Property Settings

The following details the name/value pairs in the ws_inbound.xml property file, which are used to build services.xml descriptor files for a web service. These files are generated by default, but can also be customized as described in Providing Web Service Customizations.

These are the default properties produced by the IBM Cúram Social Program Management generator:

The fully qualified name of the web service class, from the Rational Software Architect model. This property should never be overridden and should always be provided by the generator.
The web service binding style, based on the Rational Software Architect class property WS_Binding_Style. Values: document (default) or rpc.
Indicator of a service class whose operations process W3C Documents, based on the Rational Software Architect class property WS_Is_XML_Document property. This property should always be determined by the generator. Values: true or false (default).

An example ws_inbound.xml property file that the generator would create is shown in Property Settings.

Figure 1. Sample Generated ws_inbound.xml Properties File

The following are the properties that can be provided and/or customized via a custom ws_inbound.xml property file:

The web service binding style. This property has no direct dependency on the Rational Software Architect model. It is used for passing the corresponding argument to the Apache Axis2 Java2WSDL tool. See also the description of the ws_binding_use property below.

Values: document (default) or rpc.

The web service binding use. It is used for passing the corresponding argument to the Axis2 Java2WSDL tool.

Values: literal (default) or encoded.

A username (see ws_service_password below) to be used for authentication by the IBM Cúram Social Program Management receiver. Not set by default as the default is to utilize a custom SOAP header for specifying authentication credentials. If specified, results in the corresponding descriptor parameter in services.xml being set.

Values: A valid Cúram user.

A password (see ws_service_username above) to be used for authentication by the Cúram receiver. Not set by default as the default is to utilize a custom SOAP header for specifying authentication credentials. If specified, results in the corresponding Axis2 descriptor parameter in services.xml being set.

Values: A valid password for the corresponding Cúram user.

An indicator as to whether custom SOAP headers are to be used for IBM Cúram Social Program Management web service client authentication. Should not be specified with ws_service_username and ws_service_password (above), but if specified this setting overrides, causing the credentials in those properties to be ignored. If specified, results in the corresponding Axis2 descriptor parameter in services.xml being set.

Values: true (default) or false.

An indicator as to whether this web service should be processed by the build system for generating and packing the service into the WAR file. Typically you would use this to temporarily disable a service from being built and thus exposed.

Values: true or false (default).

An example, custom ws_inbound.xml property file is shown in Property Settings.

Figure 2. Sample Custom ws_inbound.xml Properties File

When providing a custom ws_inbound.xml properties file place the file in your components/custom/axis/<service_name> directory (the <service_name> and class name must match). During the build the properties files are combined based on the following precedence order: