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Examples of Report Scripts

This chapter includes report scripts that demonstrate report procedures and formats that are most frequently required in business settings. If you examine the techniques in these scripts and the resulting output, you can adapt them for use in your own reports.

The samples use both the Demo Basic and Sample Basic databases provided with your Hyperion Essbase server. Each sample identifies the database used. The scripts for these examples are available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\BASIC directory or your\ESSBASE\APP\SAMPLE\BASIC directory.

The sample reports in this chapter demonstrate the following techniques:

For fundamental information about reports and report scripts, see Quick Start to Report Scripts. For detailed information about using Report Writer commands to write reports and reports scripts, see Developing Report Scripts. For the syntax and usage of each Report Writer command, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Sample 1: Creating a Different Format for Each Page

This sample report contains data for Actual Sales. Each report page shows a different Product. The report lists products on the same page until the maximum page length is reached. To place each Product on a separate page, you must use the PAGEONDIMENSION format command, as shown in Sample 2.

Because none of the cities in South sell Stereo or Compact_Disc, the data values indicate #MISSING. You can represent missing values by suppressing the row or substituting a replacement text string, such as N/A. See Sample 2: Handling Missing Values for an example of substituting page breaks and labels for missing values.

                                Sales Actual Stereo

                             Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4   
                         ======== ======== ======== ========

East                        7,839    7,933    7,673   10,044
West                       11,633   11,191   11,299   14,018
South                    #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing
Market                     19,472   19,124   18,972   24,062

                              Sales Actual Compact_Disc

                            Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4
                         ======== ======== ======== ========

East                       10,293    9,702    9,965   11,792
West                       14,321   14,016   14,328   17,247
South                    #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing
Market                     24,614   23,718   24,293   29,039

                                  Sales Actual Audio

                             Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4
                         ======== ======== ======== ========

East                       18,132   17,635   17,638   21,836
West                       25,954   25,207   25,627   31,265
South                    #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing
Market                     44,086   42,842   43,265   53,101

Use the following script to create Sample 1:

<PAGE (Accounts, Scenario, Product)

    <COLUMN (Year)
    <CHILDREN Year


The ! report output command is required to generate the report.

Because the IDESCENDANTS selection command is used for Audio, the report selects all three members. Only a single member is selected from the other page dimensions, Sales and Actual. As a result, the script creates three report pages. They display as one long report page unless you use the PAGEONDIMENSION format command, as shown in Sample 2.

This report script, ACTSALES.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 2: Handling Missing Values

This report has the same layout and member selection as Sample 1, and shows you how to use page breaks and labels for missing values.

                               Sales Actual Stereo

                          Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4
                      ======== ======== ======== ========   

East                     7,839    7,933    7,673   10,044
West                    11,633   11,191   11,299   14,018
South                      N/A      N/A      N/A      N/A
  Market                19,472   19,124   18,972   24,062

                             Sales Actual Compact_Disc

                          Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4
                      ======== ======== ======== ========   

East                    10,293    9,702    9,965   11,792
West                    14,321   14,016   14,328   17,247
South                      N/A      N/A      N/A      N/A
  Market                24,614   23,718   24,293   29,039

                                Sales Actual Audio

                          Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4
                      ======== ======== ======== ========   

East                    18,132   17,635   17,638   21,836
West                    25,954   25,207   25,627   31,265
South                      N/A      N/A      N/A      N/A
  Market                44,086   42,842   43,265   53,101

Use the following script to create Sample 2:

<PAGE (Accounts, Scenario, Product)
      <COLUMN (Year)
      <CHILDREN Year

The PAGEONDIMENSION format command creates a page break whenever a member from the specified dimension changes. Because the report selects eight Product members, this creates an eight-page report.

The MISSINGTEXT format command substitutes any strings enclosed within double quotes into the #MISSING string. To suppress missing values, use the SUPMISSINGROWS command.

You can also combine format commands within one set of braces:


This report script, MISS_LBL.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 3: Nesting Columns

Each page produced by this report sample contains Sales information for a given Market. The report has two groups of columns across the page. The Actual and Budget members are the nested column group below Year members.

Note that the Actual and Budget members are on the same line in the report. You can put multiple commands on one line, but report commands are easier to read if they are spread out.

                                         Sales East

                  Jan               Feb             Mar               Qtr1
             Actual  Budget   Actual  Budget   Actual  Budget   Actual  Budget
            =======  ======  ======= ======= ======== =======  ======= =======   

Stereo        2,788   2,950    2,482   2,700    2,569   2,700    7,839   8,350
Compact_Disc  3,550   3,450    3,285   3,250    3,458   3,250   10,293   9,950
  Audio       6,338   6,400    5,767   5,950    6,027   5,950   18,132  18,300
Television    5,244   4,800    4,200   4,300    3,960   4,300   13,404  13,400
VCR           4,311   4,200    3,734   3,700    3,676   3,700   11,721  11,600
Camera        2,656   2,850    2,525   2,670    2,541   2,670    7,722   8,190
  Visual     12,211  11,850    10,45  10,670   10,177  10,670   32,847  33,190
    Product  18,549  18,250   16,226  16,620   16,204  16,620   50,979  51,490

                                         Sales West

                  Jan              Feb              Mar             Qtr1
            Actual  Budget   Actual   Budget   Actual  Budget   Actual  Budget
            ======  ======  =======  =======   ======  ======   ======  ======   

Stereo       4,102   4,000    3,723    3,600    3,808   3,600   11,633  11,200
Compact_Disc 4,886   4,700    4,647    4,400    4,788   4,400   14,321  13,500
  Audio      8,988   8,700    8,370    8,000    8,596   8,000   25,954  24,700
Television   5,206   5,100    4,640    4,600    4,783   4,600   14,629  14,300
VCR          4,670   4,650    4,667    4,200    4,517   4,200   13,854  13,050
Camera       3,815   4,050    3,463    3,750    3,478   3,750   10,756  11,550
  Visual    13,691  13,800   12,770   12,550   12,778  12,550   39,239  38,900
    Product 22,679  22,500   21,140   20,550   21,374  20,550   65,193  63,600

                                       Sales South

                Jan               Feb              Mar              Qtr1
           Actual  Budget   Actual  Budget   Actual  Budget   Actual   Budget
         ======== =======  ======= =======   ====== ======= ======== ========   

Television  3,137   3,400    2,929   3,100    2,815   3,100    8,881    9,600
VCR         3,225   3,400    3,206   3,100    3,120   3,100    9,551    9,600
Camera      2,306   2,400    2,167   2,400    2,168   2,400    6,641    7,200
  Visual    8,668   9,200    8,302   8,600    8,103   8,600   25,073   26,400
    Product 8,668   9,200    8,302   8,600    8,103   8,600   25,073   26,400

                                        Sales Market

                  Jan               Feb              Mar             Qtr1
             Actual  Budget   Actual  Budget   Actual  Budget   Actual  Budget
             ====== =======  ======= ======= ======== ======= ========  ======   

Stereo        6,890   6,950    6,205   6,300    6,377   6,300   19,472  19,550
Compact_Disc  8,436   8,150    7,932   7,650    8,246   7,650   24,614  23,450
  Audio      15,326  15,100   14,137  13,950   14,623  13,950   44,086  43,000
Television   13,587  13,300   11,769  12,000   11,558  12,000   36,914  37,300
VCR          12,206  12,250   11,607  11,000   11,313  11,000   35,126  34,250
Camera        8,777   9,300    8,155   8,820    8,187   8,820   25,119  26,940
  Visual     34,570  34,850   31,531  31,820   31,058  31,820   97,159  98,490
    Product  49,896  49,950   45,668  45,770   45,681  45,770  141,245 141,490

Use the following script to create Sample 3:

<PAGE (Accounts, Market)
      <COLUMN (Year, Scenario)
      <ICHILDREN Qtr1
       Actual Budget

The report selects four Markets because the <ICHILDREN command is applied to Market. Only Sales is selected from the other page dimension, so the report has four pages.

For the South, all the rows of Product data are not displayed. Recall that the cities in the South do not sell every Product. The report uses the SUPMISSINGROWS format command to suppress the output of any member rows with all missing values.

This report script, COLGROUP.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 4: Grouping Rows

Each page of this report contains Sales information for a given Market. The report page contains members for both Product and Year as groups of rows down the page. This script creates a four-page report because the page dimensions and their member selections are the same as in Sample 3. The row/column layout is switched because the row and column dimensions are different.

