Interface ECLPSBIDIServices

public interface ECLPSBIDIServices

The ECLPSBIDIServices interface provides access to the bidirectional (BIDI) language properties in an ECLPS object. An ECLPSBIDIServices object is only available when using bidirectional code pages (420, 424, or 803) in 3270/5250 Sessions.

See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CONTEXTUAL
          Numerals Shape property value - CONTEXTUAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts
static java.lang.String LAMALEF_OFF
          LamAlef property value - LAMALEFOFF, this value only applies to Arabic 5250 hosts
static java.lang.String LAMALEF_ON
          LamAlef property value - LAMALEFON, this value only applies to Arabic 5250 hosts
static java.lang.String LEFT_TO_RIGHT
          TextOrientation property value - LEFTTORIGHT
static java.lang.String LOGICAL
          TextType property value - LOGICAL
static java.lang.String NATIONAL
          Numerals Shape property value - NATIONAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts
static java.lang.String NOMINAL
          Numerals Shape property value - NOMINAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts
static java.lang.String RIGHT_TO_LEFT
          TextOrientation property value - RIGHTTOLEFT
static java.lang.String ROUNDTRIP_OFF
          RoundTrip property value - OFF
static java.lang.String ROUNDTRIP_ON
          RoundTrip property value - ON
static java.lang.String RTLUNICODE_OFF
          RTLUNICODE property value - RTLUNICODEOFF, this value only applies to BIDI 5250 hosts
static java.lang.String RTLUNICODE_ON
          RTLUNICODE property value - RTLUNICODEON, this value only applies to BIDI 5250 hosts
static java.lang.String VISUAL
          TextType property value - VISUAL
Method Summary
 java.lang.String ConvertLogicalToVisual(java.lang.String inputBuffer, boolean isLTRImplicit, boolean isLTRVisual)
          Converts the Given String From Implicit To Visual Format and returns the Visual Format of the String
 java.lang.String ConvertVisualToLogical(java.lang.String inputBuffer, boolean isLTRVisual, boolean isLTRImplicit)
          Converts the Given String From Visual To Implicit Format and returns the Implicit Format of the String
 java.lang.String GetLamAlef()
          Returns the current value of the LamAlef property.
 java.lang.String GetNumeralShape()
          Determines whether numeral shape is Nominal, National or Contextual for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
 boolean getNumericSwap()
          Returns the current value of Numeric Swapping.
 java.lang.String GetRoundTrip()
          Determines whether RoundTrip is on or off for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() method.
 java.lang.String GetRTLUnicode()
          Returns the current value of the RTL property.
 int GetScreen(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int plane, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space.
 int GetScreen(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int position, int length, int plane, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space.
 int GetScreen(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int row, int col, int length, int plane, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space.
 int GetString(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int GetString(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int position, int length, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int GetString(char[] buffer, int bufferLength, int row, int col, int length, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 boolean getSymmetricSwap()
          Returns the current value of Directional Swapping.
 java.lang.String GetTextOrientation()
          Determines whether text orientation is Left To Right or Right To Left for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() method.
 java.lang.String GetTextType()
          Determines whether text type is Visual or Logical for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() and ECLPS.GetText() methods.
 java.lang.String handleArabicData(java.lang.String str)
          Converts Arabic characters into their base-shaped analogs
 boolean is5250AutoEnterField(int pos)
          Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.
 boolean isAutoReversed()
          Returns true, if mode AutoReverse is ON, and false, if OFF
 boolean IsBIDINumericField(int pos)
          Returns true, if current field is Numeric, and false, if not.
 boolean isBoundary()
          Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.
 boolean isField5250RTL(int pos)
          Returns true, if orientation of Field in 5250 Session is RTL, and false, if not
 boolean isFieldReversed()
          Returns true, if current field is reversed, and false, if not
 boolean IsNumericField(int value)
          Returns true, if current field is Numeric and false, if not.
 boolean isPushMode()
          Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.
 boolean isRTLScreen()
          Returns true, if Screen orientation is RTL and false, if not
 void noticeRTLScreen(boolean notice)
          If parameter notice is true and ECLPS.SCREENREV_STR string has been sent to PS, then methods with noticeBIDIattrs attribute work with text as it could displayed at RTL screen.
 void processFirstNumericField(int value)
          Sets the cursor position of the first active numeric field to properly position.
 int SearchString(java.lang.String text, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int SearchString(java.lang.String text, int position, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int SearchString(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 int SearchText(java.lang.String text, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
 int SearchText(java.lang.String text, int position, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
 int SearchText(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, int direction, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
 void SetBIDICursorPos(int pos)
          Sets the cursor position to the specified row and column.
 void SetBIDICursorPos(int pos, boolean flag)
          Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.
 void SetBIDICursorPos(int row, int col)
          Sets the BIDI cursor position to the specified linear position.
 void setFieldReverse(boolean frev)
          Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.
 void SetLamAlef(java.lang.String tt)
          Sets the LamAlef property.
 void SetNumeralShape(java.lang.String ns)
          Sets whether numeral shape is Nominal, National or Contextual for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
 void setNumericFromSC()
          Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.
 void setNumericSwap(boolean value)
          Sets the Numeric Swapping value.Determines whether Numeric Swapping in RTL screens is enabled/disabled.
 void SetRoundTrip(java.lang.String to)
          Sets whether RoundTrip is on or off for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() method.
 void SetRTLUnicode(java.lang.String tt)
          Sets the RTLUnicode property.
 void SetString(java.lang.String text, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 void SetString(java.lang.String text, int pos, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 void SetString(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
 void setSymmetricSwap(boolean value)
          Sets the Symmetric Swapping value (Directional Swapping).
 void SetText(java.lang.String text, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
 void SetText(java.lang.String text, int pos, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
 void SetText(java.lang.String text, int row, int column, boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
          For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
 void SetTextOrientation(java.lang.String to)
          Sets whether text orientation is Left To Right or Right To Left for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() and ECLPS.GetText() methods.
 void SetTextType(java.lang.String tt)
          Sets whether text type is Visual or Logical for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() and ECLPS.GetText() methods.
 void shapeMacro(boolean value)
          Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String NOMINAL
Numerals Shape property value - NOMINAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts


