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Working with Hyperion Essbase Files and Cross-Platform Environments

This chapter introduces the file types that Hyperion Essbase uses, describes operations that you can perform on Hyperion Essbase files, and discusses some of the issues that you face when working with Hyperion Essbase files on different platforms.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Go to top About Hyperion Essbase File Types

The following table lists the file types that Hyperion Essbase uses to store applications and databases:

Table 49-1: Hyperion Essbase File Types for Applications and Databases  

File Extension Description
alg Spreadsheet audit historical information
apb Backup of application file
app Application file, defining the name and location of the application and other application settings
arc Archive file
atx Spreadsheet audit transaction
chg Outline synchronization change file
csc Hyperion Essbase calc script
db Database file, defining the name, location, and other database settings
dbb Backup of database file
dbf dBASE data file
ddb Partitioning definition file
ddm Temporary partitioning file
ddn Temporary partitioning file
esm Hyperion Essbase kernel file, containing control information that is used for database recovery
esr Temporary database root file
esn Temporary Hyperion Essbase kernel file
ind Hyperion Essbase index file
inn Temporary Hyperion Essbase index file
log Server or application log file
lro Linked reporting object file that is linked to a data cell
lst Cascade table of contents or list of files to back up
mdx dBASE multiple index file
ocl Database change log
ocn Incremental restructuring file
oco Incremental restructuring file
olb Backup of outline change log
olg Outline change log
otl Hyperion Essbase outline file
otm Temporary Hyperion Essbase outline file
otn Temporary Hyperion Essbase outline file
oto Incremental restructuring file
pag Hyperion Essbase database data (page) file
pan Temporary Hyperion Essbase database data (page) file
rep Hyperion Essbase report script
rul Hyperion Essbase data load rules file
scr Hyperion Essbase ESSCMD script
sel Saved member select file
str Exported Hyperion Essbase outline file
tct Hyperion Essbase database transaction control file
tcu Temporary database transaction control file
trc Trace file, created on rare occasions by an internal Hyperion Essbase diagnostic utility. Trace files can be created only if a dump file exists in the Hyperion Essbase directory.
txt ASCII text file, such as a data file to load or a text document to link as a linked reporting object
wk4 Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet file
xcp Exception error log file
xls Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file

The following table lists the types of Hyperion Essbase files that are stored in the \ESSBASE\BIN directory:

Table 49-2: Hyperion Essbase File Types in the \ESSBASE\BIN Directory  

File Extension Description
12a Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3
bak Backup of security file
bnd Microsoft ODBC file for SQL server installation using a DB2 database
cfg Hyperion Essbase configuration file
cnt Online help contents file
cpl Microsoft ODBC driver for Windows platforms
dll Microsoft Windows Dynamic Link Library
exe Executable file
hlp Online help file
ico Icon bitmap image
lck Hyperion Essbase lock file
lic License information file for ODBC
mdb Message database file
sec Security file
sl HP-UX shared library file
so Solaris shared library file
xll Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Microsoft Excel

The following table lists the types of Hyperion Essbase files that are stored in the \ESSBASE\API sub-directories:

Table 49-3: Hyperion Essbase File Types in the \ESSBASE\API Directory

File Extension Description
a UNIX static library file
bas Microsoft Visual Basic program source file, containing header definitions for the Hyperion Essbase API
h C or C++ header file, containing header definitions for the Hyperion Essbase API
lib C or C++ program library
lwp LAN Workplace network library
np Named Pipes network library
tcp TCP/IP network library
w95 Windows 95 Windows Socket network library

Go to top Operating on Applications, Databases, and Related Objects

You can use Hyperion Essbase Application Manager to copy, rename, delete, and lock each of the following:

Hyperion Essbase stores each application as a collection of files in the Hyperion Essbase application directory (for example,\ESSBASE\APP\appname)on the server. Hyperion Essbase stores each database as a collection of files on the database directory of the server (for example,\ESSBASE\APP\appname\dbname).

Files that are related to applications and databases are called objects. The common types of objects are outlines, calc scripts, report scripts, rules files, and data sources. You typically store objects on the server in the appname or dbname directory or on the client machine under the \ESSBASE\CLIENT\appname or dbname directory.

In addition to the standard object types, Hyperion Essbase also supports the following objects:

Go to top Copying an Application

When you copy an application, Hyperion Essbase copies all files associated with the application to the destination application. Before copying, make sure that you have enough disk space to contain a full copy of the application, databases, and related files.

To copy an application in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager:
  1. Connect to the server on which the application resides.
  2. From the Application Desktop window, select the application.
  3. Select Application > Copy. The following dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 49-1: Application Copy Dialog Box

  4. In the Application text box, enter the name of the copy of the application.
  5. Click OK. Hyperion Essbase creates a new application and a new database directory structure on the server under the\ESSBASE\APP directory.
You can also use create application in MaxL or the COPYAPP command in ESSCMD to perform this task. For more information, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Renaming an Application

When you rename an application, the application and the application directory (ESSBASE\APP\appname) are renamed. All objects within the application (for example databases or calc scripts) with the same name as the application are not renamed.