                                           Sales East

                                    Actual   Budget Variance
                                  ======== ======== ========    

Stereo                Qtr1           7,839    8,350     (511)
                      Qtr2           7,933    8,150     (217)
                      Qtr3           7,673    8,350     (677)
                      Qtr4          10,044   10,400     (356)
                        Year        33,489   35,250   (1,761)
Compact_Disc          Qtr1          10,293    9,950      343 
                      Qtr2           9,702    9,750      (48)
                      Qtr3           9,965   10,050      (85)
                      Qtr4          11,792   12,550     (758)
                        Year        41,752   42,300     (548)
  Audio               Qtr1          18,132   18,300     (168)
                      Qtr2          17,635   17,900     (265)
                      Qtr3          17,638   18,400     (762)
                      Qtr4          21,836   22,950   (1,114)
                        Year        75,241   77,550   (2,309)
Television            Qtr1          13,404   13,400        4
                      Qtr2          12,115   12,900     (785)
                      Qtr3          15,014   14,200      814
                      Qtr4          17,861   17,300      561
                        Year        58,394   57,800      594
VCR                   Qtr1          11,721   11,600      121
                      Qtr2          10,999   11,100     (101)
                      Qtr3          13,217   11,800    1,417
                      Qtr4          14,386   14,900     (514)
                        Year        50,323   49,400      923
Camera                Qtr1           7,722    8,190     (468)
                      Qtr2           7,581    8,210     (629)
                      Qtr3           8,181    8,630     (449)
                      Qtr4          10,853   11,550     (697)
                        Year        34,337   36,580   (2,243)
  Visual              Qtr1          32,847   33,190     (343)
                      Qtr2          30,695   32,210   (1,515)
                      Qtr3          36,412   34,630    1,782
                      Qtr4          43,100   43,750     (650)
                        Year       143,054  143,780     (726)
    Product           Qtr1          50,979   51,490     (511)
                      Qtr2          48,330   50,110   (1,780)
                      Qtr3          54,050   53,030    1,020
                      Qtr4          64,936   66,700   (1,764)
                        Year       218,295  221,330   (3,035)

                                           Sales West

                                    Actual   Budget Variance
                                  ======== ======== ========    

Stereo                Qtr1          11,633   11,200      433
                      Qtr2          11,191   11,050      141
                      Qtr3          11,299   11,650     (351)
                      Qtr4          14,018   14,500     (482)
                        Year        48,141   48,400     (259)
Compact_Disc          Qtr1          14,321   13,500      821
                      Qtr2          14,016   13,500      516
                      Qtr3          14,328   14,300       28
                      Qtr4          17,247   16,700      547
                        Year        59,912   58,000    1,912
  Audio               Qtr1          25,954   24,700    1,254
                      Qtr2          25,207   24,550      657
                      Qtr3          25,627   25,950     (323)
                      Qtr4          31,265   31,200       65
                        Year       108,053  106,400    1,653
Television            Qtr1          14,629   14,300      329
                      Qtr2          14,486   13,800      686
                      Qtr3          14,580   14,000      580
                      Qtr4          20,814   19,400    1,414
                        Year        64,509   61,500    3,009
VCR                   Qtr1          13,854   13,050      804
                      Qtr2          13,156   12,600      556
                      Qtr3          15,030   13,750    1,280
                      Qtr4          18,723   17,950      773
                        Year        60,763   57,350    3,413
Camera                Qtr1          10,756   11,550     (794)
                      Qtr2          10,573   11,400     (827)
                      Qtr3          10,735   11,550     (815)
                      Qtr4          13,906   15,000   (1,094)
                        Year        45,970   49,500   (3,530)
  Visual              Qtr1          39,239   38,900      339
                      Qtr2          38,215   37,800      415
                      Qtr3          40,345   39,300    1,045
                      Qtr4          53,443   52,350    1,093
                        Year       171,242  168,350    2,892
    Product           Qtr1          65,193   63,600    1,593
                      Qtr2          63,422   62,350    1,072
                      Qtr3          65,972   65,250      722
                      Qtr4          84,708   83,550    1,158
                        Year       279,295  274,750    4,545

                                          Sales South

                                    Actual   Budget Variance
                                  ======== ======== ========    

Television            Qtr1           8,881    9,600     (719)
                      Qtr2           8,627    9,300     (673)
                      Qtr3           8,674    9,300     (626)
                      Qtr4          12,919   12,600      319 
                        Year        39,101   40,800   (1,699)
VCR                   Qtr1           9,551    9,600      (49)
                      Qtr2           9,049    9,300     (251)
                      Qtr3           9,998   10,000       (2)
                      Qtr4          12,923   13,600     (677)
                        Year        41,521   42,500     (979)
Camera                Qtr1           6,641    7,200     (559)
                      Qtr2           6,765    7,350     (585)
                      Qtr3           6,798    7,500     (702)
                      Qtr4           9,486   10,200     (714)
                        Year        29,690   32,250   (2,560)
  Visual              Qtr1          25,073   26,400   (1,327)
                      Qtr2          24,441   25,950   (1,509)
                      Qtr3          25,470   26,800   (1,330)
                      Qtr4          35,328   36,400   (1,072)
                        Year       110,312  115,550   (5,238)
    Product           Qtr1          25,073   26,400   (1,327)
                      Qtr2          24,441   25,950   (1,509)
                      Qtr3          25,470   26,800   (1,330)
                      Qtr4          35,328   36,400   (1,072)
                        Year       110,312  115,550   (5,238)

                                         Sales Market

                                    Actual   Budget Variance
                                  ======== ======== ========    

Stereo                Qtr1          19,472   19,550      (78)
                      Qtr2          19,124   19,200      (76)
                      Qtr3          18,972   20,000   (1,028)
                      Qtr4          24,062   24,900     (838)
                        Year        81,630   83,650   (2,020)
Compact_Disc          Qtr1          24,614   23,450    1,164
                      Qtr2          23,718   23,250      468
                      Qtr3          24,293   24,350      (57)
                      Qtr4          29,039   29,250     (211)
                        Year       101,664  100,300    1,364
  Audio               Qtr1          44,086   43,000    1,086
                      Qtr2          42,842   42,450      392
                      Qtr3          43,265   44,350   (1,085)
                      Qtr4          53,101   54,150   (1,049)
                        Year       183,294  183,950     (656)
Television            Qtr1          36,914   37,300     (386)
                      Qtr2          35,228   36,000     (772)
                      Qtr3          38,268   37,500      768
                      Qtr4          51,594   49,300    2,294
                        Year       162,004  160,100    1,904
VCR                   Qtr1          35,126   34,250      876
                      Qtr2          33,204   33,000      204
                      Qtr3          38,245   35,550    2,695
                      Qtr4          46,032   46,450     (418)
                        Year       152,607  149,250    3,357
Camera                Qtr1          25,119   26,940   (1,821)
                      Qtr2          24,919   26,960   (2,041)
                      Qtr3          25,714   27,680   (1,966)
                      Qtr4          34,245   36,750   (2,505)
                        Year       109,997  118,330   (8,333)
  Visual              Qtr1          97,159   98,490   (1,331)
                      Qtr2          93,351   95,960   (2,609)
                      Qtr3         102,227  100,730    1,497
                      Qtr4         131,871  132,500     (629)
                        Year       424,608  427,680   (3,072)
    Product           Qtr1         141,245  141,490     (245)
                      Qtr2         136,193  138,410   (2,217)
                      Qtr3         145,492  145,080      412
                      Qtr4         184,972  186,650   (1,678)
                        Year       607,902  611,630   (3,728)

Use the following script to create Sample 4:

<PAGE (Accounts, Market)
      <COLUMN (Scenario)
      <CHILDREN Scenario
<ROW(Product3, Year)

This report script, ROWGROUP.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 5: Reporting on Different Combinations of Data

Each page represents a different combination of Product, Market, and Budget data. The total number of pages is determined by the number of Market and Product members. This section shows a representative part of the output.

Some data values have four decimal places. The number of decimal places, by default, is output to the true number of decimal values of the data cell. Sample 6: Formatting Different Combinations of Data uses the DECIMAL format command to define a specific number of places.

The member selection commands select three Product members and fourteen Market members. This produces a 42-page report. The number of report pages is determined by multiplying the number of members selected from each page dimension.

                                 Budget Audio New_York

                         Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========   

Sales                   6,400    6,400    6,700    8,350   27,850
Cost_of_Goods_Sold      3,012    3,012    3,146    3,973   13,143
  Margin                3,388    3,388    3,554    4,377   14,707
Marketing                 525      515      475      555    2,070
Payroll                 1,950    1,950    1,950    1,950    7,800
Miscellaneous               0        0        0        0        0
  Total_Expenses        2,475    2,465    2,425    2,505    9,870
    Profit                913      923    1,129    1,872    4,837
    Profit_%               14       14       17       22       17
    Margin_%               53       53       53       52       53

                                 Budget Audio Boston

                         Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year   
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========   

Sales                   6,050    5,750    5,900    7,350   25,050   
Cost_of_Goods_Sold      2,829    2,695    2,762    3,413   11,699   
  Margin                3,221    3,055    3,138    3,937   13,351   
Marketing                 410      400      400      520    1,730   
Payroll                 1,590    1,590    1,590    1,590    6,360   
Miscellaneous               0        0        0        0        0   
  Total_Expenses        2,000    1,990    1,990    2,110    8,090   
    Profit              1,221    1,065    1,148    1,827    5,261   
    Profit_%               20       19       19       25       21   
    Margin_%               53       53       53       54       53   

                                 Budget Product Market

                         Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========   

Sales                 141,490  138,410  145,080  186,650  611,630
Cost_of_Goods_Sold     55,860   54,579   57,379   73,276  241,093
  Margin               85,630   83,831   87,702  113,374  370,537
Marketing              10,555   10,680   10,780   13,915   45,930
Payroll                43,234   43,248   43,248   43,248  172,978
Miscellaneous               0        0        0        0        0
  Total_Expenses       53,789   53,928   54,028   57,163  218,908
    Profit             31,841   29,903   33,674   56,211  151,629
    Profit_%               23       22       23       30       25
    Margin_%               61       61       60       61       61

Use the following script to create Sample 5:

<PAGE (Scenario, Product, Market)
{ PAGEONDIMENSION Product }   // New page at each new Product
{ PAGEONDIMENSION Market }    // New page at each new Market
       <COLUMN (Year)
       <ICHILDREN Year

This report script, COMBO1.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 6: Formatting Different Combinations of Data

This report uses the same layout and member selection as Sample 5, and adds more formatting in the report body. Note the use of line formatting.

