is provided. This information is accessed by selecting the appropriate icon on the map. Provider details are displayed to a citizen i.e. Contact information, a map showing the providers location, and information which may be relevant to the citizen, for example, the documents a citizen may need to bring to a provider to receive a service.

The following table describes each of these areas:

Table 1. Provider Details
Information Description
Service Information The name and description of the service.
Contact Information The providers name, address, phone number, email address and website are displayed. Important client information is also shown here, for example, opening hours. This is recorded as Client Information in Cúram Provider Management (CPM).
Other Services Additional services that the provider provides are listed.
Specialties Provider specialties are areas of provider expertise or experience, for example, they may be Spanish speaking or they may work with disabled citizens.
Intake Procedure Providers may have a specific intake procedure, for example, the client may have to go into the providers office to apply rather than applying online.
Eligibility In order to receive a particular service from the selected provider, there may be eligibility criteria, for example, the client may need to be over 18.
Accreditations An accreditation is a certification of competency provided by third parties which states that the provider is meeting their formal standards required to deliver a service. For example, the National Association of Child Care Professionals is a third party which gives accreditation to child care providers for their early care programs.
Fees The amount of money a citizen may have to pay to receive the service.
Areas Served The provider may only serve particular areas within a city/region.
Documents Needed The citizen may need to bring documentation in order to receive a service from a provider, for example, a birth certificate or drivers license.

For information on configuring provider details see the Cúram Provider Management Business Guide.

The provider details page also allows a citizen to print the providers details, get directions to the providers location and also to contact the provider using the Refer Me link.