Rational Software Corp.


Getting Started with Rational Rose


This chapter is organized as follows:


When you first start Rational Rose, some editions will display a Framework dialog box. From this dialog box, you can load a model with predefined model elements, allowing you to focus your modeling efforts on the parts that are unique to your system. For further information on the Framework Wizard, refer to the Framework Wizard Add-In.

Independent of Frameworks, you can use Rational Rose's graphical user interface to display, create, modify, manipulate, and document the elements in a model using these windows:

Rational Rose displays the diagram, specification, and documentation windows within the application window. The log window is a dockable window you can move, dock or undock, or close.

Application Window

An application window contains a title bar, menu bar, toolbar, and a work area where the toolbox, browser, documentation window, diagram window, and specification window appear.

Figure 1 Application Window


Title Bar

The title bar always displays the diagram type. Additional information (like the view or diagram name) is often displayed depending on the diagram/model being viewed. The title bar includes a Control-Menu box, Minimize button, Restore button, and Close button.

Control-Menu Box

Clicking the Control-Menu box (on the application or diagram window) displays a menu with the following commands:


Restores focus to that diagram window.


Highlights the border of the window. Move your pointer to the Title Bar, click and drag the window to the desired location.


Highlights the border of the window. Move your pointer to the border and resize the window as desired.


Reduces the window to an icon placing it in the bottom of the application window.


Enlarges the window to fit the entire screen.


Closes the window.

Minimize, Restore, and Close Buttons

These buttons allow you to minimize, restore, or close the diagram or application window.

Menu Bar

The menu bar changes depending on which diagram you are working. For a description of each menu and command, refer to the Rational Rose online Help.


The standard toolbar is displayed directly under the menu bar, along the top of the application window. This toolbar is independent of the open diagram window.

The following icons are available for use on the standard toolbar.

Figure 2 Standard Toolbar

New Model

Clicking the New Model icon creates a new model.

Open Model

Clicking the Open Model icon opens the Load Model dialog box. You can open a model from anywhere within the design.

Save Model or Log

Clicking the Save Model icon opens the Save Model to dialog box. Enter a new file name. After the model is named and saved, clicking this icon automatically saves your changes to the current model without displaying the dialog box. This will also save the log if the log window is open.


Clicking the Cut icon removes icons from your model. Element(s) must be selected to activate the icon. Cutting an element will also cut associated relationships. You can cut multiple selected items.


Clicking the Copy icon copies an element to a new location on the same model, or to a new model, without affecting the original model.


Clicking the Paste icon pastes a previously cut or copied element on the Clipboard onto another location.

Print Diagrams

Clicking the Print icon prints diagrams to the default printer.

Context Sensitive Help

Clicking the Context Sensitive Help icon makes all topics covered in the online Help available. Click this icon and then click the item with which you want help.

View Documentation

Clicking the View Documentation icon displays the documentation window on the diagram.

Browse Class Diagram

Clicking the Browse Class Diagram icon opens the Select Class Diagram dialog box.

Browse Interaction Diagram

Clicking the Browse Interaction Diagram icon opens the Select Interaction Diagram dialog box.

Browse Component Diagram

Clicking the Browse Component Diagram icon opens the Select Component Diagram dialog box.

Browse State Machine Diagram

Clicking the Browse State Machine Diagram icon opens the Select Statechart Diagram or Activity Diagram dialog box.

Browse Deployment Diagram

Clicking the Browse Deployment Diagram icon opens the Deployment Diagram dialog box.

Browse Use-Case Diagram

Clicking the Browse Use-Case Diagram icon opens the Selected Use Case Diagram dialog box.

Browse Parent

Clicking the Browse Parent icon displays the "parent" of the selected diagram or specification. If you have a specification selected, the specification for the parent of the "named" item is displayed.

Browse Previous Diagram

Clicking the Browse Previous Diagram icon displays the last displayed diagram.

Zoom In

Clicking the Zoom In icon magnifies the current diagram to view an area in detail.

Zoom Out

Clicking the Zoom Out icon minimizes the current diagram allowing you to view more information.

Fit in Window

Clicking the Fit in Window icon centers and displays a diagram within the limits of the window. This command changes the zoom factor so that the entire diagram appears.

Undo Fit in Window

Clicking the Undo Fit in Window icon undoes the actions performed on the previous Fit In Window command.

Help Topics

Clicking the Help Topics icon opens the online Help contents.


The diagram toolbox consists of tools that are appropriate for the current diagram. Changing diagrams automatically displays the appropriate toolbox.

When a modifiable diagram window is active, a toolbox with tools appropriate for the current diagram is displayed. If the current diagram is contained by a controlled unit or the model is write-protected, the toolbox is not displayed.

While each diagram has a set of tools applicable for the current diagram, all toolboxes have the Selector, Separator, and Lock icons.

Selector Icon

The selector icon is used to select icons on the diagram. This icon cannot be removed from the toolbox.

Separator Icon

The separator icon is used to put a small space between icons on the toolbox. You can have as many separators as you want, but you must have at least one.

Lock Icon

The lock icon can be set to locked or unlocked. In the locked mode, any tool icon stays in the selected state until the diagram loses focus or another tool button is selected. This option facilitates the rapid placement of several identical icons without repeatedly returning to the diagram toolbox.

This icon is usually not displayed, but you can add it to the toolbox. Refer to Customizing the Toolbox.