                                Budget Audio New_York

                         Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========   

Sales                   6,400    6,400    6,700    8,350   27,850
Cost_of_Goods_Sold      3,012    3,012    3,146    3,973   13,143
                     -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
  Margin                3,388    3,388    3,554    4,377   14,707

Marketing                 525      515      475      555    2,070
Payroll                 1,950    1,950    1,950    1,950    7,800
Miscellaneous               0        0        0        0        0
                     -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
  Total_Expenses        2,475    2,465    2,425    2,505    9,870

    Profit                913      923    1,129    1,872    4,837
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========
    Profit_%            14.27    14.42    16.85    22.42    17.37
    Margin_%            52.94    52.94    53.04    52.42    52.81

                               Budget Audio Boston

                        Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========   

Sales                   6,050    5,750    5,900    7,350   25,050
Cost_of_Goods_Sold      2,829    2,695    2,762    3,413   11,699
                     -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
  Margin                3,221    3,055    3,138    3,937   13,351

Marketing                 410      400      400      520    1,730
Payroll                 1,590    1,590    1,590    1,590    6,360
Miscellaneous               0        0        0        0        0
                     -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
  Total_Expenses        2,000    1,990    1,990    2,110    8,090

    Profit              1,221    1,065    1,148    1,827    5,261
                     ======== ======== ======== ======== ========
    Profit_%            20.18    18.52    19.46    24.86    21.00
    Margin_%            53.24    53.13    53.19    53.56    53.30

Use the following script to create Sample 6:

<PAGE (Scenario, Product, Market)
      <COLUMN (Year)
      <ICHILDREN Year
{ SUPBRACKETS DECIMAL 0 } Sales Cost_of_Goods_Sold
{ UDATA "-" }      //line formatting command
{ SKIP }
{ UDATA "-" }      //line formatting command
{ SKIP }
{ UDATA DECIMAL 2 }    //line formatting command

Format commands apply to members that follow the commands. The report begins each new page with the formats in place at the end of the previous report page. For example, if a report page ends with two decimal places, the following page begins with two decimal places. This report demonstrates the use of several important format commands:

This report script, COMBO2.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 7: Using Aliases

This report outputs members in the middle of a page and uses aliases or alternate names. The default row member indentation is turned off.

                        Stereo Market

       Qtr4                                 Year
  Actual   Budget                      Actual   Budget
======== ========                    ======== ========   

  24,062   24,900 Sales                81,630   83,650
  13,937   14,442 COGS                 47,654   48,517
-------- --------                    -------- --------
  10,125   10,458 Margin               33,976   35,133

   1,438    1,600 Marketing             4,933    5,465
   7,110    6,840 Payroll              28,440   27,360
    -200        0 Misc.                  -143        0
-------- --------                    -------- --------
   8,348    8,440 Total_Expenses       33,230   32,825

   1,777    2,018 Profit                  746    2,308
======== ========                    ======== ========
    7.39     8.10 Profit_%               0.91     2.76
   42.08    42.00 Margin_%              41.62    42.00

                    Compact_Disc Market

       Qtr4                                Period
  Actual   Budget                      Actual   Budget
======== ========                    ======== ========   

  29,039   29,250 Sales               101,664  100,300
  10,830   11,115 COGS                 38,120   38,114
-------- --------                    -------- --------
  18,209   18,135 Margin               63,544   62,186
   1,669    1,780 Marketing             6,067    5,975
   5,721    5,415 Payroll              22,200   21,660
    -226        0 Misc.                    97        0
-------- --------                    -------- --------
   7,164    7,195 Total_Expenses       28,364   27,635

  11,045   10,940 Profit               35,180   34,551
======== ========                    ======== ========
   38.04    37.40 Profit_%              34.60    34.45   
   62.71    62.00 Margin_%              62.50    62.00

Use the following script to create Sample 7:

<PAGE (Product, Market)
     <COLUMN (Year, Scenario)
     Qtr4 Year
     Actual Budget
Sales Cost_of_Goods_Sold 
{ UDATA "-" }
{ SKIP }
Marketing Payroll Miscellaneous
{ UDATA "-" }
{ SKIP }

The SYM command forces the report to output symmetric column groups. The default is to display two columns: one for Qtr4 Actual and one for Year Budget. Because the report calls for Actual and Budget under both Qtr4 and Year, the SYM command is required. Alternatively, repeat the Actual and Budget names under Qtr4 and Year.

The OUTALTNAMES format command causes the report to use aliases or alternate names instead of member names.

The NOINDENTGEN format command causes row members to not be indented. By default, members are indented two spaces for each level.

The ORDER command moves specified output columns to new locations. The row name is considered column 0.

The FIXCOLUMNS format command restricts the number of output columns. Reports often require both ORDER and FIXCOLUMNS. You can use ORDER to remove unwanted columns, and FIXCOLUMNS to stop these columns from displaying after the report columns.

This report script, MIDDLE.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 8: Creating Custom Headings and % Characters

This report displays custom headings and percent sign (%) characters after each data value. This section shows a representative part of the output.

Prepared by: Admin            The Electronics Club           Page: 1

                              Profit_% Actual Stereo

                    Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun
                =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======   

New_York          1.43%  -10.00%   -3.51%   -2.22%    1.14%   -6.18%
Boston           -0.34%   -2.51%   -4.44%   -4.89%   -7.02%  -13.15%
Chicago          -0.65%   -0.72%   -2.28%   -3.53%   -6.33%  -10.79%
  East            0.18%   -4.47%   -3.39%   -3.41%   -3.60%   -9.70%
San_Francisco     1.43%   -1.87%    4.42%    2.15%   -1.26%    0.66%
Seattle           0.95%   -5.66%    1.42%   -6.82%  -11.47%  -12.34%
Denver            3.03%   -1.11%   -5.88%   -6.52%   -5.17%  -13.83%
Los_Angeles      -1.50%   -3.94%   -2.86%   -3.29%    3.12%   -2.51%
  West            0.98%   -2.95%   -0.13%   -2.81%   -2.62%   -5.61%
Dallas            0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%
Houston           0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%
Phoenix           0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%
  South           0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%
    Market        0.65%   -3.56%   -1.44%   -3.06%   -3.03%   -7.29%

Prepared by: Admin            The Electronics Club           Page: 2

                           Profit_% Actual Compact_Disc

                    Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun
                =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======   

New_York         32.51%   29.95%   35.30%   32.70%   30.45%   31.73%
Boston           33.42%   27.92%   33.98%   30.74%   27.45%   30.85%
Chicago          34.29%   30.48%   26.33%   28.83%   28.11%   33.76%
  East           33.35%   29.50%   32.30%   30.92%   28.77%   32.09%
San_Francisco    37.77%   35.02%   33.41%   33.23%   35.32%   37.95%
Seattle          40.41%   38.33%   38.89%   37.06%   37.01%   38.29%
Denver           31.93%   32.10%   34.82%   29.15%   32.71%   30.85%
Los_Angeles      31.65%   30.22%   30.22%   31.45%   27.06%   33.20%
  West           35.51%   33.94%   34.21%   32.77%   33.16%   35.25%
Dallas            0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%
Houston           0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%
Phoenix           0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%
  South           0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%
    Market       34.60%   32.10%   33.41%   32.01%   31.35%   33.97%

Prepared by: Admin            The Electronics Club           Page: 3   

                              Profit_% Actual Audio

                    Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun   
                =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======   

New_York         19.35%   13.64%   18.64%   16.55%   16.70%   14.65%   
Boston           18.34%   14.44%   18.94%   14.94%   12.14%   12.42%   
Chicago          18.50%   16.67%   13.18%   14.12%   12.70%   13.74%   
  East           18.76%   14.88%   17.09%   15.32%   14.05%   13.68%   
San_Francisco    20.32%   17.38%   18.92%   18.03%   18.23%   20.57%   
Seattle          23.36%   21.40%   23.37%   20.17%   18.82%   19.04%   
Denver           18.36%   17.25%   18.88%   13.43%   15.84%   12.14%   
Los_Angeles      17.15%   14.76%   15.44%   15.76%   15.10%   17.07%   
  West           19.75%   17.53%   19.00%   16.88%   17.01%   17.52%   
Dallas            0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%   
Houston           0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%   
Phoenix           0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%   
  South           0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    0.00%   
    Market       19.34%   16.45%   18.21%   16.24%   15.78%   15.96%   

