Version 2003.06.00  
Rational Suite
Rational ClearCase LT
Rational ClearQuest
Rational Project Console
  Rational PurifyPlus
Rational RequisitePro
Rational Rose
Rational Rose Real-Time
Rational Test
Rational Unified Process
  Release Notes
Rational Solutions for Windows
Online Documentation CD
Copyright © 2003 Rational Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This documentation (the “Work”) is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and/or other jurisdictions, as well as various international treaties.  Any reproduction  or distribution of the Work is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Rational Software Corporation.

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This CD contains documentation and tutorials for the products on the Rational Solutions for Windows CD.

Many of the documents are in Adobe® Acrobat® PDF format, requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click here to download the Acrobat Reader with Search installation kit from the Adobe web site. The PDF documents on this CD were designed to be distributed electronically and then printed on a laser printer on an as-needed basis. For this reason, the fonts and layout of this document have been chosen for optimal printing rather than for optimal viewing on-screen. To review this document on-screen, increase the magnification using the magnification box at the bottom of the window in your PDF Reader. For the best results when viewing dialog boxes on-screen, increase the magnification to 200%.

This CD includes full-text search of Adobe Acrobat PDF files. To learn how to use the full-text search, navigate to the using_search.pdf file on this CD.

Rational Suite
Rational ClearCase LT
Rational ClearQuest
Rational Project Console
Rational PurifyPlus Tools
Rational Requisite Pro
Rational Rose

Note: When opening these links, choose to open the file from its current location instead of saving to disk. If this is not an option, use your File Explorer to locate the file on CD and run it directly.
Rational Rose Real-Time
Rational Test
Release Notes
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