public static final java.lang.String NATIONAL
Numerals Shape property value - NATIONAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts


public static final java.lang.String CONTEXTUAL
Numerals Shape property value - CONTEXTUAL, this value only applies to Arabic hosts


public static final java.lang.String VISUAL
TextType property value - VISUAL


public static final java.lang.String LOGICAL
TextType property value - LOGICAL


public static final java.lang.String LEFT_TO_RIGHT
TextOrientation property value - LEFTTORIGHT


public static final java.lang.String RIGHT_TO_LEFT
TextOrientation property value - RIGHTTOLEFT


public static final java.lang.String LAMALEF_ON
LamAlef property value - LAMALEFON, this value only applies to Arabic 5250 hosts


public static final java.lang.String LAMALEF_OFF
LamAlef property value - LAMALEFOFF, this value only applies to Arabic 5250 hosts


public static final java.lang.String RTLUNICODE_ON
RTLUNICODE property value - RTLUNICODEON, this value only applies to BIDI 5250 hosts


public static final java.lang.String RTLUNICODE_OFF
RTLUNICODE property value - RTLUNICODEOFF, this value only applies to BIDI 5250 hosts


public static final java.lang.String ROUNDTRIP_ON
RoundTrip property value - ON


public static final java.lang.String ROUNDTRIP_OFF
RoundTrip property value - OFF
Method Detail


public void SetNumeralShape(java.lang.String ns)
                     throws ECLErr
Sets whether numeral shape is Nominal, National or Contextual for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods. This method only applies to Arabic Hosts.
ns - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetNumeralShape()
Determines whether numeral shape is Nominal, National or Contextual for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods.
See Also:


public void SetTextType(java.lang.String tt)
                 throws ECLErr
Sets whether text type is Visual or Logical for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() and ECLPS.GetText() methods.
tt - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetTextType()
Determines whether text type is Visual or Logical for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() and ECLPS.GetText() methods.
See Also:
SetTextType(java.lang.String), VISUAL, LOGICAL