Prepared by: Admin            The Electronics Club           Page: 8

                             Profit_% Actual Product

                    Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun
                =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======   

New_York         22.71%   21.43%   13.11%   10.54%    9.73%   13.16%
Boston           24.98%   23.25%   19.95%   18.00%   17.03%   18.62%
Chicago          22.01%   17.94%   18.14%   15.45%   18.70%   16.01%
  East           23.19%   20.84%   16.89%   14.42%   14.94%   15.78%
San_Francisco    23.71%   20.60%   21.93%   20.45%   21.44%   19.98%
Seattle          21.06%   21.05%   21.24%   19.00%   21.72%   15.13%
Denver           21.61%   16.01%   19.79%   14.81%   20.66%   13.89%
Los_Angeles      17.54%   15.51%   17.03%   14.33%   17.59%   16.09%
  West           21.02%   18.35%   19.99%   17.26%   20.30%   16.61%
Dallas           15.67%   16.50%   15.32%   13.93%   20.36%   15.49%
Houston          20.01%   20.29%   20.62%   15.87%   23.60%   12.38%
Phoenix          20.01%   16.12%   17.18%   16.50%   21.39%   15.22%
  South          18.39%   17.53%   17.59%   15.36%   21.66%   14.46%
    Market       21.37%   19.09%   18.46%   15.92%   18.67%   15.93%

Use the following script to create Sample 8:

<PAGE (Accounts, Scenario, Product)
{ PAGEONDIMENSION Product }   // New page when Product changes
      <COLUMN (Year)
      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
TEXT   1 "Prepared by:"
      14 "*USERNAME"
       C "The Electronics Club"
      65 "*PAGESTRING"
TEXT  65 "*DATE"
{ Decimal 2 AFTER "%" SUPBRACKETS }   // Place % at end and 
    // suppress bracket 

Each data value in the report has a percent sign, %. This label is defined with the AFTER "%"format command. You can specify any character within quotation marks.

This report has custom headings at the top of each page. All format commands specified between the STARTHEADING and ENDHEADING format commands are displayed at the top of each report page.

TEXT format commands define text labels. The report generator provides dynamic text with *options. See the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory for a full list of the available options. This report uses the following options:

This report script, HEADING1.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 9: Creating Custom Page Headings

This report builds on Sample 8 by adding custom page headings. By default, page dimension members are output at the top center of a report page.

Prepared by :admin                The Electronics Club               Page: 1
                                 Actual Profit by Product           12/12/95   

 Product: Stereo

                      Jan       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun

New York             1.43%   -10.00%    -3.51%    -2.22%     1.14%    -6.18%
Boston              -0.34%    -2.51%    -4.44%    -4.89%    -7.02%   -13.15%
Chicago             -0.65%    -0.72%    -2.28%    -3.53%    -6.33%   -10.79%
San Francisco        1.43%    -1.87%     4.42%     2.15%    -1.26%     0.66%
Seattle              0.95%    -5.66%     1.42%    -6.82%   -11.47%   -12.34%
Denver               3.03%    -1.11%    -5.88%    -6.52%    -5.17%   -13.83%
Los Angeles         -1.50%    -3.94%    -2.86%    -3.29%     3.12%    -2.51%
Dallas            #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
Houston           #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
Phoenix           #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
 East                0.18%    -4.47%    -3.39%    -3.41%    -3.60%    -9.70%
 West                0.98%    -2.95%    -0.13%    -2.81%    -2.62%    -5.61%
 South            #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
Market               0.65%    -3.56%    -1.44%    -3.06%    -3.03%    -7.29%

Prepared by :admin                The Electronics Club               Page: 2
                                 Actual Profit by Product           12/12/95   

 Pageduct:Compact Disc

                      Jan       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun

  New York          32.51%    29.95%    35.30%    32.70%    30.45%    31.73%
  Boston            33.42%    27.92%    33.98%    30.74%    27.45%    30.85%
  Chicago           34.29%    30.48%    26.33%    28.83%    28.11%    33.76%
  San Francisco     37.77%    35.02%    33.41%    33.23%    35.32%    37.95%
  Seattle           40.41%    38.33%    38.89%    37.06%    37.01%    38.29%
  Denver            31.93%    32.10%    34.82%    29.15%    32.71%    30.85%
  Los Angeles       31.65%    30.22%    30.22%    31.45%    27.06%    33.20%
  Dallas          #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
  Houston         #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
  Phoenix         #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
 East               33.35%    29.50%    32.30%    30.92%    28.77%    32.09%
 West               35.51%    33.94%    34.21%    32.77%    33.16%    35.25%
 South            #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
Market              34.60%    32.10%    33.41%    32.01%    31.35%    33.97%

Prepared by :admin                The Electronics Club               Page: 3
                                 Actual Profit by Product           12/12/95   

 Product: Audio

                      Jan       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun

  New York          19.35%    13.64%    18.64%    16.55%    16.70%    14.65%
  Boston            18.34%    14.44%    18.94%    14.94%    12.14%    12.42%
  Chicago           18.50%    16.67%    13.18%    14.12%    12.70%    13.74%
  San Francisco     20.32%    17.38%    18.92%    18.03%    18.23%    20.57%
  Seattle           23.36%    21.40%    23.37%    20.17%    18.82%    19.04%
  Denver            18.36%    17.25%    18.88%    13.43%    15.84%    12.14%
  Los Angeles       17.15%    14.76%    15.44%    15.76%    15.10%    17.07%
  Dallas          #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
  Houston         #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
  Phoenix         #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
 East               18.76%    14.88%    17.09%    15.32%    14.05%    13.68%
 West               19.75%    17.53%    19.00%    16.88%    17.01%    17.52%
 South            #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing  #Missing
Market              19.34%    16.45%    18.21%    16.24%    15.78%    15.96%

Prepared by :admin                The Electronics Club               Page: 4
                                 Actual Profit by Product           12/12/95   


                       Jan       Feb      Mar       Apr       May       Jun

  New York           19.45%    28.80%    3.29%    -4.14%    -1.98%     7.73%
  Boston             34.53%    40.00%   24.92%    19.20%    15.00%    22.31%
  Chicago            20.61%    12.86%   15.29%     7.36%    19.23%    10.29%
  San Francisco      16.53%    12.59%   17.52%    10.74%    18.70%     7.43%
  Seattle             9.22%    12.29%   14.89%    18.39%    22.94%     7.87%
  Denver             17.69%     0.24%   16.39%    10.75%    21.05%    12.36%
  Los Angeles        10.41%     6.25%   10.48%     3.00%    14.52%     5.34%
  Dallas              2.24%     6.23%    5.89%     5.38%    15.48%     4.75%
  Houston            11.04%     8.65%   11.52%     0.54%    14.38%     2.19%
  Phoenix            11.09%     5.81%    8.58%     7.82%    12.47%    10.94%
 East                24.69%    26.95%   13.96%     6.89%    10.43%    13.14%
 West                13.41%     8.23%   14.57%    10.31%    18.95%     7.91%
 South                7.55%     6.73%    8.38%     4.90%    14.19%     5.97%
Market               16.41%    14.54%   12.86%     7.86%    14.93%     9.28%

Prepared by :admin                The Electronics Club               Page: 5
                                 Actual Profit by Product           12/12/95   


                       Jan       Feb      Mar       Apr       May      Jun

  New York           34.65%    32.38%   19.50%    20.96%    14.14%    21.57%
  Boston             31.44%    28.43%   22.33%    29.27%    25.86%    27.89%
  Chicago            31.97%    29.00%   30.95%    27.85%    28.81%    28.26%
  San Francisco      32.28%    31.47%   29.50%    31.81%    30.89%    26.42%
  Seattle            31.06%    33.42%   29.99%    26.21%    26.86%    16.40%
  Denver             31.18%    29.86%   30.39%    27.87%    29.66%    19.05%
  Los Angeles        29.14%    29.11%   28.16%    26.27%    27.31%    29.36%
  Dallas             32.17%    31.32%   27.11%    27.78%    27.55%    29.86%
  Houston            34.07%    35.53%   35.29%    31.06%    32.90%    20.63%
  Phoenix            32.91%    29.86%   30.39%    27.87%    29.66%    19.05%
 East                32.87%    29.99%   24.43%    25.95%    22.99%    25.79%
 West                30.88%    30.94%   29.42%    28.19%    28.76%    23.61%
 South               32.99%    32.22%   30.83%    28.84%    29.89%    23.71%
Market               32.14%    30.99%   28.19%    27.62%    27.19%    24.37%

Prepared by :admin                The Electronics Club              
 Page: 6
                                 Actual Profit by Product           12/12/95   


