A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



(-) Minus Sign  24
(+) Plus Sign  24


Abstract  68,  108
Action Expression  130
Action Specification  131
Actions Tab  129
Activities  122
Activity Actions  132
Activity Diagram
Creating  119
Overview  118
Using  118
Workflows  118
Activity Specification  128
Actions Tab  129
General Tab  128
Swimlanes Tab  131
Transitions Tab  130
Actor Specification  111
Actors  102
Installing  5
Manager  5
Classes  62
Stereotypes to the Toolbox  199
Adorning Diagrams  46
Aggregate  93
Application Window  9
Apply Button  57
Argument  82
Assigning a Component to a Package  172
Association  103,  164
Association Specification  89
Detail Tab  90
General Tab  89
Role A and B Detail Tab  93
Role A and B General Tab  92
Attributes Tab  71


Bending Correlations  43
Browse Button  57
Browse Class Diagram Button  11
Browse Component Diagram Button  12
Browse Deployment Diagram Button  12
Browse Interaction Diagram Button  11
Browse Parent Button  12
Browse Previous Diagram Button  12
Browse State Machine Diagram Button  12
Browse Use-Case Diagram Button  12
Collapsing a Tree  24
Creating Icons for  198
Description  14,  21
Displaying  22
Docking  22
Drag-and-Drop  26
Expanding a Tree  24
Hiding  22
Illustration  9,  22
Naming an Element  24
Navigating  23
Positioning  22
Viewing  21
Browser to Browser Capabilities  27
Browser to Diagram Capabilities  28
Browser to Specification Capabilities  29
on Specifications  57
on the Toolbar  10


Cancel Button  57
Cardinality  66
Changing Model Elements  41
Changing the State of an Object  125
Characteristics  184
Class  78,  161,  162,  168
Class Attribute Specification  77
Detail Tab  79
General Tab  78
Class Diagram
Creating  61
Displaying  61
Overview  59
Re-assign a Class  62
Toolbox  60
Class Instance Specification  161
Class Specification  62
Attributes Tab  71
Component Tab  74
Detail Tab  65
Files Tab  77
General Tab  63
Nested Tab  75
Operations Tab  69
Relations Tab  73
Classes  176
Client Visibility  164
Close Button  10
Coclass  211
Collaboration Diagram
Creating  146,  159
Overview  146
Toolbox  148
Collapsing a Browser Tree  24
Components  209
Properties Dialog Box  221
Stereotypes  213
Component Diagram  179
Creating  172
Displaying  172
Overview  171
Toolbox  172
Component Name  74
Component Specification  173
Detail Tab  175
Files Tab  177
General Tab  174
Realizes Tab  176
Component Tab  74
Concurrency  68,  83
Connection Specification  187
Connections  181
Constraints  91
Containment  79,  94
Context Sensitive Help Button  11
Control-Menu Box  9
Copy Button  11
Copying Icons  41
Bending  43
Creating  43
Description  43
Naming  44
Reconnecting  44
Activity Diagrams  119
Class Diagrams  61
Collaboration Diagrams  146,  159
Component Diagram  172
Correlations  43
Diagrams  34
Icons  198
List View Icons  198
Model Elements  24,  36
New Stereotype Configuration File  195
Overloaded Elements  37
Sequence Diagrams  146,  159
Statechart Diagrams  116
Stereotypes  195
Toolbox Icons  198
Customizing the Toolbox  14
Cut Button  11
Cutting Icons  41


Decision Specification  135
General Tab  135
Swimlanes Tab  137
Transitions Tab  136
Decisions  126
Declarations  175
Deep Delete  42
Default  88
Default Font Parameters  46
Deep vs. Shallow  42
Diagrams  36
Messages  155
Model Elements  42
Objects  155
Scripts  155
Dependency  104
Dependency Specification  97
Deployment Diagram
Creating  182
Displaying  182
Overview  181
Toolbox  182
Derived  80,  91
Deselecting Icons  40
Detail Tab
About  55
Association Specification  90
Class Attribute Specification  79
Class Specification  65
Component Specification  175
Device Specification  187
Has Specification  99
Logical Package Specification  99
Message Specification  168
Operation Specification  82
Package Specification  179
Processor Specification  184
State Transition Specification  134
Device Specification  185
Detail Tab  187
General Tab  186
Devices  181
Diagram Icon, see Icons
Diagram List  108
Diagram Tab  108
Diagram Toolbox, see Toolbox
Diagram Window
Cascading  33
Description  16,  32
Illustration  9
Tiling  33
Viewing  32
Adorning  46
Creating  34
Deleting  36
Displaying  35
Laying Out  44
Linking  35
Placing Text  46
Printing  17
Renaming  35
Saving  19
Type Library  212
Viewing  32
Dialog Box, see Specification
Dispinterface  211
Browser  22
Diagrams  35
Focus of Control  157
Multiple Diagrams  33
Specifications  51
Stereotype Names  194
Docking  15,  22
Documentation  54
Documentation Window
Description  14
Illustration  9
Drag-and-Drop  24,  26