To rename an application in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager:
  1. Connect to the server on which the application resides.
  2. From the Application Desktop window, select the application.
  3. Select Application > Rename. The following dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 49-2: Rename Application Dialog Box

  4. In the To text box, enter the new name for the application. The name can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
  5. Click OK. Hyperion Essbase renames the application and directory name under the\ESSBASE\APP directory.
You can also use alter application in MaxL or the RENAMEAPP command in ESSCMD to perform this task. For more information, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Deleting an Application

When you delete an application, all objects within the application are also deleted. The\ESSBASE\APP\appname directory and all files located in the directory are deleted.

To delete an application in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager:
  1. Connect to the server on which the application resides.
  2. From the Application Desktop window, select the application.
  3. Select Application > Delete. The following dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 49-3: Confirm Delete Dialog Box for Applications

  4. Click Yes or No.
You can also use drop application in MaxL or the DELETEAPP command in ESSCMD to perform this task. For more information, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Copying a Database

When you copy a database, all files associated with the database are also copied to the destination application. Before copying, make sure you have enough disk space to contain a full copy of the databases and of the related files.

To copy a database:
  1. Connect to the server on which the database resides.
  2. From the Application Desktop window, select the application that contains the database.
  3. Select the appropriate database in the selected application.
  4. Select Database > Copy. The following dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 49-4: Database Copy Dialog Box

  5. To copy the database to another database within the same application, in the Database text box type a new database name. Click OK.
  6. To copy the database to another database in a different application (the other application must already exist), from the Application list box, select the application name. Then type the name of the new database and click OK.
You can also use create database in MaxL or the COPYDB command in ESSCMD to perform this task. For more information, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Renaming a Database

When you rename a database, the database, the database directory (ESSBASE\APP\appname\dbname), and the outline file (.OTL) are renamed. All other objects in the database (for example, calc scripts) with the same name as the database are not renamed.

To rename a database:
  1. Connect to the server on which the application resides.
  2. From the Application Desktop window, select the application that contains the database.
  3. Select the appropriate database in the selected application.
  4. Select Database > Rename. The following dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 49-5: Rename Database Dialog Box

  5. In the To text box, enter the new name for the database.
  6. Click OK. Hyperion Essbase renames the database and the directory under the \ESSBASE\APP\appname directory.
You can also use alter database in MaxL or the RENAMEDB command in ESSCMD to perform this task. For more information, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Deleting a Database

When you delete a database, all objects within the database are also deleted. The \ESSBASE\APP\appname\dbname directory and all files located in the directory are deleted.

To delete a database:
  1. Connect to the server on which the application that contains the database resides.
  2. From the Application Desktop window, select the application that contains the database.
  3. Select the appropriate database in the selected application.
  4. Select Database > Delete. The following dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 49-6: Confirm Delete Dialog Box for Databases

  5. Click Yes or No.
You can also use drop database in MaxL or the DELETEDB command in ESSCMD to perform this task. For more information, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Copying Objects

Objects related to databases or applications are outlines, calc scripts, report scripts, rules files, and data sources. You can copy any of these objects, except outlines, to another application, database, server, or client location.

To copy an object:
  1. Connect to the server on which the object resides.
  2. From the Application Desktop window, select the application.
  3. Select the appropriate database in the selected application.
  4. In the Application Desktop window, click the button corresponding to the object file.
  5. Select File > Copy. The following dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 49-7: Copy to Server Object Dialog Box

  6. In the File Name text box, enter the name of the object.
  7. Select the server, application, and database names correspond to the destination of the new object.
  8. Click OK.

Go to top Renaming Objects

You can rename any object, except outlines. An outline always has the same name as the database, so you need to rename the database to rename the outline.

To rename an object:
  1. Connect to the server on which the object resides.
  2. From the Application Desktop window, select the application.
  3. Select the appropriate database in the selected application.
  4. In the Application Desktop window, click the button corresponding to the object file.
  5. Select File > Rename. The following dialog box displayed:

    Figure 49-8: Rename Object Dialog Box

  6. In the To text box, enter the new name.
  7. Click OK.

Go to top Deleting Objects

You can delete any object, except an outline. An outlines is a required part of a database, so you need to delete the database to delete the outline.

To delete an object:
  1. Connect to the server on which the object resides.
  2. From the Application Desktop window, select the application.
  3. Select the appropriate database in the selected application.
  4. In the Application Desktop window, click the button corresponding to the object file.
  5. Select File > Delete. The following dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 49-9: Confirm Delete Dialog Box for Objects

  6. Click Yes or No.

Go to top Locking and Unlocking Objects

Hyperion Essbase uses a check-out facility for server-based objects to ensure that no more than one user attempts to modify an object at one time. This section describes how to lock and unlock objects.

Note:   Locking objects is not the same as locking data blocks. The Hyperion Essbase Kernel handles locking for data blocks, but not for objects. See Ensuring Data Integrity for information about locking data blocks.

