
Interface Summary
ECLAppletInterface ECLAppletInterface defines a set of methods which are called when a user-defined applet is launched.
ECLCommNotify ECLCommNotify can be used to implement an object which will receive and handle ECLConnection events.
ECLOIANotify ECLOIANotify can be used to implement an object which will receive and handle ECLOIA events.
ECLPSBIDIServices The ECLPSBIDIServices interface provides access to the bidirectional (BIDI) language properties in an ECLPS object.
ECLPSNotify Deprecated. Use
ECLPSTHAIServices The ECLPSTHAIServices interface provides access to the THAI properties in a THAI ECLPS object.
ECLRecoNotify ECLRecoNotify can be used to implement an object which will receive and handle ECLScreenReco events.
ECLXferBIDIServices The ECLXferBIDIServices interface provides access to the ECLXfer Bi-directional (BIDI) Language properties in an ECLXfer object.
PSVTBIDIServices The PSVTBIDIServices interface provides access to the bidirectional (BIDI) language properties in a BIDI VT session.

Class Summary
ECLConnection ECLConnection is the base class from which ECLSession inherits.
ECLField A field is the fundamental element of a presentation space.
ECLFieldList ECLFieldList contains a collection of the fields in the presentation space.
ECLHostPrintSession The ECLHostPrintSession class can be used to establish a print connection with a host.
ECLOIA ECLOIA represents the operator information area (OIA) of a session.
ECLPS ECLPS encapsulates the host presentation space.
ECLScreenDesc ECLScreenDesc is the class that is used to "describe" a screen for IBM's Host Access Class Library Screen Recognition Technology.
ECLScreenReco An ECLScreenReco object is the engine in the screen recognition system.
ECLSession The ECLSession class can be used to establish a connection with a host.
ECLXfer ECLXfer allows the transfer of files to and from a 3270 or 5250 host, over an established session.

Exception Summary
ECLErr ECLErr objects are created and populated with error and diagnostic information, and then they are thrown as exceptions.
VariableException This exception class is thrown when problems with Macro variables and arithmetic expressions are encountered.