Editing Model Elements  24,  39
Editing Specifications  52
Element  90
Elements, see Model Elements
End State  125
Exceptions  83
Expanding a Browser Tree  24
Export Control  64
Extend Stereotype  104
Extending Rational Rose  4


F5 Key  159
Features  4
Files  19,  225
Files Tab
About  55
Class Specification  77
Component Specification  177
Operation Specification  86
Package Specification  179
Filtering  18,  62
Fit in Window Button  12
Floating  15,  22
Flow of Events  103
Focus of Control
Coloring  157
Description  156
Displaying  157
Moving  157
Nested  157
Formal Arguments  68
Activating the Framework Wizard  202
Changing  206
Creating a Model from a Framework  202
Creating a New Framework  205
Deleting  206
Library  204
Wizard  201
Frequency  170
Friend  94
Friendship Required  96,  110
Full Import  220
Fully Qualified Names  38


General Tab
About  53
Association Specification  89
Class Attribute Specification  78
Class Instance Specification  162
Class Specification  63
Component Specification  174
Decision Specification  135
Dependency Specification  97
Device Specification  186
Generalize Specification  95,  110
Has Specification  98
Key/Qualifier Specification  100
Link Specification  163
Logical Package Specification  98
Message Specification  167
Object Flow Specification  143
Object Specification  140,  160
Operation Specification  81
Package Specification  178
Parameter Specification  88
Process Specification  188
Processor Specification  183
Realize Specification  96
State and Activity Specifications  128
State Machine Specification  115
State Transition Specification  133
Swimlane Specification  127
Synchronization Specification  138
Generalization  105
Generalize Specification  95,  109
Guard Condition  134


Has Relationship  98
Has Specification  98
Detail Tab  99
General Tab  98
Help Button  57
Help Topics Button  13
Browser  22
Classes  62
Stereotype Names  194
Type Library Items  218


Icon  166
Copying  41
Creating on the Diagram  36
Creating User-Defined Icons  198
Cutting  41
Deselecting  40
Moving  40
Pasting  41
Resizing  40
Selecting  39
Implementation  65
Importing a Type Library  216
Include Stereotype  104
Incoming Object Flows Tab  141
Initial State, see Start State
Initial Value  79
Installing an Add-In  5
Interaction Diagram  84,  85,  86
Creating  146
Overview  145
in Type Library  211
of COM Component  211


Key/Qualifier Specification  99
Keys  95


Language  75,  174,  177
Laying Out a Diagram  44
Frameworks  204
Imported  220
Type  208
Link Element  91
Link Specification  163
General Tab  163
Messages Tab  166
Linking Diagrams  35
Creating  153
Description  153
see also Correlation  153
Loading a Model Workspace  49
Log Window  15
Logical Package Specification  98
Detail Tab  99
General Tab  98


Manipulating Icons  39
Manuals  xix
Maximize Button  10
Menu Bar
Description  10
Illustration  9
Menu Control Box  9
Message Name  166
Message Specification  167
Detail Tab  168
General Tab  167
Message Tab  166
Assigning an Operation to  152
Creating  151
Deleting  155
Description  151
Naming  152
Numbering  152
Minimize Button  10
Minus Sign  24
Navigating  23
Printing  17
Saving  19
Model Elements
Changing  41
Creating  24
Deleting  42
Editing  24
Laying Out  44
Naming  36
Reassigning  38
Selecting in the Browser  25
Model File  225
Model Workspaces
Loading  49
Saving  49
Understanding  47,  48
Modeling with Rational Rose  3
Moving Icons  40
Multiple Instances  161
Multiple Objects  150


Name  54,  107,  160
Name Direction  91
Correlations  44
Diagrams  35
Element  24
Element in the Browser  24
Fully Qualified Names  38
Model Elements  36,  37,  38
Overloaded Elements  37
Navigable  93
Navigating a Model  23
Navigating the Tabs  58
Adding and Deleting Entries  58
Editing Entries  58
Nested Class  76
Nested Focus of Control  157
Nested Tab  75
New Model Button  10
Notations  3
Numbering Messages  152
Numbering Sequences  154


Object  150
Object Browser in Visual Basic  215
Object Flow  123
Object Flow Specification  142
Object Specification  139,  160
General Tab  140
Incoming Object Flows Tab  141
Outgoing Object Flows Tab  142
Objects  122
OK Button  57
OLE Viewer  214
On Event  132
Online Help  xix
Open Model Button  10
Operation Specification  80
Detail Tab  82
Files Tab  86
General Tab  81
Postconditions Tab  86
Preconditions Tab  84
Semantics Tab  85
Operations Tab  69
Outgoing Object Flows Tab  142
Overloaded Elements  37,  38
Overview Window
Description  16
Icon  9
Owner  88,  100