public void SetTextOrientation(java.lang.String to)
                        throws ECLErr
Sets whether text orientation is Left To Right or Right To Left for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() and ECLPS.GetText() methods.
to - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:
GetTextOrientation(), LEFT_TO_RIGHT, RIGHT_TO_LEFT


public java.lang.String GetTextOrientation()
Determines whether text orientation is Left To Right or Right To Left for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() method.
See Also:
SetTextOrientation(java.lang.String), LEFT_TO_RIGHT, RIGHT_TO_LEFT


public void SetRoundTrip(java.lang.String to)
                  throws ECLErr
Sets whether RoundTrip is on or off for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() method.
to - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetRoundTrip()
Determines whether RoundTrip is on or off for string which will be sent to the presentation space by the ECLPS.SetString() and the ECLPS.SetText() methods or retrieved by ECLPS.GetString() method.
See Also:
SetRoundTrip(java.lang.String), ROUNDTRIP_ON, ROUNDTRIP_OFF


public void SetBIDICursorPos(int pos,
                             boolean flag)
                      throws ECLErr
Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.


public void SetBIDICursorPos(int pos)
                      throws ECLErr
Sets the cursor position to the specified row and column. Also sets the Keyboard layer and OIA according to the current field type and Screen orientation
row - The new row coordinate of the cursor position. This number must be between 1 and the number of rows in the presentation space inclusive.
column - The new column coordinate of the cursor position. This number must be between 1 and the number of columns in the presentation space inclusive.
ECLErr - Thrown when the coordinates given are out of range.
See Also:


public void SetBIDICursorPos(int row,
                             int col)
                      throws ECLErr
Sets the BIDI cursor position to the specified linear position. Also sets the Keyboard layer and OIA according to the current field type and Screen orientation
pos - The new linear cursor position. This number must be between 1 and the size of the presentation space inclusive.
ECLErr - Thrown when the given position is out of range.
See Also:
SetBIDICursorPos(int, int)


public void SetLamAlef(java.lang.String tt)
                throws ECLErr
Sets the LamAlef property. This method Enables/Disables the Allocate Space for LamAlef option. This method only applies to Arabic 5250 Hosts.
tt - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetLamAlef()
Returns the current value of the LamAlef property.
See Also:
SetLamAlef(java.lang.String), LAMALEF_ON, LAMALEF_OFF


public void SetRTLUnicode(java.lang.String tt)
                   throws ECLErr
Sets the RTLUnicode property. This method Enables/Disables the RTL Unicode Override option. This method only applies to BIDI 5250 Hosts.
tt - Can be one of the following string constants:
ECLErr - Thrown if the specified value is invalid.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetRTLUnicode()
Returns the current value of the RTL property.
See Also:
SetRTLUnicode(java.lang.String), RTLUNICODE_ON, RTLUNICODE_OFF


public void setNumericSwap(boolean value)
Sets the Numeric Swapping value.Determines whether Numeric Swapping in RTL screens is enabled/disabled. This method only applies to Arabic 3270 sessions.
value - The new Numeric Swapping value
See Also:


public boolean getNumericSwap()
Returns the current value of Numeric Swapping.
See Also:


public void setSymmetricSwap(boolean value)
Sets the Symmetric Swapping value (Directional Swapping). Determines whether Symmteric Swapping in RTL screens is enabled/disabled. This method only applies to Arabic 3270 sessions.
value - The new Symmetric Swapping value
See Also:


public boolean getSymmetricSwap()
Returns the current value of Directional Swapping.
See Also:


public void processFirstNumericField(int value)
Sets the cursor position of the first active numeric field to properly position. Also sets the Keyboard layer and OIA according to the numeric field type and Screen orientation.
value - Current linear cursor position.
See Also:


public boolean IsNumericField(int value)
Returns true, if current field is Numeric and false, if not.
value - Current linear cursor position.
See Also:


public boolean isRTLScreen()
Returns true, if Screen orientation is RTL and false, if not
See Also:


public boolean isField5250RTL(int pos)
Returns true, if orientation of Field in 5250 Session is RTL, and false, if not
pos - Current linear cursor position.
See Also:


public boolean isFieldReversed()
Returns true, if current field is reversed, and false, if not
See Also:


public boolean IsBIDINumericField(int pos)
Returns true, if current field is Numeric, and false, if not.
pos - Current linear cursor position.
See Also:


public boolean isAutoReversed()
Returns true, if mode AutoReverse is ON, and false, if OFF
See Also:


public void setNumericFromSC()
Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.