                       Jan       Feb      Mar       Apr       May      Jun

  New York           16.35%    12.30%    6.72%     4.26%     4.66%     6.67%
  Boston             10.55%     6.52%   10.66%     4.99%    17.87%    10.74%
  Chicago            17.57%    12.68%   13.67%    12.95%    16.71%    13.10%
  San Francisco      30.97%    25.36%   25.64%    24.43%    21.37%    25.96%
  Seattle            16.69%    11.96%   12.33%     7.91%    20.53%    13.56%
  Denver             22.36%    12.31%   12.19%     7.77%    20.53%    13.56%
  Los Angeles        14.96%    13.19%   15.65%    11.15%    14.95%    11.30%
  Dallas             11.68%     8.99%   11.41%     4.72%    17.62%    10.47%
  Houston            12.07%    10.99%    9.83%    11.79%    21.17%    13.15%
  Phoenix            14.36%    11.24%   10.13%    13.31%    22.56%    15.70%
 East                15.06%    10.77%   10.07%     7.41%    12.67%     9.99%
 West                22.31%    16.92%   17.63%    14.32%    19.47%    17.24%
 South               12.71%    10.38%   10.47%     9.94%    20.45%    13.11%
Market               17.59%    13.28%   13.39%    11.04%    17.68%    13.92%

Prepared by :admin                The Electronics Club               Page: 7   
                                 Actual Profit by Product           12/12/95


                       Jan       Feb      Mar       Apr       May      Jun

  New York           24.40%    25.71%    9.65%     6.67%     5.23%    12.31%
  Boston             28.51%    28.19%   20.58%    19.75%    19.82%    21.89%
  Chicago            23.86%    18.63%   20.75%    16.17%    21.97%    17.24%
  San Francisco      25.96%    22.72%   24.00%    22.11%    23.63%    19.59%
  Seattle            19.41%    20.82%   19.77%    18.23%    23.54%    12.48%
  Denver             23.89%    15.13%   20.45%    15.73%    23.82%    15.05%
  Los Angeles        17.77%    15.97%   17.99%    13.38%    19.15%    15.46%
  Dallas             15.67%    16.50%   15.32%    13.93%    20.36%    15.49%
  Houston            20.01%    20.29%   20.62%    15.87%    23.60%    12.38%
  Phoenix            20.01%    16.12%   17.18%    16.50%    21.39%    15.22%
 East                25.49%    24.13%   16.77%    13.89%    15.46%    16.94%
 West                21.85%    18.89%   20.65%    17.52%    22.43%    16.00%
 South               18.39%    17.53%   17.59%    15.36%    21.66%    14.46%
Market               22.26%    20.27%   18.58%    15.76%    19.98%    15.91%

Prepared by :admin                The Electronics Club               Page: 8
                                 Actual Profit by Product           12/12/95   


                       Jan       Feb      Mar       Apr       May      Jun

  New York           22.71%    21.43%   13.11%    10.54%     9.73%    13.16%
  Boston             24.98%    23.25%   19.95%    18.00%    17.03%    18.62%
  Chicago            22.01%    17.94%   18.14%    15.45%    18.70%    16.01%
  San Francisco      23.71%    20.60%   21.93%    20.45%    21.44%    19.98%
  Seattle            21.06%    21.05%   21.24%    19.00%    21.72%    15.13%
  Denver             21.61%    16.01%   19.79%    14.81%    20.66%    13.89%
  Los Angeles        17.54%    15.51%   17.03%    14.33%    17.59%    16.09%
  Dallas             15.67%    16.50%   15.32%    13.93%    20.36%    15.49%
  Houston            20.01%    20.29%   20.62%    15.87%    23.60%    12.38%
  Phoenix            20.01%    16.12%   17.18%    16.50%    21.39%    15.22%
 East                23.19%    20.84%   16.89%    14.42%    14.94%    15.78%
 West                21.02%    18.35%   19.99%    17.26%    20.30%    16.61%
 South               18.39%    17.53%   17.59%    15.36%    21.66%    14.46%
Market               21.37%    19.09%   18.46%    15.92%    18.67%    15.93%

Use the following script to create Sample 9:

<PAGE (Accounts, Scenario, Product)
TEXT    1 "Prepared by:" 
       14 "*USERNAME" 
        C "The Electronics Club" 
       65 "*PAGESTRING"
TEXT    C "Actual Profit by Product" 
       65 "*DATE" 
TEXT    1 "Product:" 
       10 "*PAGEHDR 3" 
      <COLUMN (Year)
      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

The SUPPAGEHEADING format command suppresses the default page headings from output.

The *PAGEHDR command customizes the location of page member labels. The Sample 9 script uses page heading number 3, Product, because this is the third page dimension.

You may have also noticed that member names do not have underscores. The UNDERSCORECHAR format command blanks out underscores.

Another difference is the underlining of column headings. The UNDERLINECHAR format command causes the underlining to character to change to the character in quotes.

The report rows are also sorted according to their levels in the database outline. Sort commands, such as SORTLEVEL, do not affect individual members selected in reports. Instead, these commands work in conjunction with member selection commands.

Note:   You can use only one sort command in a report.

Sample 9 reverses the indentation of levels from previous reports. The INDENTGEN command indents members to the specified number of characters.

This report script, HEADING2.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 10: Using Formulas

Column calculation formulas manipulate the column value of a particular row or a constant. In this report sample, each % column represents the quarterly values as a percent of Sales for the respective quarter. In addition, the Avg column represents an average value for the two quarters.

                                      Actual Product Market

                              Qtr1      %     Qtr2     %       Avg
                          ======== ====== ======== ====== ========   

Sales                      141,245 100.00  136,193 100.00  138,719
Cost_of_Goods_Sold          58,104  41.14   56,281  41.32   57,193
  Margin                    83,141  58.86   79,912  58.68   81,527
Marketing                   11,211   7.94   11,302   8.30   11,257
Payroll                     43,817  31.02   43,827  32.18   43,822
Miscellaneous                  302   0.21    1,859   1.36    1,081
  Total_Expenses            55,330  39.17   56,988  41.84   56,159
    Profit                  27,811  19.69   22,924  16.83   25,368
    Profit_%                    20   0.01       17   0.01       18
    Margin_%                    59   0.04       59   0.04       59

Use the following script to create Sample 10:

// This report performs column calculations based on values in a 
// report row.
<PAGE (Scenario, Product, Market)
      <COLUMN (Year)
      Qtr1 Qtr2
{ DECIMAL 2 3 4 }
{ NAMEWIDTH 22 WIDTH 7 3 4 } 
{ ORDER 0 1 3 2 4 5 }
<ROW (Accounts)
{ SAVEROW } Sales 
{ CALCULATE COLUMN "%" = 1 % "Sales" 1 }
{ CALCULATE COLUMN "% " = 2 % "Sales" 2 }
{ CALCULATE COLUMN "Avg" = 1 + 2 / 2. }
Note:   You can include comments in the report by preceding the text with //. The Report Extractor ignores everything that follows the double slash. You can use comments to explain report processing.

The SAVEROW command reserves space for a row member that the CALCULATE COLUMN command calculates. In this case, the calculation affects Sales. The ! is required after the member name.

The CALCULATE COLUMN command allows column numbers, row names, or constants in formulas. You can read the first calculation this way: "% equals column 1 as a percent of Sales in column 1."

Each calculated column label must be unique. Note how the second calculated column label has a blank space after the % sign.

To specify a constant, define a number followed by a period. You can use a constant in either a column or row calculation. The last column calculation takes the sum of columns 1 and 2 and divides by the value 2. This formula is interpreted as (1+2)/2, not 1 + (2/2.).

As noted in Sample 7, the ORDER command arranges columns in the specified order. By default, calculated columns are added to the end of existing columns retrieved from the database. In this example, columns 0-2 are automatically retrieved, based on selected members. Columns 3-5 are the calculated columns. The ORDER command applies to both retrieved and calculated columns.

This report script, COLCALC1.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 11: Placing Two Page Layouts on the Same Page

This sample report has two different page layouts on the same page.

