Class ECLScreenReco


public class ECLScreenReco
extends java.lang.Object

An ECLScreenReco object is the engine in the screen recognition system. It contains the methods for adding and removing descriptions of screens. It also contains the logic for recognizing those screens and for asynchronously calling back to your handler code for those screens.

Think of an object of the ECLScreenReco class as a unique "recognition set". The object can have multiple ECLPS objects that it watches for screens, multiple screens to look for, and multiple callback points to call when it sees a screen in any of the ECLPS objects.

All you need to do is set up your ECLScreenReco objects at the start of your application, and when any screen appears in any ECLPS that you want to monitor, your code will get called by ECLScreenReco.

ECLScreenReco uses the following logic for recognizing, or matching ECLScreenDesc objects, which contain ECLScreenDescriptor-derived objects, against the data in an ECLPS object:

  1. All ECLScreenDescriptor-derived objects in an ECLScreenDesc object registered with an ECLScreenReco object that are not optional must pass.
  2. If there are no non-optional descriptors, at least one optional descriptor must match.

The following is a code fragment showing a common use of ECLScreenReco and ECLScreenDesc:

    // Set up a screen description object. In this example, the
    // screen is identified by a cursor position, a key word, and
    // the number of fields.
    myScreenDesc = new ECLScreenDesc();

// Set up screen reco object myScreenReco = new ECLScreenReco(); // myECLPS is an instance of ECLPS obtained from an instance of ECLSession myScreenReco.AddPS(myECLPS); // myCallback is a class that implements ECLRecoNotify. // myCallback will be notified if the screen defined by our // screen description object is recognized. myScreenReco.RegisterScreen(myScreenDesc, myCallback);

ECLScreenReco operates in a single-step mode. The recognition engine is activated, reviews screen updates, fires a recognition event and then turns itself off. Each recognition cycle is a single step: the recognition engine is on and then it is off. Therefore the application must build complex behavior from a series of single steps (which is the methodology underlying the Macro facility).

We recommend following these points to code a step:

If you are using ECLScreenReco to manage screen traversals, avoid mixing in the ECLPS and ECLOIA families of WaitForXxxx() and WaitWhileXxxx() methods.

If you are using ECLScreenReco because your application is non-GUI, consider that Session in tandem with Macro is also non-GUI. The Macro facility is highly refined and supports recording and editing. Using it may considerably reduce the development effort for screen traversal logic and actions.

Constructor Summary
          Creates an instance of ECLScreenReco.
ECLScreenReco(boolean active)
          Creates an instance of ECLScreenReco with monitoring initially turned off or on.
Method Summary
 void AddECLRecoDebugListener(ECLRecoDebugListener listener)
          Adds the given ECLRecoDebugListener to list of listeners.
 void AddPS(ECLPS ps)
          Adds an ECLPS object (Presentation Space) to the screen recognition system.
 void AddPS(ECLPS ps, int eventType)
          Adds an ECLPS object (Presentation Space) to the screen recognition system.
 void dispose()
          Cleans up the object's internal environment.
 void DoReco()
          Performs a recognition analysis for all the currently registered screens.
 boolean IsActive()
          Returns the ECLScreenReco monitoring process state.
static boolean IsMatch(ECLPS ps, ECLScreenDesc sd)
          Compares the particular screen description to the current content of the indicated presentation space.
 void RegisterScreen(ECLScreenDesc sd, ECLRecoNotify notify)
          Register an ECLScreenDesc object with the screen recognition system.
 void RegisterScreen(ECLScreenDesc sd, ECLRecoNotify notify, boolean initEvent)
          Register an ECLScreenDesc object with the screen recognition system.
 void RegisterScreen(java.util.Vector sds, ECLRecoNotify notify, boolean initEvent)
          Registers a Vector ECLScreenDesc object with the screen recognition system.
 void RemoveECLRecoDebugListener(ECLRecoDebugListener listener)
          Removes the given ECLRecoDebugListener from list of listeners.
 void RemovePS(ECLPS ps)
          Removes an ECLPS object (Presentation Space) from the screen recognition system.
 void RemovePS(ECLPS ps, int eventType)
          Removes an ECLPS object (Presentation Space) from the screen recognition system.
 void SetActive(boolean active)
          Starts or stops the ECLScreenReco monitoring process.
 void UnregisterAllScreens()
          Removes all registered screens from the screen recognition object.
 void UnregisterScreen(ECLScreenDesc sd, ECLRecoNotify notify)
          Remove an ECLScreenDesc object and its corresponding ECLRecoNotify object from the screen recognition system.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ECLScreenReco()
Creates an instance of ECLScreenReco.


public ECLScreenReco(boolean active)
Creates an instance of ECLScreenReco with monitoring initially turned off or on.
active - If false, ECLScreenReco will not start monitoring until ECLScreenReco.SetActive is called. If true, monitoring will start with the first call to ECLScreenReco.RegisterScreen
Method Detail


public void dispose()
Cleans up the object's internal environment.