public void setFieldReverse(boolean frev)
Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.


public boolean is5250AutoEnterField(int pos)
Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.


public boolean isPushMode()
Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.


public void shapeMacro(boolean value)
Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.


public java.lang.String ConvertVisualToLogical(java.lang.String inputBuffer,
                                               boolean isLTRVisual,
                                               boolean isLTRImplicit)
Converts the Given String From Visual To Implicit Format and returns the Implicit Format of the String
inputBuffer - The input String in Visual format
isLTRVisual - if true, Input Buffer is in Visual LeftToRight form
isLTRImplicit - if true, Output Buffer is in Implicit LeftToRight form
See Also:
ConvertLogicalToVisual(String, boolean, boolean)


public java.lang.String ConvertLogicalToVisual(java.lang.String inputBuffer,
                                               boolean isLTRImplicit,
                                               boolean isLTRVisual)
Converts the Given String From Implicit To Visual Format and returns the Visual Format of the String
inputBuffer - The input String in Implicit format
isLTRImplicit - if true, Input Buffer is in Implicit LeftToRight form
isLTRVisual - if true, Output Buffer is in Visual LeftToRight form
See Also:
ConvertVisualToLogical(String, boolean, boolean)


public boolean isBoundary()
Deprecated and not supported for programming usage.


public int GetString(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetString(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int position,
                     int length,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetString(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int row,
                     int col,
                     int length,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetString retrieves text plane information from the presentation space likes ECLPS.GetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetScreen(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int plane,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. It works likes ECLPS.GetScreen, but for TEXT_PLANE if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetScreen(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int position,
                     int length,
                     int plane,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. It works likes ECLPS.GetScreen, but for TEXT_PLANE if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public int GetScreen(char[] buffer,
                     int bufferLength,
                     int row,
                     int col,
                     int length,
                     int plane,
                     boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
              throws ECLErr
GetScreen retrieves the various planes (text, color, attributes, extended attributes) associated with the presentation space. It works likes ECLPS.GetScreen, but for TEXT_PLANE if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchString(java.lang.String text,
                        int direction,
                        boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
                 throws ECLErr
The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For Logical text type, search of multiline field may be wrong.
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchString(java.lang.String text,
                        int position,
                        int direction,
                        boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
                 throws ECLErr
The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For Logical text type, search of multiline field may be wrong.
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchString(java.lang.String text,
                        int row,
                        int column,
                        int direction,
                        boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
                 throws ECLErr
The SearchString method searches for a given text string within the presentation space similarly to ECLPS#SearchText, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation. For Logical text type, search of multiline field may be wrong.
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchText(java.lang.String text,
                      int direction,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchText(java.lang.String text,
                      int position,
                      int direction,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
See Also:
for more information.


public int SearchText(java.lang.String text,
                      int row,
                      int column,
                      int direction,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SearchText() method is analog of SearchString().
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetString(java.lang.String text,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetString(java.lang.String text,
                      int pos,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetString(java.lang.String text,
                      int row,
                      int column,
                      boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
               throws ECLErr
The SetString method sends a string to the presentation space likes ECLPS.SetString, but if noticeBIDIattrs parameter is set to true, it performs bidirectional reordering according to arranged text type and text orientation.
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetText(java.lang.String text,
                    boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
             throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetText(java.lang.String text,
                    int pos,
                    boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
             throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
See Also:
for more information.


public void SetText(java.lang.String text,
                    int row,
                    int column,
                    boolean noticeBIDIattrs)
             throws ECLErr
For bidirectional codepages, SetText() method is analog of SetString().
See Also:
for more information.


public java.lang.String handleArabicData(java.lang.String str)
Converts Arabic characters into their base-shaped analogs


public void noticeRTLScreen(boolean notice)
If parameter notice is true and ECLPS.SCREENREV_STR string has been sent to PS, then methods with noticeBIDIattrs attribute work with text as it could displayed at RTL screen. Otherwise screen reverse action doesn't have meaning for HACL functions.