                               Year Profit_% Actual

                           East      West     South    Market
                      ========= ========= ========= =========

Stereo                   -0.52%     1.91%     0.00%     0.91%
Compact_Disc             32.60%    36.00%     0.00%    34.60%
  Audio                  17.86%    20.81%     0.00%    19.60%
Television               20.40%    16.57%    13.50%    17.21%
VCR                      30.81%    32.43%    33.70%    32.24%
Camera                   16.66%    21.66%    17.83%    19.07%
  Visual                 23.16%    23.56%    22.27%    23.09%
    Product              21.34%    22.50%    22.27%    22.04%

                                    Sales Actual Product

                          Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year
                     ========= ======== ======== ======== ========   

New_York               $18,631  $17,681  $19,923  $24,403  $80,638
Boston                 $15,812  $15,050  $16,716  $19,159  $66,737
Chicago                $16,536  $15,599  $17,411  $21,374  $70,920
  East                 $50,979  $48,330  $54,050  $64,936 $218,295
San_Francisco          $19,761  $19,019  $20,722  $24,807  $84,309
Seattle                $13,766  $13,546  $14,204  $19,034  $60,550
Denver                 $13,800  $13,588  $13,838  $18,232  $59,458
Los_Angeles            $17,866  $17,269  $17,208  $22,635  $74,978
  West                 $65,193  $63,422  $65,972  $84,708 $279,295
Dallas                 $ 9,226  $ 9,175  $ 9,481  $12,700  $40,582
Houston                $ 7,690  $ 7,363  $ 7,646  $10,785  $33,484
Phoenix                $ 8,157  $ 7,903  $ 8,343  $11,843  $36,246
  South                $25,073  $24,441  $25,470  $35,328 $110,312
    Market            $141,245 $136,193 $145,492 $184,972 $607,902

Use the following script to create Sample 11:

<PAGE (Year, Accounts, Scenario)
      <COLUMN (Market)
      <ICHILDREN Market
<PAGE (Accounts, Scenario, Product)
      <ICHILDREN Year 
{ DECIMAL 0 After " " BEFORE "$" }

In a single report, you can select multiple dimension layouts and members. To define a multiple layout report, define reports as you normally would. Separate the commands with exclamation marks as shown above. Whenever the column, row, or page dimensions change between ! output commands, new headings are automatically generated to match the new layout.

The BEFORE format command places a character in front of data values. The AFTER format command turns off the percent signs from the first report layout.

This report script, 2LAYOUTS.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 12: Formatting for Data Export

This sample creates a report with a member name in each column. This format is required when you export Hyperion Essbase data to another product, such as an SQL database, with a flat file.

New York        Stereo           Sales              1000.0    950.0   
New York        Stereo           Cost of Goods Sold  580.0    551.0
New York        Stereo           Margin              420.0    399.0
New York        Stereo           Marketing            80.0     80.0
New York        Stereo           Payroll             340.0    340.0
New York        Stereo           Miscellaneous         0.0      0.0
New York        Stereo           Total Expenses      420.0    420.0
New York        Stereo           Profit                0.0    -21.0
New York        Stereo           Profit %              0.0     -2.2
New York        Stereo           Margin %             42.0     42.0
New York        Compact Disc     Sales              1200.0   1150.0
New York        Compact Disc     Cost of Goods Sold  456.0    437.0
New York        Compact Disc     Margin              744.0    713.0
New York        Compact Disc     Marketing            95.0     95.0
New York        Compact Disc     Payroll             310.0    310.0
New York        Compact Disc     Miscellaneous         0.0      0.0
New York        Compact Disc     Total Expenses      405.0    405.0
New York        Compact Disc     Profit              339.0    308.0
New York        Compact Disc     Profit %             28.3     26.8
New York        Compact Disc     Margin %             62.0     62.0
New York        Audio            Sales              2200.0   2100.0
New York        Audio            Cost of Goods Sold 1036.0    988.0
New York        Audio            Margin             1164.0   1112.0
New York        Audio            Marketing           175.0    175.0
New York        Audio            Payroll             650.0    650.0
New York        Audio            Miscellaneous         0.0      0.0
New York        Audio            Total Expenses      825.0    825.0
New York        Audio            Profit              339.0    287.0
New York        Audio            Profit %             15.4     13.7
New York        Audio            Margin %             52.9     53.0
New York        Television       Sales              1800.0   1600.0

Use the following script to create Sample 12:

<ROW (Market, Product, Accounts)
      Jan Feb

The ROWREPEAT command produces rows of data that have the member names repeat for each row dimension.

The SUPFEED command suppresses page feeds. A page feed automatically occurs when the report output reaches the default page length of 66 rows, unless you enter the PAGELENGTH command to change this setting. When a large flat file is created, you can use this command to prevent page breaks (blank rows) from being displayed in the report every time output reaches a logical page length.

This report script, FLAT2SQL.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 13: Creating Asymmetric Columns

Asymmetric columns make up this report. Typically, a report contains symmetric columns. That is, when multiple dimensions are displayed across the page as column groups, each level of nested columns has the same number of members nested below. Because Actual has only one nested column, Jan, and Budget has three nested columns, this report is considered asymmetric.

Some rows in the report use names other than the member names from the database. In addition to allowing aliases, as in Sample 7, you can rename a row name in the reporter.

                                 Product Market

                        Actual   Budget   Budget   Budget
                           Jan      Jan      Feb      Mar
                      ======== ======== ======== ========   

Revenue                 49,896   49,950   45,770   45,770
Cost of Goods           20,827   19,755   18,058   18,047
  Gross Margin          29,069   30,196   27,712   27,723

Marketing                3,560    3,515    3,525    3,515
Payroll                 14,599   14,402   14,416   14,416
Miscellaneous              249        0        0        0
  Total Expenses        18,408   17,917   17,941   17,931

    Profit              10,661   12,279    9,771    9,792

Use the following script to create Sample 13:

<PAGE (Product, Market)
      <COLUMN (Scenario, Year)
      Actual   Budget Budget Budget
         Jan      Jan    Feb    Mar
<ROW (Accounts)
{ RENAME "Revenue" } Sales
{ RENAME "Cost of Goods" } Cost_of_Goods_Sold
{ RENAME "Gross Margin" } Margin
<ICHILDREN Total_Expenses
{ SKIP }

To create an asymmetric report, you must specify the member name of each column. Because the report output has two column groupings, Scenario and Year, you must specify a member from each dimension for each column. If you do not specify each column member, the resulting report format is symmetric.

The RENAME command redefines a member name when the report is output. This is useful when you do not want to use an aliases table.

This report script, ASYMM.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 14: Calculating Columns

This section contains two examples of CALCULATE COLUMN scripts and the reports they produce. CALCULATE COLUMN supports standard mathematical operations.

Go to top Sample 14-A: Basic Calculated Columns


           Actual                                          Budget          Var
   Jan    Feb    Mar   Qtr1                    Jan    Feb    Mar     Q1     Q1

====== ====== ====== ======                 ====== ====== ====== ====== =======   
 1,295  1,132    553  2,980  Tele~ Profit    1,240    950    950  3,140   (160)
    25     27     14     66        Profit_%     26     22     22     70     (4)
    56     62     59    177        Margin_%     60     60     60    180     (3)
 1,417  1,120    898  3,435  VCR   Profit    1,466  1,161  1,161  3,788   (353)
    33     30     24     87        Profit_%     35     31     31     98    (10)
    61     61     62    183        Margin_%     63     63     63    189     (6)
   400    272    256    928  Cam~  Profit      528    360    360  1,247   (319)
    15     11     10     36        Profit_%     19     13     13     45    (10)
    70     70     70    211        Margin_%     71     71     71    213     (2)
 3,112  2,524  1,707  7,343  Visu~ Profit    3,234  2,471  2,471  8,175   (832)
    25     24     17     66        Profit_%     27     23     23     74     (7)
    61     63     63    187        Margin_%     64     64     64    191     (4)

Use the following script to create Sample 14-A:

      <COLUMN (Scenario, Year)
      Actual  Budget
      Jan Feb Mar
{ CALCULATE COLUMN "Qtr1"  = 2 : 4 
  CALCULATE COLUMN "Q1" = 5 : 7 
  CALCULATE COLUMN "Var~Q1" = 8 - 9
  ORDER 2,3,4,8,0,1,5,6,7,9
  WIDTH 7 WIDTH 10 0 1
<ROW (Product, Accounts)
<CHILDREN Accounts

This report script, COLCALC2.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 14-B: Asymmetric Columns

The following sample has two regular columns defined in asymmetric mode. For more information on asymmetric columns, see Sample 13: Creating Asymmetric Columns.


            Budget                           Actual   Actual
               Jan                              Jan  % Sales
          ========                         ======== ========   

             1,200 Television  Payroll        1,236       25%
               440             Marketing        365        9%
             1,240             Profit         1,295       26%
             4,800             Sales          5,244      100%

             1,030 VCR         Payroll        1,044       25%
               150             Marketing        156        4%
             1,466             Profit         1,417       35%
             4,200             Sales          4,311      100%

             1,195 Camera      Payroll        1,167       42%
               300             Marketing        288       11%
               528             Profit           400       19%
             2,850             Sales          2,656      100%

             3,425 Visual      Payroll        3,447       29%
               890             Marketing        809        8%
             3,234             Profit         3,112       27%
            11,850             Sales         12,211      100%

Use the following script to create Sample 14-B:

     <COLUMN(Scenario, Year)
     Budget  Actual
     Jan     Jan
{ ORDER 2,0,1,3,4 WIDTH 12 0 1 NOINDENTGEN AFTER "%" 4 
<ROW(Product, Accounts)
{ CALCULATE COLUMN "Actual~% Sales" = 2 % "Sales" 2 }
{ SAVEROW } Sales

This report script, COLCALC3.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 15: Calculating Rows

The sample reports in this section demonstrate CALCULATE ROW scripts and the reports they produce.

Go to top Sample 15-A: Basic Calculated Row

This sample report demonstrates the basic form of the CALCULATE ROW command.

