Mapping Provider Locations

When the results page opens initially a number of services may be preselected and the locations of the providers of the preselected services are displayed on the map. Preselecting a number of services will prevent potentially hundreds of providers being displayed on the map which may confuse the citizen. A system property is provided to dictate the number of services which are preselected, for example, if the preconfigured number is set to 10 and more than 10 services are returned, then the first 10 services are preselected; if the preconfigured number is set to 10 and 10 services or less are returned then all the services are preselected. Note: The user is not prevented from selecting more than 10 services.

In order for the map to display providers specific to an agency's and a citizen's location, a number of configuration settings are provided which dictate the area of the map to display initially, for example, a configuration setting is provided which will allow an agency to define a central point which means that the map will open at this central point.

A zoom level can also be configured which dictates the zoom level of the map when the results page is initially displayed. Setting the zoom level is important as it dictates whether the icons representing the providers are visible or not - setting it too high will show a very large area, a state for example, means that the icons representing providers are not displayed. A citizen will not be able to identify service providers unless they manually zoom in. Setting the zoom level at a low level will mean that only a small number of providers are visible making it difficult for a citizen to see all providers close to them.

The citizen is also provided with the ability to search for providers in a particular area, for example, if the citizen specifies 'Springfield' all providers of the services listed in the Springfield area will be displayed on the map. The search is supported by a configuration setting known as the geocoding bias which dictates the north/south/east/west boundaries of the map to display when a citizen searches for a location. This is useful when a citizen searches for a location which may exist in multiple locations on the map i.e. there are a number of towns called 'Springfield'. The geocoding bias dictates which 'Springfield' to display. Additionally, providers whose addresses are located outside of the boundary defined by the bias are not displayed on the map.

The following table outlines how the map reacts to various actions performed by a citizen:

Table 1. User interactions with the map
Citizen Action Map Reaction
Citizen specifies a location that cannot be found The map does not change but a message is displayed to the citizen indicating that their location cannot be found.
Citizen specifies a location that can be found Icons for service providers are displayed as long as the location entered brings the map to a zoom level which allows provider icons to be visible.
Citizen specifies a location that exists multiple times The map does not change but a message is displayed to the citizen indicating that they need to refine their search by specifying the state or zip code.
Citizen zooms out If the citizen zooms out past the zoom level at which icons can be displayed, the icons will disappear. A message will be displayed to indicate that they need to zoom in to see the service providers.
Citizen drags the map to the left and right, up and down. Additional service providers are displayed if appropriate.

For more information on triage configuration settings, see the Cúram Universal Access Configuration Guide.