
<manual-activity id="1">
              <locale language="en">The following 
                case %1n for %1s must be approved</locale>
            <wdo-attribute wdo-name="TaskCreateDetails" 
            <wdo-attribute wdo-name=
          <action page-id="Case_viewHome" principal-action="false"
                  <locale language="en">
                    Case Home Page for case: %1n</locale>
                <wdo-attribute wdo-name="TaskCreateDetails" 
            <link-parameter name="childID">
              <wdo-attribute wdo-name="ChildDependents" 
            <link-parameter name="fullName">
              <wdo-attribute wdo-name="ChildDependents" 
          <action page-id="Person_confirmPersonDetails" 
                  <locale language="en">
                    Confirm Person Details for 
                      person: %1s</locale>
                <wdo-attribute wdo-name=
            <link-parameter name="identifier">
              <wdo-attribute wdo-name="
          <wdo-attribute wdo-name="TaskCreateDetails" 
This contains all of the details of a task including the message and details of the associated actions. The various metadata associated with a task are described below
This contains the details of the parameterized message. When a manual activity is executed, a task is created. When a user views their tasks in the inbox, this message represents the subject of that task.
This contains the details of the message text. The text of the subject can contain replaceable strings (%k), which will be replaced with the associated text parameters. A text parameter is a mapping to a workflow data object attribute. Parameter k in the list will replace %k in the text string, where k is the order of the parameter in the list. %k can be repeated within the string and thus each workflow data object attribute must only be mapped once. A format for the replaceable strings can optionally be specified by placing another letter after the replaceable string, e.g. %1d, where d will format the value as a date.
Table 1. Subject Text Data Conversion

Formatting Letter

Format As











This contains details of the localizable task message text. For more details of the localized text and associated metadata, see Localized Text.
A task message may have parameters associated with it. This contains the details of the workflow data object attribute parameters used to replace the placeholders in the associated text. For details on workflow data objects and workflow data object attributes see Workflow Data Objects.
This contains the details of all of the actions associated with the manual activity task. These actions are links to Cúram application pages where the work required to perform the task may be performed.
This contains the definition of a hyperlink to a Cúram page on which a task can be performed. The following fields associated with the task action are described below:
This represents the identifier of the target Cúram page on which a user can begin to perform the required action.
Actions may be defined as primary or secondary actions. Principal actions usually contain the links to the Cúram pages on which a user can begin to perform the actual required work. Secondary actions usually contain links to supporting information that the user assigned to do the work can refer to while carrying out the assigned task.
The pages linked from a task action may be specified to open in a modal dialog. If this indicator is set to true, then the page specified by the action link will be opened in a modal dialog. If set to false (the default) then the client infrastructure will decide how to open the link in the same fashion as it does with any other link in the application (i.e. if the page is part of a tab configuration, then it will open the appropriate tab - if not then it will just replace the action link home page in the content area of the current tab).
This contains the details of the parameterized message that is associated with the action to be performed, including the message text and the optional parameters that may be associated with the text.
The links to the Cúram pages where the actual work for the task will be performed must contain a page identifier (described above) and optional page parameters. These page parameters are described by this metadata and they represent a name/value pair where the name attribute is the name of a link parameter (the page parameter name in the associated Cúram client page) and the value is provided by a workflow data object attribute. The following field associated with the link parameter is described below:
The name of the link parameter.
This signifies that this action will represent a multiple occurring action. This means that if this metadata is specified for an action, the workflow engine will create one action record for each item in the list workflow data object specified as the multiple occurring action, when that activity is executed.

It should be noted that when the multiple occurring action is specified for an action, then an attribute from the associated list workflow data object must be used as a link parameter for the action.

The name of the list workflow data object for use with the multiple occurring action.
The value used in the action link parameter is provided by the workflow data object attribute mapping specified in this piece of metadata.
A task can optionally contain a priority and this metadata contains those details. The priority of a task be represented in either of the formats below:
In this instance, the priority is selected in the Process Definition Tool and is taken from the TaskPriority code-table.
The priority of a manual task can be mapped using a workflow data object attribute. The following metadata snippet provides an example of how this can be achieved:
<manual-activity id="1">
          <action page-id="Case_viewHome" principal-action="true">
            <wdo-attribute wdo-name="WorkflowTestWDO" 
This represents is a boolean flag used to indicate if the deadline (see Deadline) associated with the manual activity task may be overridden. Setting the value of this flag to true (the default is false) indicates that the deadline time can be changed after the task has been created by the workflow engine.
This is a boolean flag used to indicate if the task generated due the execution of the associated manual activity can be forwarded to another user. When a task is generated, it is allocated to an agent to carry out the work. Setting this flag to true (the default is true) allows that agent to forward that task to another agent to carry out the specified work.
This field allows an administration security identifier to be specified for a manual task. This allows a user in a group associated with the specified security identifier to modify the task details, although the task may be reserved by another user in the application.
This allows an initial comment mapping to be specified for the manual task. The value of the workflow data object attribute used in this mapping is used to place a record in the TaskHistory table when the associated manual activity is executed.