                          Audio Actual Sales
                           Jan      Feb      Mar
                      ======== ======== ========   

Boston                   1,985    1,801    1,954
New_York                 2,310    2,082    2,259
Chicago                  2,043    1,884    1,814

Total Sales              6,338    5,767    6,027
Avg Sales                2,113    1,922    2,009

Use the following script to create Sample 15-A:

     Audio Actual Sales
     Jan Feb Mar
{ CALCULATE ROW "Total Sales" }    //create new calculated row
  CALCULATE ROW "Avg Sales" = "Total Sales" /3 
  PRINTROW "Total Sales"
  PRINTROW "Avg Sales" }

This report script, ROWCALC1.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 15-B: Calculated Rows and Missing Relationships

This sample report is a simple summary of information in a North/South grouping, which is not part of the database outline. When relationships that you need for reporting are missing in the database outline, often the best solution is to use calculated rows (or columns).

           Budget Payroll

                      Jan      Feb      Mar
                     ====     ====     ====   
Northern Cities
New_York            1,940    1,930    1,930
Boston              1,610    1,610    1,610
Chicago             1,630    1,630    1,630
San_Francisco       1,815    1,815    1,815
Seattle             1,415    1,409    1,409

Southern Cities
Denver              1,499    1,499    1,499
Los_Angeles         1,757    1,787    1,787
Dallas              1,002    1,002    1,002
Phoenix               900      900      900
Houston               834      834      834

Total Northern      8,410    8,394    8,394
Total Southern      5,992    6,022    6,022

Use the following script to create Sample 15-B:

// Declare Calculated Rows to Sum Southern and Northern Cities
{ CALCULATE ROW "Total Southern" OFF
// initially, set operation to OFF
  CALCULATE ROW "Total Northern" OFF  }
{ RENAME "" } Product             // all products, so blank out
                                  // the Product Label
     Jan  Feb  Mar
<ROW(Market)                      // Northern Cities
{ SETROWOP "Total Northern" +     // Accumulate for Northern
IMMHEADING	 	 	 	 	 	 // Put out heading now so text
                                  // will go after it
Text 0 "Northern Cities" UCHARACTERS
New_York Boston  Chicago San_Francisco Seattle
//Southern Cities
{ SETROWOP "Total Southern" +   } // Accumulate for Southern
{ SETROWOP "Total Northern" OFF } // Stop Accumulation for Northern
{ SKIP Text 0 "Southern Cities" UCHARACTERS }
Denver  Los_Angeles Dallas  Phoenix Houston
PRINTROW "Total Northern"         // output calculated rows
PRINTROW "Total Southern"

This report script, ROWCALC2.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 15-C: Averaging Rows

This report sample restricts columns during calculation to average rows that contain partly numbers and percentages. The report must calculate the total regional average percentages using previously calculated rows that contain the total sales for the region. Also, the report must compute (for averaging) a count of regions. The number of regions is set as a constant in the database outline. If this number changes, the report definition must be modified. If a count of regions is not computed, a hard-to-notice error could result.

 Actual Total Sales for the 3 Video Products in Qtr1:  36,914   35,126   25,119   
 Budget Total Sales for the 3 Video Products in Qtr1:  37,300   34,250   26,940
 ===================================================   ======   ======   ======

Television         VCR   Camera
                     Profit Profit_%       Profit Profit_%  Profit   Profit_%
                     ======  =======       ====== ========  ======  =========
 New_York   Budget    1,020   20.40%        1,382   31.41%     540     16.68%
            Actual      847   17.66%        1,243   29.62%     352     11.79%
 Boston     Budget    1,020   24.88%        1,344   35.37%     277     11.79%
            Actual    1,405   33.48%        1,002   27.49%     207      9.28%
 Chicago    Budget    1,100   25.58%        1,062   31.24%     430     16.54%
            Actual      728   16.51%        1,190   30.68%     369     14.72%
 San_Fran~  Budget      930   21.63%          718   21.12%   1,270      31.75
            Actual      674   15.54%        1,197   31.12%   1,000      27.4%
 Seattle    Budget      390   15.60%          973   32.98%     376     16.00%
            Actual      340   12.20%          977   31.56%     312     13.79%
 Denver     Budget      690   22.26%          929   30.97%     462     18.86%
            Actual      334   11.94%          914   30.48%     361     15.92%
Los_Ange~   Budget      810   18.41%        1,101   29.76%     506     18.40%
            Actual      429    9.11%        1,127   28.81%     377     14.62%
 Dallas     Budget      780   21.08%        1,341   36.24%     333     13.88%
            Actual      163    4.69%        1,055   30.28%     243     10.71%
 Houston    Budget      690   24.64%        1,128   36.39%     432     18.00%
            Actual      256   10.44%        1,064   34.98%     241     10.98%
 Phoenix    Budget      630   20.32%          894   31.93%     498     20.75%
            Actual      251    8.49%          940   31.07%     261     11.99%

                                    Total Regions Averages

 Avg    Budget    806    21.61%    1,087    31.74%      512     19.02%
 Avg     Actual   543    14.70%    1,071    30.49%      372     14.82%

Use the following script to create Sample 15-C:

{ // Declare some of the Calculated Rows to be used
  CALCULATE ROW "Tot Sales~Budget" OFF
  CALCULATE ROW "Tot Sales~Actual" OFF
// We need the values of Market->Visual->Qtr1->Sales->Actual and
// Market ->Visual->Qtr1->Sales ->Budget to compute some 
// percentages at the bottom, so get them now
<CHILDREN Visual Qtr1 Sales
{ SAVEROW "Actual Sales" } Actual  // stores into first 3
                           // data columns
{ SAVEROW "Budget Sales" } Budget	 	 	 	 	 	   // of these rows, which
                           // are cols 1-3
                           // change to columns 2-4 when we
                           // specify 2 row dimensions in
                           // next section
// since this is an example, not a formal report, we'll
// type out the values for Actual Sales and Budget Sales here so
// you can check the numbers:
{ SKIP 2
TEXT 0 "Actual Total Sales for the 3 Video Products in Qtr1:" 55 "*CALC" "Actual Sales"
TEXT 0 "Budget Total Sales for the 3 Video Products in Qtr1:" 55 "*CALC" "Budget Sales"
SKIP 5 }
    !                      // Now we can do the main report
{ AFTER "%" 3,5,7  DECI 2 3,5,7 ZEROTEXT "--" MISSING "--" 
  WIDTH 10 0 1  }
                <CHILDREN Visual
                Profit     // split these 2 accounts onto
                           // 2 lines to prevent default
                Profit_%   // to asymmetric mode
                           // because both column 
                           // dimensions have the same # of
                           // members selected. Could have 
// used <SYM instead.
            { SETROWOP "Avg~Actual" OFF
              SETROWOP "Avg~Budget" + 
              CALCULATE ROW "Count" = "Count" + 1.   }
            { SETROWOP "Avg~Budget" OFF
              SETROWOP "Avg~Actual" +           }
           >{ SKIP }
  // at this point, Avg~Budget and Avg~Actual ARE NOT YET
  // AVERAGES--they are the SUM of the Profit rows of each type.
  // Before converting them to averages, the report computes
  // Profit as a % of total sales for each type. Since we only
  // have 1 value for "Budget Sales" and "Actual Sales",
  // for each of the three visual products in those
  // rows, the report restricts the reference to those rows to
  // columns 2-4 while computing
  // the percentage columns 3, 5, and 7, based on profits in
  // columns 2, 4 and 6
  // calculate the percentages for Budget
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Budget" 3 = "Avg~Budget" 2 % "Budget Sales" 2
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Budget" 5 = "Avg~Budget" 4 % "Budget Sales" 3
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Budget" 7 = "Avg~Budget" 6 % "Budget Sales" 4
  // now calculate the averages
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Budget" 2  = "Avg~Budget" / "Count"
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Budget" 4  = "Avg~Budget" / "Count"
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Budget" 6  = "Avg~Budget" / "Count"
  // calculate the percentages for Actual
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Actual" 3 = "Avg~Actual" 2 % "Actual Sales" 2
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Actual" 5 = "Avg~Actual" 4 % "Actual Sales" 3
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Actual" 7 = "Avg~Actual" 6 % "Actual Sales" 4
  // now calculate the averages
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Actual" 2  = "Avg~Actual" / "Count"
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Actual" 4  = "Avg~Actual" / "Count"
CALCULATE ROW "Avg~Actual" 6  = "Avg~Actual" / "Count"
TEXT C "Total Regions Averages"
PRINTROW "Avg~Budget"
PRINTROW "Avg~Actual" }

This report script, ROWAVG.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\DEMO\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 16: Sorting by Top or Bottom Data Values

The following two reports demonstrate the use of TOP and BOTTOM conditional retrieval commands in a report script. For more information, see Developing Report Scripts.

Go to top Sample 16-A: Bottom Data Values

This sample report demonstrates the basic use of the BOTTOM command. The report is based on the Sample Basic database.


