Interface PSVTBIDIServices

public interface PSVTBIDIServices

The PSVTBIDIServices interface provides access to the bidirectional (BIDI) language properties in a BIDI VT session. The PSVTBIDIServices object is only available when using bidirectional code pages.

See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String BIDI_MODE_OFF
          BIDIMode property value - BIDIMODEOFF
static java.lang.String BIDI_MODE_ON
          BIDIMode property value - BIDIMODEON
static java.lang.String CONTEXTUAL
          Numerals Shape property value - CONTEXTUAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts
static java.lang.String CONTEXTUAL_DISP
          Numerals Shape Display property value - CONTEXTUAL_DISP, this value only applies to Arabic hosts
static java.lang.String CURSOR_LTR
          cursorDirection property value - CURSOR_LEFTTORIGHT, this value only applies to Visual Hebrew Sessions
static java.lang.String CURSOR_RTL
          cursorDirection property value - CURSOR_RIGHTTOLEFT, this value only applies to Visual Hebrew Sessions
static java.lang.String LEFT_TO_RIGHT
          TextOrientation property value - LEFTTORIGHT
static java.lang.String LOGICAL
          TextType property value - LOGICAL
static java.lang.String LOGICAL_DISP
          TextType Display property value - LOGICAL_DISP
static java.lang.String NATIONAL
          Numerals Shape property value - NATIONAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts
static java.lang.String NATIONAL_DISP
          Numerals Shape Display property value - NATIONAL_DISP, this value only applies to Arabic hosts
static java.lang.String NOMINAL
          Numerals Shape property value - NOMINAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts
static java.lang.String NOMINAL_DISP
          Numerals Shape Display property value - NOMINAL_DISP, this value only applies to Arabic hosts
static java.lang.String RIGHT_TO_LEFT
          TextOrientation property value - RIGHTTOLEFT
static java.lang.String SMART_ORDERING_OFF
          smartOrdering property value - SMART_ORDERING_OFF , this value only applies to Logical Sessions
static java.lang.String SMART_ORDERING_ON
          smartOrdering property value - SMART_ORDERING_ON , this value only applies to Logical Sessions
static java.lang.String VISUAL
          TextType property value - VISUAL
static java.lang.String VISUAL_DISP
          TextType Display property value - VISUAL_DISP, this value only applies to Hebrew Hosts
Method Summary
 java.lang.String GetBIDIMode()
          Returns the current value of the BIDIMode property.
 java.lang.String GetCursorDirection()
          Returns the current value of the CursorDirection property.
 java.lang.String GetNumeralShape()
          Determines whether numeral shape is Nominal, National or Contextual for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
 java.lang.String GetNumeralShapeDisp()
          Returns the current value of the NumeralShapeDisp property.
 int GetScreen(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int plane, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space.
 int GetScreen(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int position, int length, int plane, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space.
 int GetScreen(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int row, int col, int length, int plane, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space.
 boolean GetShowTextAttributes()
          Returns the current value of the ShowTextAttributes property.
 java.lang.String GetSmartOrdering()
          Returns the current value of the SmartOrdering property.
 int GetString(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int GetString(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int position, int length, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int GetString(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int row, int col, int length, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 java.lang.String GetTextOrientation()
          Determines whether text orientation is Left To Right or Right To Left for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods
 java.lang.String GetTextType()
          Determines whether text type is Visual or Logical for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
 java.lang.String GetTextTypeDisp()
          Returns the current value of the TextTypeDisp property.
 boolean GetVTPrintConvert()
          Checks whether text which sent to printer by passthru mode is converted from display session codepage into printer codepage.
 java.lang.String handleArabicData(java.lang.String str)
          Converts Arabic characters into their base-shaped analogs
 void noticeRTLScreen(boolean notice)
          If parameter notice is true and ECLPS.SCREENREV_STR string has been sent to PS,
 int SearchString(java.lang.String text, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int SearchString(java.lang.String text, int position, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int SearchString(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int SearchText(java.lang.String text, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
 int SearchText(java.lang.String text, int position, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
 int SearchText(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
 void SetBIDIMode(java.lang.String to)
          Sets the BIDIMode property.
 void SetCursorDirection(java.lang.String to)
          Sets the CursorDirection property.
 void SetNumeralShape(java.lang.String ns)
          Sets whether numeral shape is Nominal, National or Contextual for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
 void SetNumeralShapeDisp(java.lang.String to)
          Sets the NumeralShapeDisp property.Determines how numerals should be shaped This method only applies to Arabic Hosts.
 void SetShowTextAttributes(boolean state)
          Sets the ShowTextAttributes property.
 void SetSmartOrdering(java.lang.String ns)
          Sets the SmartOrdering property.
 void SetString(java.lang.String text, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 void SetString(java.lang.String text, int pos, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 void SetString(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 void SetText(java.lang.String text, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
 void SetText(java.lang.String text, int pos, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
 void SetText(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
 void SetTextOrientation(java.lang.String to)
          Sets whether text orientation is Left To Right or Right To Left for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
 void SetTextType(java.lang.String tt)
          Sets whether text type is Visual or Logical for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
 void SetTextTypeDisp(java.lang.String to)
          Sets the TextTypeDisp property.
 void SetVTPrintConvert(boolean pc)
          Determines whether text which sent to printer by passthru mode should be converted from display session codepage into printer codepage.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String NOMINAL
Numerals Shape property value - NOMINAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts


