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Creating and Changing Database Outlines

A database outline is made up of dimensions and members organized hierachically. The Outline Editor provides a graphical representation of the dimension hierarchy. Each dimension and consolidated level in a database is represented in a collapsible tree diagram. The branches immediately below the database name are the dimensions, and the branches below a dimension name are members. For more background information on outlines, see Multidimensional Concepts

This chapter explains how to create an Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server database outline using the Outline Editor. You can also change outlines using data sources and rules files. For more information, see Introducing Dynamic Dimension Building All examples in this chapter are based on the Sample Basic database shipped with Hyperion Essbase.

This chapter contains the following sections:

For information on setting properties, see Setting Dimension and Member Properties

Go to top Creating Outlines

The database outline defines the structure of the database. For more information about outlines, see Arranging Dimensions into Hierarchies.

To create an outline:
  1. Create a new database. See Creating a New Database.
  2. Open the new, blank outline. See Opening Outlines.
  3. Add dimensions and members to the outline using one of the following means:
  4. Verify and save the outline. See Verifying and Saving Outlines.

Go to top Opening Outlines

When you open an outline in the Outline Editor, Hyperion Essbase loads the outline into memory on your client machine and you can view and manipulate its dimensions and members graphically.

To open an outline:
  1. In the Application Desktop window, select the application to view from the Applications list box; for example, the Sample application.
  2. Select the database from the Databases list; for example, the Basic database.

    Figure 8-1: Application Desktop Window

    If Lock file is selected, other users cannot edit the outline until you close the outline again.

  3. Click the Outline button, .
  4. Click Open to open the selected outline.

    Figure 8-2 shows the Sample Basic outline in the Outline Editor:

    Figure 8-2: Outline Editor

Each dimension and member is listed after a tree node. The node indicates the dimension or member's position in the hierarchy:

Indicates that the branch can be expanded. For example, double-clicking on Qtr2 expands the branch to show Apr, May, and Jun. You can also expand a member by selecting the member and choosing Outline > Expand to Children (to expand the outline one level) or by choosing Outline > Expand to Descendants (to expand the outline to the lowest level).
Indicates that the branch is expanded and can be collapsed. For example, double-clicking on Qtr1 collapses the branch to show Qtr1 but not its children. You can also collapse a member by selecting the member and choosing Outline > Collapse to Ancestor.
Indicates that the member has no children.

When you open the Outline Editor, the Hyperion Essbase Application Manager's menu items change. The Outline Editor contains a toolbar that provides shortcuts to Outline Editor commands and an editing area that displays the current outline. For help with any of the toolbar buttons or menu commands, use the Help menu.

Go to top Copying Outlines

To copy a database outline, its data, and database-related files (such as calc scripts):
  1. Select the database to copy in the Application Desktop window.
  2. Select Database > Copy. Hyperion Essbase copies the entire database.
You can also use create database as in MaxL or the COPYDB command in ESSCMD to copy a database. For example, to use MaxL to copy the Sample Basic database to the NewApp application and the NewDB database:

create database NewApp.NewDb as Sample.Basic;

See the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory for information.
To copy only the outline without copying data or objects:
  1. Create a new database by choosing File > New > Database.
  2. Open the outline you want to copy in the Outline Editor. If you don't know how to do this, see Opening Outlines.
  3. Select File > Save As to open the Save Server Object dialog box.

    Figure 8-3: Save Server Object Dialog Box

  4. Select the name of the new database (the one that you created in Step 1) in the Database list box.

    A dialog box is displayed, asking if you should overwrite the existing database.

  5. Click Yes.

Go to top Verifying and Saving Outlines

When you save an outline to the server, Hyperion Essbase Application Manager verifies the outline to ensure that:

During outline verify, Hyperion Essbase Application Manager also performs the following conversions to appropriate numeric attribute dimension member names and displays them in the outline:

For more information about numeric attribute dimensions, see Attribute Types.

Go to top Verifying Outlines

To verify an outline:
  1. Select Outline > Verify or click the Verify, , button.

    If the outline has no errors, the Verify dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 8-4: Verify Dialog Box

  2. Click OK.

    If the outline is not valid, a dialog box is displayed listing the errors that the outline contains.

  3. Fix these errors and verify the outline again.

Go to top Saving Outlines

You can save outlines to the client or the server. By default, Hyperion Essbase saves outlines in the server directory.

To save an outline:
  1. Select File > Save. Hyperion Essbase saves the outline.
  2. If you are saving changes to an existing outline, Hyperion Essbase may restructure the outline. For example, if you change a member name from Market to Region, Hyperion Essbase moves data stored in reference to Market to Region.