Package  62,  64,  107,  178,  200
Package Name  74
Package Specification  177
Detail Tab  179
Files Tab  179
General Tab  178
Realizes Tab  179
Parameter Specification  87
Parent  12,  64,  89
Paste Button  11
Pasting Icons  41
Persistence  67
Persistence Field  161
Petal File  225
Plus Sign  24
Positioning the Browser  22
Postcondition  86
Postconditions Tab  86
Preconditions  84
Preconditions Tab  84
Print Diagrams Button  11
Printing  17
Priority  189
Private  64
Process Specification  188
Processes  184
Processor  189
Processor Specification  182
Detail Tab  184
General Tab  183
Processors  181
Protected  64
Protocol  82
Public  64


Qualifications  83
Qualifiers  95
Quick Import  220


Rank  107
Realize Specification  96
Realizes Tab  176,  179
Reassigning Model Elements  38
Receiver  167
Redo Command  41
Referenced Type Libraries  212
Refine Stereotype  105
Relations  109
Relations Tab  73,  109
Relationship, see Correlation
Relationships  103
Renaming Model Elements  38
Resizing Icons  40
Return Class  81
Role  90,  165
Role A and B Detail Tab  93
Role A and B General Tab  92


Save Model, Log, or Script Button  11
Files  19
Model Workspaces  49
Scheduling  185
Creating  155
Deleting  155
Detaching  155
Moving  155
Selecting Elements  25
Selecting Icons  39
Semantics  85
Semantics Tab  85
Sequence  166
Sequence Diagram
Creating  146,  159
Overview  147
Toolbox  149
Sequence Numbering  154
Shallow Delete  42
Shapes, see Model Elements
Shared  165
Show all Classes  176
Show All Components  74
Show Classes  78
Show Inherited  70
Show labels  194
Show Stereotype Names  194
Show Stereotypes  193
Size  83
Snap-to-grid  40
Sorting Packages  26
Space  66
About Common Elements  53
Action  131
Activity  128
Actor  111
Association  89
Class  62
Class Attribute  77
Class Instance  161
Component  173
Connection  187
Decision  135
Dependency  97
Device  185
Displaying  51
Editing  52
Generalize  95,  109
Has  98
Illustration  9
Key/Qualifier  99
Link  163
Logical Package  98
Message  167
Navigating the Tabs  58
Object  139,  160
Object Flow  142
Operation  80
Package  177
Parameter  87
Process  188
Processor  182
Realize  96
State  128
State Machine  114
State Transition  133
Swimlane  127
Synchronization  137
Tab Buttons  57
Use-Case  106
Window  17
Standard Toolbar  10
Start State  125
State  140
State Actions  132
State Machine
Creating  114
Overview  114
State Machine Specification  114
State Specification  128
Actions Tab  129
General Tab  128
Swimlanes Tab  131
Transitions Tab  130
State Transition  126
State Transition Specification  133
Detail Tab  134
General Tab  133
State/Activity History  129
State/Activity Model Icon  114
Statechart Diagram
Creating  116
Overview  115
States  125
Static  80,  94
Stereotype  64,  90,  110,  174
Benefits  192
Creating  195
Creating Configuration File  195
Creating Icons  197
Description  191
Display  193
Icon  197
Sample  200
User-Defined  192
Viewing  192
Subsystem Stereotype Package  200
Supplier Visibility  164
Swimlane Specification  127
Swimlanes  122
Swimlanes Tab  131,  137
Synchronization  169
Synchronization Specification  137
General Tab  138
Transitions Tab  139
Synchronizations  126


Buttons  57
Common  53
Navigating  58
Changing Default Font Parameters  46
Moving  47
Placing in Diagrams  46
Resized the Text Box  47
Time  83
Title Bar
Description  9
Illustration  9
Description  10
Illustration  9
Adding Stereotypes  199
Class Diagram  60
Collaboration Diagram  148
Component Diagram  172
Creating Icons for  198
Customizing  14
Deployment Diagram  182
Description  13
Illustration  9
Sequence Diagram  149
Use-Case Diagram  105
Training  xix
Transition Between Substates  134
Transition to Self  126
Transitions  126
Transitions Tab  130,  136,  139
Type  63,  78,  88,  129
Type Libraries
About  208
Adding Class Members  220
Customizing the Importer  221
Hiding and Displaying Items  218
Importing into a Model  216
Overview Diagram  212
Reasons for Importing  208
Referenced  212
Types of Files to Import  209
Updating  217
Using  220
Viewing in Rational Rose  209
Viewing in Visual Studio  214


Undo Fit in Window Button  13
Undo Mistakes  41
Upgrading  225
URLs  56
Use Cases  102
Use-Case Diagram
Overview  101
Toolbox  105
Use-Case Specification  106
Diagram Tab  108
Relations Tab  109
User-Defined Stereotype  192


View Documentation Button  11
Virtual Inheritance  96,  111
Visibility  164
Visual Modeling  1


Defining  120
Modeling with Activity Diagrams  121
Purposes  119
Understanding  118
Workspaces, see Model Workspaces


Zoom In Button  12
Zoom Out Button  12

Rational Software Corporation
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