public static final java.lang.String NATIONAL
Numerals Shape property value - NATIONAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts


public static final java.lang.String CONTEXTUAL
Numerals Shape property value - CONTEXTUAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts


public static final java.lang.String VISUAL
TextType property value - VISUAL


public static final java.lang.String LOGICAL
TextType property value - LOGICAL


public static final java.lang.String LEFT_TO_RIGHT
TextOrientation property value - LEFTTORIGHT


public static final java.lang.String RIGHT_TO_LEFT
TextOrientation property value - RIGHTTOLEFT


public static final java.lang.String NOMINAL_DISP
Numerals Shape Display property value - NOMINAL_DISP, this value only applies to Arabic hosts


public static final java.lang.String NATIONAL_DISP
Numerals Shape Display property value - NATIONAL_DISP, this value only applies to Arabic hosts


public static final java.lang.String CONTEXTUAL_DISP
Numerals Shape Display property value - CONTEXTUAL_DISP, this value only applies to Arabic hosts


public static final java.lang.String VISUAL_DISP
TextType Display property value - VISUAL_DISP, this value only applies to Hebrew Hosts


public static final java.lang.String LOGICAL_DISP
TextType Display property value - LOGICAL_DISP


public static final java.lang.String BIDI_MODE_ON
BIDIMode property value - BIDIMODEON


public static final java.lang.String BIDI_MODE_OFF
BIDIMode property value - BIDIMODEOFF


public static final java.lang.String CURSOR_LTR
cursorDirection property value - CURSOR_LEFTTORIGHT, this value only applies to Visual Hebrew Sessions


public static final java.lang.String CURSOR_RTL
cursorDirection property value - CURSOR_RIGHTTOLEFT, this value only applies to Visual Hebrew Sessions


public static final java.lang.String SMART_ORDERING_ON
smartOrdering property value - SMART_ORDERING_ON , this value only applies to Logical Sessions


public static final java.lang.String SMART_ORDERING_OFF
smartOrdering property value - SMART_ORDERING_OFF , this value only applies to Logical Sessions
Method Detail


public void SetSmartOrdering(java.lang.String ns)
                      throws ECLErr
Sets the SmartOrdering property. Determines whether segment of characters with different text attributes is ordered separatly. This method applies for Logical Sessions only.
ns - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:
SetNumeralShape(java.lang.String), SMART_ORDERING_ON, SMART_ORDERING_OFF


public java.lang.String GetSmartOrdering()
Returns the current value of the SmartOrdering property.
See Also:
SetSmartOrdering(java.lang.String), SMART_ORDERING_ON, SMART_ORDERING_OFF


public void SetShowTextAttributes(boolean state)
                           throws ECLErr
Sets the ShowTextAttributes property.
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.


public boolean GetShowTextAttributes()
Returns the current value of the ShowTextAttributes property.
See Also:


public void SetNumeralShape(java.lang.String ns)
                     throws ECLErr
Sets whether numeral shape is Nominal, National or Contextual for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods. This method only applies to Arabic Hosts.
ns - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetNumeralShape()
Determines whether numeral shape is Nominal, National or Contextual for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
See Also:
SetNumeralShape(java.lang.String), NOMINAL, NATIONAL, CONTEXTUAL


public void SetTextType(java.lang.String tt)
                 throws ECLErr
Sets whether text type is Visual or Logical for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
tt - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetTextType()
Determines whether text type is Visual or Logical for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
See Also:
SetTextType(java.lang.String), VISUAL, LOGICAL


public void SetTextOrientation(java.lang.String to)
                        throws ECLErr
Sets whether text orientation is Left To Right or Right To Left for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
to - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:
GetTextOrientation(), LEFT_TO_RIGHT, RIGHT_TO_LEFT


