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  Deep Thunder Forecast for New York

Current Deep Thunder Forecast for New York
Clouds, Visibility and Winds at 16 km between Data Points


This animation is a visualization of the Deep Thunder forecast for the lowest-resolution nest at 16 km resolution focused on New York City.  Each time step corresponds to one hour of forecast time.  The specific data shown are for potential use for aviation applications.  A brown, translucent, three-dimensional surface is shown in vertical pressure coordinates, which corresponds to a boundary where the derived visibility is 10 km.  This visibility is based upon extinction properties of cloud water, ice and precipitation (i.e., Stoelinga-Warner, 1999).  This isosurface is not a cloud boundary.  Thus, the volume inside the surface represents relatively clear air, that is, visibility over 10 km.  If no surface is visible then there are no clouds predicted at that time step, and thus, the visibility is high.

At the bottom of the scene is a set of colored contours, typically in increments of 2 km, corresponding to the height in meters of the forecasted cloud base as shown in the color legend to the lower right.  Areas in gray imply no cloud data.  The cloud base contours are overlaid with maps of coastlines in black, state and national boundaries in white and rivers in blue.

The volume is marked at four locations with set of colored poles.  These locations correspond to major airports (1 = DCA, 2 = PHL, 3 = LGA, 4 = BOS).  The poles are color contoured by visibility using the color legend to the lower left.  If the poles are not visible, then there are no clouds forecast data along that vertical profile, and thus, the visibility is very good.  At each of 21 pressure levels, the horizontal wind is shown via arrows.  The arrows are colored by horizontal wind speed following the legend to the upper left.  The arrow length also corresponds to speed.


An animation as a set of individual JPEG images is shown above with one hour of forecast time between each frame.  Depending on your connection speed and that of your computer, the animation may take a few minutes to load and decompress in your browser.  When it is completed, the animation will play.  There are VCR-like controls under the animation to enable you to stop playback, play forward or backward, or step through the frames one at a time, control the speed of playback, etc.  If you are having problems viewing or interacting with this animation, make sure your browser has Javascript enabled.

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More Visualizations of the Current Forecast

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Recent High-Resolution Local Satellite Observations

Learn More about Deep Thunder

Learn More about how Deep Thunder Visualizes the Data Generated by the Weather Model

Current Weather Information and Predictions for New York City (from the National Weather Service)

Current Model Results from the National Weather Service

Recent High-Resolution Local Radar Observations

Evaluation of Recent Forecasts



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