    If Hyperion Essbase needs to restructure the database, the Restructure Database dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 8-5: Restructure Database Dialog Box

  3. Select the data that Hyperion Essbase should restructure.
  4. Click OK.
Note:   Be careful when using older versions of Hyperion Essbase Application Manager to open and save outlines that are created with newer versions of Hyperion Essbase. If the outline contains features that are specific to the newer version, the new features are deleted from the outline when it is saved in an older version of Hyperion Essbase Application Manager. For more information, see the Hyperion Essbase Start Here booklet.

Go to top Setting Dense and Sparse Data Storage

When you create and save an outline, Hyperion Essbase automatically configures the dimensions in the outline as either dense or sparse. You can view the current storage configuration by choosing Settings > Data Storage.

Figure 8-6: Data Storage Dialog Box

By default, the configuration is set to Automatic. You can clear Automatic to set the dense and sparse configuration manually.

You must set the standard dimensions with which you plan to associate attribute dimensions as sparse. Hyperion Essbase Application Manager automatically sets attribute dimensions as sparse.

For information on choosing dense or sparse storage, see Selection of Sparse and Dense Dimensions.

Go to top Renaming Dimensions and Members

You can change the names of existing dimensions or members.

To change a dimension or member name in the Outline Editor:
  1. Select the dimension or member name with a right mouse click. A member edit text box is displayed.
  2. Enter the new name.
  3. Press the Enter key or select another member.
  4. If you have the Outline Editor set up to prompt you when you rename a dimension or member, a dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to rename the dimension or member.
To rename a member using the Member Properties dialog box:
  1. Select the dimension or member name in the outline.
  2. Click the Data Dictionary button, , press the Enter key, or select Edit > Properties to open the Member Properties dialog box
  3. Enter the new name in the Name text field.
  4. Click OK.

Go to top Adding Dimensions and Members to Outlines

This section describes how to add dimensions and members to outlines. It contains the following sections:

Note:   If you add, delete, or move non-attribute dimensions or members, Hyperion Essbase restructures your database, and you must recalculate your data.

You must position attribute dimensions at the end of the outline.

Go to top Rules for Naming Dimensions and Members

When naming dimensions and members in the database outline, follow these rules.

Tips to make names unique:

Go to top Adding Dimensions to Outlines

Dimensions are the highest level of organization in an outline. Dimensions are made up of members. For more information on dimensions, see Multidimensional Concepts

To add dimensions as children of the outline:
  1. Select the database name, for example, Basic.
  2. Select Edit > Add Child or click the Add Child button, , to open a member edit text box in the Outline Editor.
To add dimensions as siblings of other dimensions:
  1. Select the dimension after which you want to add the new dimension.
  2. Select Edit > Add Sibling or click the Add Sibling button, , to open a member edit text box in the Outline Editor.

    Figure 8-7: Member Edit Text Box

To finish adding dimensions, proceed with the following steps:
  1. Enter the name of the dimension; for example, Year. See Rules for Naming Dimensions and Members for restrictions.
  2. Press Enter to display a dialog box asking you to verify that you want to add the dimension.

    Figure 8-8: Confirm Add Dialog Box for Dimensions and Members

  3. Click OK.
  4. Enter another dimension name or press Enter to dismiss the member edit text box.

To rearrange dimensions in the outline, see Positioning Dimensions and Members.

Go to top Adding Members to Dimensions

Members are organized into dimensions. You can nest members inside of other members. For more information on members, see Multidimensional Concepts

To add members as children of dimensions:
  1. Select the dimension; for example, Year.
  2. Select Edit > Add Child or click the Add Child button, , to open a member edit text box in the Outline Editor.
To add members as siblings of other members:
  1. Select the member after which you want to add the new member; for example, Qtr1.
  2. Select Edit > Add Sibling or click the Add Sibling button, , to open a member edit text box in the Outline Editor.

    Figure 8-9: Member Edit Text Box

To finish adding members, proceed with the following steps:
  1. Enter the name of the member; for example, Qtr2. See Rules for Naming Dimensions and Members for restrictions.
  2. Press Enter to display a dialog box opens asking you to verify that you want to add the member.

    Figure 8-10: Confirm Add Dialog Box for Dimensions and Members

  3. Click OK.
  4. Enter another member name or press Enter to dismiss the member edit text box.

To rearrange members in the outline, see Positioning Dimensions and Members.

Go to top Positioning Dimensions and Members

You can rearrange dimensions within an outline or members within a dimension. You can select to position dimension and members by:

Note:   If you add, delete, or move dimensions or members, Hyperion Essbase restructures the database, and you must recalculate the data.

If you do not position attribute dimensions at the end of the outline, during outline verification, Hyperion Essbase Application Manager prompts you to move them there.

The positions of dimensions in an outline can affect performance. See Outline Performance Considerations.

Go to top Sorting Dimensions and Members

You can arrange dimensions within an outline or members within a dimension in alphabetical order (A to Z) or reverse alphabetical order (Z to A).

