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Steps for Implementing Hyperion Essbase

You have just purchased Hyperion Essbase. You have a lot of data to organize and analyze, and you need to get up and running very quickly. You want to get started using Hyperion Essbase to integrate your data as efficiently as possible.

The following table describes the steps you need to complete to get up and running with Hyperion Essbase and tells you where you can find more information about each step.

Note:   This chapter assumes you are a new Hyperion Essbase user. If you used Version 5.x, you need to migrate your applications and databases. See the Hyperion Essbase Start Here booklet for important migration information.
Table 2-1: A Process Map  

Process step For information, see...
Install Hyperion Essbase.

Decide what components you want to install. Be aware that the license your company purchased might not include all options.
Hyperion Essbase Installation Guide
Assess your needs and requirements.

Have a clear idea of your data analysis needs and of what types of calculations and reports you want to run.
Your budget, forecasting, and other financial reports with notes on how you want to improve them
Analyze your data from a multidimensional perspective.

  • Where are your data sources?
  • What type is the data? Is it detailed, relational data or is it higher-level, hierarchical data that can be used for analysis?
  • In what format is the data?
  • How will you access the data? If you need to access relational data, you may need Hyperion Essbase SQL Interface or Hyperion Essbase Integration Server (a separately purchasable product).
Learn the fundamentals of Hyperion Essbase and distributed OLAP.
Design your application and database.

Think about which dimensions you will designate as sparse and which as dense, which dimensions you will designate as time and which as account, and where you will include attribute dimensions.
Designing a Single-Server Application
Estimate the size of your database. Estimating Disk and Memory Requirements for a Database
Allocate storage and specify Hyperion Essbase Kernel settings for your database. Specifying Hyperion Essbase Kernel Settings
Learn about Hyperion Essbase Partitioning. Think about whether your data can benefit from being decentralized into connected databases.
Learn about dynamic calculations and how they can greatly improve performance. Dynamically Calculating Data Values
Create an application and a database. Creating Applications and Databases
Design security for your database. Think about who needs access to the data, who should have update authority; and who should have read-only access. Designing and Building a Security System
Build an outline for your database. Creating and Changing Database Outlines
Build the dimensions. Decide whether your data loads will introduce new members into the outline. If so, set up dynamic dimension building. If not, set up regular data loads.
Load your data. Loading Data
Calculate your database. Calculating Data
Run a report. Reporting on Data
Use Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in to retrieve data. The Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for your spreadsheet application
Link files or cell notes to data cells. Linking Objects to Hyperion Essbase Data
Assign alias names to your members. Creating and Managing Aliases
Copy or export data subsets. Copying Data Subsets and Exporting Data to Other Programs
Back up and restore your data. Backing Up Data and Recovering Databases
Design a currency application. Designing and Building Currency Conversion Applications
Fine-tune your database performance and storage settings.
Automate routine operations by using ESSCMD. Performing Interactive and Batch Operations Using ESSCMD
Maintain your applications. Maintaining Hyperion Essbase Applications

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