public java.lang.String GetTextOrientation()
Determines whether text orientation is Left To Right or Right To Left for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods
See Also:
SetTextOrientation(java.lang.String), LEFT_TO_RIGHT, RIGHT_TO_LEFT


public void SetBIDIMode(java.lang.String to)
                 throws ECLErr
Sets the BIDIMode property. Is used to enable or disable Arabic functions, like characters shaping. This method only applies to Arabic VT sessions
to - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetBIDIMode()
Returns the current value of the BIDIMode property.
See Also:
SetBIDIMode(java.lang.String), BIDI_MODE_ON, BIDI_MODE_OFF


public void SetTextTypeDisp(java.lang.String to)
                     throws ECLErr
Sets the TextTypeDisp property. Determines whether session works in Logical or Visual mode This method only applies to Hebrew Hosts.
to - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:
GetTextTypeDisp(), LOGICAL, VISUAL


public java.lang.String GetTextTypeDisp()
Returns the current value of the TextTypeDisp property.
See Also:
SetTextTypeDisp(java.lang.String), LOGICAL, VISUAL


public void SetCursorDirection(java.lang.String to)
                        throws ECLErr
Sets the CursorDirection property. Determines whether cursor direction is left-to-right or right-to-left. This method only applies to Visual Hebrew Sessions.
to - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:
GetCursorDirection(), CURSOR_LTR, CURSOR_RTL


public java.lang.String GetCursorDirection()
Returns the current value of the CursorDirection property.
See Also:
SetCursorDirection(java.lang.String), CURSOR_LTR, CURSOR_RTL


public void SetNumeralShapeDisp(java.lang.String to)
                         throws ECLErr
Sets the NumeralShapeDisp property.Determines how numerals should be shaped This method only applies to Arabic Hosts.
to - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetNumeralShapeDisp()
Returns the current value of the NumeralShapeDisp property.
See Also:
SetNumeralShapeDisp(java.lang.String), NOMINAL, NATIONAL, CONTEXTUAL


public int GetString(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For both Logical and Visual session, the text is extracted as it could be shown in session screen.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetString(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int position,
                     int length,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For both Logical and Visual session, the text is extracted as it could be shown in session screen.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetString(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int row,
                     int col,
                     int length,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For both Logical and Visual session, the text is extracted as it could be shown in session screen.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetScreen(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int plane,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. It works likes ECLPS.GetScreen, but for TEXT_PLANE if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For both Logical and Visual session, the text is extracted as it could be shown in session screen.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetScreen(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int position,
                     int length,
                     int plane,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. It works likes ECLPS.GetScreen, but for TEXT_PLANE if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For both Logical and Visual session, the text is extracted as it could be shown in session screen.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetScreen(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int row,
                     int col,
                     int length,
                     int plane,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. It works likes ECLPS.GetScreen, but for TEXT_PLANE if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For both Logical and Visual session, the text is extracted as it could be shown in session screen.
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchString(java.lang.String text,
                        int direction,
                        boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
                 throws ECLErr
The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For Logical text type, search of multiline field may be wrong.
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchString(java.lang.String text,
                        int position,
                        int direction,
                        boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
                 throws ECLErr
The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For Logical text type, search of multiline field may be wrong.
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchString(java.lang.String text,
                        int row,
                        int column,
                        int direction,
                        boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
                 throws ECLErr
The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For Logical text type, search of multiline field may be wrong.
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchText(java.lang.String text,
                      int direction,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchText(java.lang.String text,
                      int position,
                      int direction,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchText(java.lang.String text,
                      int row,
                      int column,
                      int direction,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetString(java.lang.String text,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetString(java.lang.String text,
                      int pos,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetString(java.lang.String text,
                      int row,
                      int column,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetText(java.lang.String text,
                    boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
             throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetText(java.lang.String text,
                    int pos,
                    boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
             throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetText(java.lang.String text,
                    int row,
                    int column,
                    boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
             throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
See Also:
for more information.


public java.lang.String handleArabicData(java.lang.String str)
Converts Arabic characters into their base-shaped analogs


public void noticeRTLScreen(boolean notice)
If parameter notice is true and ECLPS.SCREENREV_STR string has been sent to PS,


public void SetVTPrintConvert(boolean pc)
Determines whether text which sent to printer by passthru mode should be converted from display session codepage into printer codepage.


public boolean GetVTPrintConvert()
Checks whether text which sent to printer by passthru mode is converted from display session codepage into printer codepage.