Interface ECLAppletInterface

public interface ECLAppletInterface

ECLAppletInterface defines a set of methods which are called when a user-defined applet is launched. This feature, called Run Applet, constructs an instance of a given class using the default constructor and initializes the class using the same session in use by the application.

This interface must be implemented by the main class of an applet that will be run using the Run Applet feature.

Method Summary
 void init(ECLSession session)
          The init() method is called immediately after the class is constructed.

Method Detail


public void init(ECLSession session)
The init() method is called immediately after the class is constructed. This method is used to initialize the class instance with the same session which it is currently using. This method must take whatever necessary steps are required to ensure that the applet is successfully started.
session - The current session in use by the application.