public void RegisterScreen(ECLScreenDesc sd,
                           ECLRecoNotify notify)
Register an ECLScreenDesc object with the screen recognition system. When the system recognizes the screen it will call the NotifyEvent method in the notify object given. The notify object is an object of an ECLRecoNotify derived class that you defined. It contains the handler or "callback" code for the recognition event. It contains your screen handling code.
sd - ECLScreenDesc object to register
notify - ECLRecoNotify object defined by you
See Also:
ECLRecoNotify, ECLScreenDesc


public void RegisterScreen(ECLScreenDesc sd,
                           ECLRecoNotify notify,
                           boolean initEvent)
Register an ECLScreenDesc object with the screen recognition system. When the system recognizes the screen it will call the NotifyEvent method in the notify object given. The notify object is an object of an ECLRecoNotify derived class that you defined. It contains the handler or "callback" code for the recognition event. It contains your screen handling code.
sd - ECLScreenDesc object to register
notify - ECLRecoNotify object defined by you
initEvent - if true, the comparison logic for the screen registered will be run
See Also:
ECLRecoNotify, ECLScreenDesc


public void RegisterScreen(java.util.Vector sds,
                           ECLRecoNotify notify,
                           boolean initEvent)
Registers a Vector ECLScreenDesc object with the screen recognition system. When the system recognizes the screen it will call the NotifyEvent method in the notify object given. The notify object is an object of an ECLRecoNotify derived class that you defined. It contains the handler or "callback" code for the recognition event. It contains your screen handling code.
sds - vector of ECLScreenDesc objects to register
notify - ECLRecoNotify object defined by you
initEvent - if true, the comparison logic for the screen registered will be run
See Also:
ECLRecoNotify, ECLScreenDesc


public void UnregisterScreen(ECLScreenDesc sd,
                             ECLRecoNotify notify)
Remove an ECLScreenDesc object and its corresponding ECLRecoNotify object from the screen recognition system. Calling this method will cause the NotifyStop method to be called on all ECLRecoNotify derived objects in the screen recognition system.
sd - ECLScreenDesc object to unregister
notify - ECLRecoNotify object to unregister
See Also:


public void AddPS(ECLPS ps)
Adds an ECLPS object (Presentation Space) to the screen recognition system. The system will monitor all ECLPS objects added to it for all ECLScreenDesc objects added to it.
ps - ECLPS object to add
See Also:


public void AddPS(ECLPS ps,
                  int eventType)
Adds an ECLPS object (Presentation Space) to the screen recognition system. The system will monitor all ECLPS objects added to it for all ECLScreenDesc objects added to it for the given event type.
ps - ECLPS object to add
eventType - monitor type for the ECLPS object.
  • ECLPS.HOST_EVENTS : only host screen changes will fire recognition events
  • ECLPS.USER_EVENTS : only user events (typing, mouse activity, etc.) will fire recognition events
  • ECLPS.ALL_EVENTS : both user and host initiated screen changes will fire recognition events
See Also:


public void RemovePS(ECLPS ps)
Removes an ECLPS object (Presentation Space) from the screen recognition system.
ps - ECLPS object to remove
See Also:


public void RemovePS(ECLPS ps,
                     int eventType)
Removes an ECLPS object (Presentation Space) from the screen recognition system.
ps - ECLPS object to remove
eventType - monitor type for the ECLPS object.
  • ECLPS.HOST_EVENTS : only host screen changes will fire recognition events
  • ECLPS.USER_EVENTS : only user events (typing, mouse activity, etc.) will fire recognition events
  • ECLPS.ALL_EVENTS : both user and host initiated screen changes will fire recognition events
See Also:


public void AddECLRecoDebugListener(ECLRecoDebugListener listener)
Adds the given ECLRecoDebugListener to list of listeners.
listener - The ECLRecoDebugListener to be added
See Also:


public void RemoveECLRecoDebugListener(ECLRecoDebugListener listener)
Removes the given ECLRecoDebugListener from list of listeners.
listener - The ECLRecoDebugListener to be removed
See Also:


public void SetActive(boolean active)
Starts or stops the ECLScreenReco monitoring process.
active -
  • true : monitoring will start with the first call to ECLScreenReco.RegisterScreen(...)
  • false : stops monitoring until ECLScreenReco.SetActive(true) is called


public boolean IsActive()
Returns the ECLScreenReco monitoring process state.
state of monitoring process


public void DoReco()
Performs a recognition analysis for all the currently registered screens. This runs on a separate thread to keep from hanging the caller's code for the duration of the analysis.


public void UnregisterAllScreens()
Removes all registered screens from the screen recognition object.


public static boolean IsMatch(ECLPS ps,
                              ECLScreenDesc sd)
                       throws ECLErr
Compares the particular screen description to the current content of the indicated presentation space.
ps - Presentation Space object compared for a match
sd - Screen description object that defines a match
True if the screen in PS matches, otherwise it is false.
ECLErr - Thrown if error in comparing ECLScreenReco to PS.
See Also:
ECLScreenDesc, ECLPS