You can obtain the lock functionality without the icon through the shortcut menu or by pressing the SHIFT key while placing an element. Releasing the SHIFT deactivates the lock feature.

The toolbox for each diagram type is discussed in the appropriate chapter.

Note: You can also extend the toolbox. This allows you to view stereotype icons and additional tools if applicable. Refer to Adding Stereotypes to the Diagram Toolbox for more details.

Customizing the Toolbox

To access the Customize Toolbar dialog box in order to modify the displayed toolbox:


The browser is a hierarchical navigational tool that allows you to view the names and icons of interaction, class, use case, statechart, activity, and deployment diagrams as well as many other model elements.

When a class or interface is assigned to a component, the browser displays the assigned component name in an extended name. The extended name is a comma-separated list within parenthesis to the right of the class and interface name. The extended list includes all the assigned components.

For more information about the browser, refer to The Browser.

Documentation Window

The documentation window is used to describe model elements or relationships. The description can include such information as the roles, keys, constraints, purpose, and essential behavior of the element. You can type information either here or through the documentation field of a specification.

To view the documentation window, click View > Documentation. A check mark next to documentation indicates the window is open.

Only one documentation window can be open at a time, but as you select different items, the window will be updated accordingly.

When the window is first displayed, it will be docked to the lower left corner of the Rose application window. To move the window, click and drag on its border. The window outline indicates the window state: a thin, crisp line indicates the window will be docked, while a thicker, hashmark-type border indicates it will be floating.

Characteristics of the docked and floating states of the window are as follows:



Log Window

Rose uses the log window to report progress, results, and errors that occur as a result of a command or action in your model. The messages posted to the log are prefixed with a time stamp, enabling you to track when an event or action occurred.

Like the documentation window, the log window can be docked or floating. You can dock or undock the window by right-clicking anywhere in the window and toggling Allow Docking . When docked, the log window is positioned along the border of the application window. If docking is not enabled or if you drag the window outside of the application frame, the window is floating. A floating window is always on top.

In addition, you can hide the log window by right-clicking anywhere in the window and clicking Hide. To redisplay the window, click View > Log.

You can save the contents of the log window to a file as well as clear the log contents. To save the log, click File > Save Log As. To clear the log, right-click anywhere in the log window and click Clear.

Diagram Window

Diagram windows allow you to create and modify graphical views of the current model. Each icon in a diagram represents an element in the model. Since diagrams are used to illustrate multiple views of a model, each model element can appear in none, one, or several of a model's diagrams. This means you can control which elements and properties appear on each diagram.

Diagrams are contained by the model elements they represent:

Overview Window

The overview window is a navigational tool that helps you move to any location on all Rational Rose diagrams. When a diagram is larger than the viewable area within the diagram window, it is not possible to see the whole diagram without scrolling. The overview window provides a scaled-down view of the current diagram so you can see the entire diagram.

To move to an exact area of your diagram, use the following steps:

1 Move the pointer over the hand located in the lower, right side of the diagram window. Notice how the pointer appears as a + when the pointer is located over the active hand.

2 Click on the hand icon so the overview window appears.

3 Hold down the mouse button and move the box inside the overview window to a desired diagram location.

Note: The overview window closes automatically when you release the mouse button.

Specification Window

A specification enables you to display and modify the properties and relationships of a model element, such as a class, a relationship, an operation, or an activity. The information in a specification is presented textually; some of this information can also be displayed inside icons representing the model element in diagrams.

You can change properties or relationships by editing the specification or modifying the icon on the diagram. The associated diagram or specification is automatically updated.

To display a specification:

The specifications are displayed as tabs and you can easily navigate through them.

Printing Diagrams and Specifications

The Print dialog box allows you to print diagrams and specifications. Table 1 describes the tabs in the Print dialog box.

Table 1 Print Dialog Box Tabs
Allows you to specify a printer, a selection of diagrams and specifications, and the number of copies to be printed.
Allows you to select and view a list of diagrams to be printed.
Allows you to select and view a list of specifications to be printed.
Allows you to select layout settings for printing diagrams and specifications.

Print Preview

The print preview option allows you to see how a diagram will appear when printed. Also, print preview displays the total number of pages the diagram will take to print on the status bar.

Zoom In

Zoom Out

Click either Zoom In or Zoom Out to view a diagram at different magnified sizes. Also, you can click on any part of the diagram to get a magnified view.


Click Print to display the Print dialog box.

One Page

Two Page

Click Two Page to display the diagram in two pages or click One Page to view the diagram in one page. When diagrams are viewed in two pages, the Next Page button becomes active and enables you to view other pages. The Previous Page button becomes active when there is a previous page to view.


Click Close to return to an active window.

Apply Filter Dialog Box

The Apply Filter dialog box allows you to search for diagrams and specifications within your model. The filter is especially useful when you print diagrams from large models.

To print a specific diagram in a model, type in the name, type, or path of the diagram you are trying to print.


Provides a list of all diagram names depending on search criteria.


Provides a list of all diagram types depending on search criteria.


Provides a list of each path for diagrams displayed.

Next, press the OK button to locate the diagram. Then, with the diagram selected, press OK from the Print dialog box to print the diagram.

To search for a diagram or a specification in the Apply Filter dialog box, you can use the * (asterisk) wildcard character. For example:

Saving in Various Formats

If you want to save a Rational Rose model as a different format, you may select any of the following options from the Save As Type list in the Save Model To dialog box:

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