When you sort level 0 members of numeric attribute dimensions in outlines, the members are sorted by their values. For example, Figure 8-11 shows text and numeric versions of the Sizes attribute dimension after sorting the members in ascending order. The members of the numeric attribute dimension are sequenced by the numeric values of the members; the member 8 is before the other members. In the text attribute dimension, because the characters are sorted left to right, the member 8 is after the member 24.

Figure 8-11: Sorting Numeric Versus Text Attribute Dimension in Ascending Order

You cannot sort Boolean attribute dimensions. For more information about attribute dimension types, see Attribute Types.

CAUTION: Moving dimensions and members can affect the results of your batch calculations. See Designing an Outline to Optimize Performance. Also, sorting members could move a shared member before the actual member in the outline, something that we do not recommend.

To sort all dimensions in an outline:

  1. Select the database name in the outline; for example, Basic.
  2. Select Edit > Sort Ascending to sort the dimensions in alphabetical order or select Edit > Sort Descending to sort the dimensions in reverse alphabetical order.
To sort all members in the level below the selected dimension or member:
  1. Select the dimension or member containing the members to sort; for example, Market.
  2. Select Edit > Sort Ascending to sort the members in alphabetical order or select Edit > Sort Descending to sort the members in reverse alphabetical order.

Go to top Moving Members

To move one or more members to another part of the outline:

CAUTION: Moving dimensions and members can affect the results of your calculations and retrievals. See Designing an Outline to Optimize Performance. Also, sorting members could move a shared member before the actual member in the outline, something that we do not recommend.

  1. Select the member or members you want to move by pressing the left mouse button on a member name. (To select multiple members, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting member names.) Continue to hold down the mouse button throughout the move operation.
  2. Drag the selection to the desired location in the tree. As you drag the selection, a tree icon is displayed.
  3. Place the icon over a member at the new location. A border is displayed around the member name.
  4. Release the mouse button.

Go to top Naming Generations and Levels

You can create your own names for generations and levels in an outline. The name is a word or phrase that describes the generation or level. For example, you might create a generation name called Cities for all cities in the outline.

Use generation and level names in calc scripts or report scripts wherever you need to specify either a list of member names or generation or level numbers. For example, you could limit a calculation in a calc script to all members in a specific generation. See Developing Calc Scripts for information about developing calc scripts.

See Member Relationships, Generations, and Levels for information about generations and levels.

To create a generation name:
  1. Select Outline > Gen/Level Names to open the Generation and Level Names dialog box.

    Figure 8-12: Generation and Level Names Dialog Box

  2. Select the appropriate dimension name from the Dimension list box; for example, Year. By default, Hyperion Essbase displays the current dimension.
  3. To name a generation, select Generation. To name a level, select Level. For example, to name the months in the Sample Basic database, select Generation.
  4. Enter the generation or level number in the Number text box. For example, to name the months in the Sample Basic database, enter 3.
  5. Enter the generation or level name in the Name text box; for example, to name the months in the Sample Basic database, enter Months.
    Note:   You can define only one name for each generation or level. When you name the generations and levels, follow the same naming rules as for members. See Rules for Naming Dimensions and Members.
  6. Click Add to display the new name in the list box.
  7. Click OK.

To view the list of generation or level names, select Outline > Gen/Level Names again or print the outline.

Go to top Customizing the Outline Editor

The Outline Editor displays information about the outline and the dimensions and members that it contains. You can customize what Hyperion Essbase displays in the Outline Editor and which font it uses. This section includes the following topics:

Go to top Making Members Case-Sensitive

You can specify whether members in the outline should be case-sensitive. For example, Budget and budget are both unique names if the member names are case-sensitive. By default, member names are not case-sensitive.

To set member names to be case-sensitive, select Case Sensitive Members in the Settings menu.

Go to top Customizing the View

You can customize the view of the Outline Editor to view or hide the following details by clearing them in the View menu:

Go to top Setting the Outline Font

You can specify the font that Hyperion Essbase uses to display text in the Outline Editor. To set a font:

  1. Select Options > Font to open the Font dialog box.

    Figure 8-13: Font Dialog Box

  2. Select the desired font from the Font list. You can also select the style and size of font. The default display font is Arial, Regular, 10.
  3. Click OK.

Go to top Confirming Changes to Dimensions and Members

You can specify whether Hyperion Essbase prompts you when you make changes to dimensions or members. By default, Hyperion Essbase opens a dialog box asking you if you're sure you want to change the member or dimension. You must click Yes before Hyperion Essbase makes the change.

  1. Select Options > Confirmation to open the Confirmation dialog box.

    Figure 8-14: Confirmation Dialog Box

  2. Clear the options for which Hyperion Essbase should not prompt.

    By default, all options are selected, which means that Hyperion Essbase opens a dialog box to prompt you before it makes the changes. When an option is not selected, Hyperion Essbase does not prompt you before making that kind of change.

  3. Click OK.

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