Locking Objects

By default, whenever a user opens a server-based object, Hyperion Essbase locks the object. If a second user attempts to open the same object, a message is displayed. The message indicates that the object is locked and tells the user who locked it.

You can avoid the lock error by unchecking "Lock file" in the Application Desktop window before attempting to open an object. This action essentially opens the file in read-only mode, and you cannot save any changes you make.

Unlocking Objects

There are two ways to unlock a previously locked object:

Note:   Users can unlock only objects that they have locked themselves. A user with supervisor privileges can unlock any object.

Go to top Porting Applications Across Platforms

The Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server runs on multiple platforms, including Windows platforms and UNIX platforms. For a list of supported platforms and information on how to install and configure the Hyperion Essbase server on each platform, see the Hyperion Essbase Installation Guide.

After you install an application, you may want to port the application to a server that may be running a different operating system. This section describes how to port an installed Hyperion Essbase application to another Hyperion Essbase server machine.

Porting Hyperion Essbase applications across servers involves these steps:

  1. Identifying compatible files
  2. Checking file names
  3. Transferring compatible files
  4. Reloading the database

Go to top Identifying Compatible Files

If you are porting a Hyperion Essbase application to a server running a different operating system, you need to identify which Hyperion Essbase files are compatible with the new operating system.

The following file types are compatible between operating systems:

The following file types are incompatible between operating systems and need to be redefined or reloaded on the new server:

Note:   If you are using the Linked Reporting Objects feature, you need to relink any files or cell notes on the new server. For more information, see Linking Objects to Hyperion Essbase Data.

Go to top Checking File Names

When transferring files to a UNIX system, you need to be aware of the case of file names. UNIX is a case-sensitive operating system, and files are recognized only if they have the correct case. For example, in certain MaxL or ESSCMD operations, you need to specify a file name, and the file name must be entered with the correct case.

The Hyperion Essbase system files use the following naming conventions on UNIX systems:

Hyperion Essbase files on UNIX systems are capitalized with proper case: the first letter is uppercase, and the remaining letters are lowercase. The following table gives examples of names for different file types:

Table 49-4: File Naming Examples for UNIX

File Type Example
Database files Mydb.db
Data files Mydb.pag
Index files Mydb.ind
Outline files Mydb.otl
Data load rules files Atlanta.rul
Data files to load Atlanta.txt
Calc scripts
Report scripts Myrepo.rep
Archive files Mydb.arc
Application log files Myapp.log

Note:   The application name is an exception to the above rule. The application name can be in lower case.

Table 49-5 lists several examples of valid and invalid file names on UNIX systems:

Table 49-5: Valid and Invalid File Names on UNIX

Valid File Names Invalid File Names MODEL.CSC
Monthly.rep Monthly.Rep
Forecast.otl forecast.otl
My_File.txt My_File.Txt

Note:   The Hyperion Essbase server does not allow long file names for applications, databases, calc scripts, reports, and other database files. All file names for objects you create must conform to the standard 8.3 convention.

Go to top Transferring Compatible Files

If two servers are connected, you can create the application and database directories on the new server and use either FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or Hyperion Essbase Application Manager to transfer the compatible application files. If the servers are not connected, you need to redefine server information on the new server before reloading the database.

Using FTP to Transfer

Using FTP, you can transfer files directly between operating systems. You should transfer only the files compatible between operating systems, and you should transfer the files in binary mode.

If you have files with the wrong case on a UNIX server, Hyperion Essbase Application Manager can see these files but cannot open them. After you use FTP to transfer files, you should rename the files on the server to ensure that they are capitalized with proper case. Alternatively, you can use FTP to rename the file when you transfer the file:

ftp>put oldfile Newfile

Using Hyperion Essbase Application Manager to Transfer

Using Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, you can transfer files from the client machine to the server by using File > Save As. For example, you can connect to a Windows NT server, open an outline, and then save it to a UNIX server. The file types you can transfer from Hyperion Essbase Application Manager are outline files, report scripts, calc scripts, and rules files.

When you save a file from Hyperion Essbase Application Manager to a UNIX server, proper case is applied automatically regardless of what case you type.

Redefining Server Information

If the server you are porting to is not connected to the existing server, you need to redefine some Hyperion Essbase server information on the new server.

To redefine server information, follow these steps:
  1. To create users and specify their privileges, use Hyperion Essbase Application Manager on the new server. See Managing Security at Global and User Levels for help.
  2. To create the applications and databases that you want to port, use Hyperion Essbase Application Manager on the new server. See Creating Applications and Databases for help.
  3. Copy the outline files (.otl) for the databases that you want to port from the old server to the same directory location on the new server. Make sure the application is not running while you copy these files.
  4. Copy compatible files from the old server to the new server. For help, see Identifying Compatible Files.
  5. Reload the database. For help, see Reloading the Database.

Go to top Reloading the Database

Database files, such as.db, .pag, .esm, and.ind, are not compatible between operating systems. If you port an application to a server on a different operating system, you need to repopulate the database by reloading the data from a data file and a data load rules file (if applicable). One way you can reload is to export the data to an ASCII text file, transfer the text file to the new server, and then use the text file to load data.

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