                                        Actual            Budget
                                     Jan      Dec      Jan      Dec
                                ======== ======== ======== ========   

East            200                  158      233      280      340
                300                  184      277      240      210
                Diet                 181      213      200      240
West            100                  378      223      830      530
                300                  755      971      830      950
                400                  454      434      470      370
South           200                  480      496      520      390
                Diet                 355      404      490      430
                300                  188      213      270      240
Central         300                  790      824      930      810
                100                  724      792      900      890
                400                  691      785      660      650
  Market        200                2,141    2,302    2,710    2,810
                300                1,917    2,285    2,270    2,210
                400                1,611    1,720    1,730    1,600

Use the following script to create Sample 16-A:

<Column (Scenario, Year)
Actual Budget
Jan Dec
<Row (Market, Product)
<Bottom (3, @DataColumn(3))

The BOTTOM command specifies that only the three lowest data values are returned for each row grouping, based on the target data values specified in column three (Budget, Jan). Notice that no row dimension is selected here, so the report output defaults to the innermost row.

This report script, BOTTOM.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\SAMPLE\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 16-B: Top Data Values

This sample report demonstrates the basic use of the TOP command. The report is based on the Sample Basic database.


                                       Actual            Budget
                                     Jan      Dec      Jan      Dec
                                ======== ======== ======== ========   

East              Product          1,732    2,037    2,080    2,120
                100                  924    1,026      960      990
                400                  466      501      600      580
West              Product          2,339    2,448    2,980    2,710
                200                  752      820      850      860
                Diet                 663      629      850      730
South             Product            997    1,141    1,330    1,270
                100                  329      432      540      640
                200                  480      496      520      390
Central           Product          2,956    3,154    3,550    3,570
                Diet               1,080    1,064    1,340    1,300
                200                  751      753    1,060    1,220
  Market          Product          8,024    8,780    9,940    9,670
                100                2,355    2,473    3,230    3,050
                Diet               2,279    2,310    2,880    2,700

Use the following script to create Sample 16-B:

<Column (Scenario, Year)
Actual Budget
Jan Dec
<Row (Market, Product)
<Ichildren Market
<Ichildren Product
<Top (10, @DataColumn(3))

The TOP command specifies that only the three highest data values are returned for each row grouping, based on the target data values specified in column three (Budget, Jan). Notice that no row dimension is selected here, so the report output defaults to the innermost row.

This report script, TOP.REP, is available in your \ESSBASE\APP\SAMPLE\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 17: Restricting Rows

The following report demonstrates the use of the RESTRICT conditional retrieval command in a report script. For more information, see Developing Report Scripts.

                                      Actual            Budget
                                     Jan      Dec      Jan      Dec
                                ======== ======== ======== ========   

East             200                 158      233      280      340
                 300                 184      277      240      210
                 Diet                181      213      200      240
South            300                 188      213      270      240
                 400            #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing

Use the following script to create Sample 17:

<Column (Scenario, Year)
Actual Budget
Jan Dec
<Row (Market, Product)
<Ichildren Market
<Ichildren Product
<Restrict (@DataCol(3) < $300.00 )

The RESTRICT command specifies that only data values that are less than $300.00 are returned for each row grouping, based on the target data values specified in column three (Budget, Jan). Notice that no row dimension is selected here, so the report output defaults to the innermost row.

This report script, RESTRICT.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\ SAMPLE\BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 18: Ordering Data Values

The following report demonstrates the use of the ORDERBY conditional retrieval command in a report script. For more information, see Developing Report Scripts.

                                           Sales Scenario
                                     Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr
                                ======== ======== ======== ========   

New York        100-20          #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing
                100-30          #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing
                200-20          #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing
                200-30          #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing
                300-30          #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing
                  Diet          #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing
                200-10                61       61       63       66
                400-30               134      189      198      198
                300-20               180      180      182      189
                400-20               219      243      213      223
                400-10               234      232      234      245
                300-10               483      495      513      638
                200-40               490      580      523      564
                  200                551      641      586      630
                  400                587      664      645      666
                  300                663      675      695      827
                100-10               678      645      675      712
                  100                678      645      675      712
                    Product        2,479    2,625    2,601    2,835

Use the following script to create Sample 18:

<Page ("Measures")
<Column ("Scenario", "Year")
<Row ("Market", "Product")
"Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr"
"New York"
"Product" "100" "100-10" "100-20" "100-30" "200" "200-10"
"200-20" "200-30" "200-40" "300" "300-10" "300-20" "300-30" "400"
"400-10" "400-20" "400-30" "Diet" "100-20" "200-20" "300-30"
@DATACOL(3) ASC @DataCol (4) DESC)

The ORDERBY command is based only on data in the data columns. If the SUPPRESSMISSING command is not used in the report, #MISSING is considered to be the lowest data value. ORDERBY compares data values in the following order:

If two data value are the same, the sort proceeds to the next column to determine the order.

In this example, the data value 61 in COL1 and COL2 are identical; the data in COL1 should be in ascending order, the data in COL2 should be in descending order. The two values are compared, and as they are the same, COL2 and COL3 are compared. Therefore, even though COL2 is supposed to be in descending order, the comparison for the row 400-30 was determined by the values in COL3, which is in ascending order.

                         COL 1    COL 2    COL 3    COL 4   
                         =====    =====

         200-10             61       61       63       66
         400-30            134      189      198      198
         300-20            180      180      182      189

This report script, ORDERBY.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\SAMPLE\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 19: Narrowing Member Selection Criteria

The following report demonstrates the use of the LINK command to narrow the members returned in a selection in a report script. For more information, see Developing Report Scripts.

                         COL 1    COL 2    COL 3    COL 4   
                         =====    =====

         200-10             61       61       63       66
         400-30            134      189      198      198
         300-20            180      180      182      189

Use the following script to create Sample 19:

<Page (Market)
<Column (Year)
Qtr1 Qtr2
<Row (Product)
<Link (<UDA (product, naturally-flavored) OR <LEV (product, 0))

The LINK command uses the AND, OR, and NOT Boolean operators to refine your search. In the preceding example, the product with the "naturally-flavored" user-defined attribute, as well as all Level 0 products, are returned in the search.

Be careful how you group operators in the LINK expression. Hyperion Essbase evaluates operators from left to right. Use parentheses to group the expressions. For example, A OR B AND C is the same as ((A OR B) AND C). In the first expression, Hyperion Essbase evaluates the expression from left to right, evaluating A OR B before evaluating AND C. In the second expression, Hyperion Essbase evaluates the subexpression in parentheses (A OR B) before the whole expression, producing the same result. However, if you use (A OR (B AND C)), Hyperion Essbase evaluates the subexpression in parentheses (B AND C) before the whole expression, producing a different result.

This report script, LINK.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\SAMPLE\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 20: Using Attributes in Member Selection

This sample report uses members of attribute dimensions to view data on base dimensions that are associated with those attribute dimensions.

       Market Measures Scenario 

                     Qtr1     Qtr2 
                 ======== ========    

100-10              5,096    5,892 
100-20              1,359    1,534 
100-30                593      446 
200-10              1,697    1,734 
200-20              2,963    3,079 
200-30              1,153    1,231 
200-40                908      986 
300-10              2,544    3,231 
300-20                690      815 
300-30              2,695    2,723 
400-10              2,838    2,998 
400-20              2,283    2,522 
 400-30               (116)     (84)
100-20              1,359    1,534 
200-20              2,963    3,079 
300-30              2,695    2,723 
    Product        24,703   27,107

Use the following script to create Sample 20:

{WIDTH 12}
<Page (Measures, Scenario, Caffeinated, Year, Market)
<Column (Ounces)
<Row ("Pkg Type")

The report output reflects data on Quarter 1 profits for caffeinated products by all their available sizes and package types. The data values indicate #MISSING when there is no data for a specific size in a specific package type. Because attributes are defined only on sparse dimensions, there are several #MISSING values in the sample report. You can represent missing values by suppressing the row or substituting a replacement text string, such as N/A. See Sample 2: Handling Missing Values for an example of substituting page breaks and labels for missing values.

This report script, ATTR.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\SAMPLE\ BASIC directory.

Go to top Sample 21: Using the WITHATTR Command in Member Selection

This sample report uses the WITHATTR command to view information based on the attributes of the members of a base dimension.

Profit Actual Caffeinated_True Qtr1 East 

         Ounces_32   Ounces_20   Ounces_16   Ounces_12    Ounces 
        =========== =========== =========== =========== ===========    
Bottle     #Missing    488         240        (586)        142 
Can        #Missing    #Missing    #Missing  2,776       2,776 
Pkg Type   #Missing    488         240       2,190       2,918

Use the following script to create Sample 21:

{WIDTH 12}
<Page (Measures, Scenario, Year, Market)
<Column ("Pkg Type")
<Row (Product)

The report output reflects data on Quarter 1 profits for caffeinated products by their package types. The data values indicate #MISSING when there is no data for a specific package type. Because attributes are defined only on sparse dimensions, there are several #MISSING values in the sample report.

This report script, WITHATTR.REP, is available in your\ESSBASE\APP\SAMPLE\ BASIC directory.

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