Interface ECLCustomRecoListener

public interface ECLCustomRecoListener

This interface can be implemented to extend the base ECLScreenReco screen matching logic. It is essentially a user exit for screen recognition. If an ECLSDCustom object is contained in an ECLScreenDesc object that is registered with ECLScreenReco, the ECLScreenReco object will do its normal pattern matching first, then call out to the custom recognition listener's doReco method for final approval. Here, the implementor of the doReco method can do any custom matching against the screen that is necessary.

These are the steps you should follow to use this interface correctly:

  1. Define a class which implements the ECLCustomRecoListener interface.
  2. Implement the doReco method
  3. Create an instance of the new class.
  4. Create an instance of the ECLScreenDesc class.
  5. Add any normal screen descriptors that you with to the ECLScreenDesc object.
  6. Create an instance of ECLSDCustom.
  7. Add the object that implements the doReco method to the ECLSDCustom object using the setListener method.
  8. Add the custom descriptor to the ECLScreenDesc object.
  9. Register the instance of the ECLScreenDesc object with the ECLScreenReco.RegisterScreen method.

See Also:
ECLScreenReco, ECLScreenDesc, ECLCustomRecoEvent, ECLSDCustom

Method Summary
 boolean DoReco(ECLCustomRecoEvent e)
          Called when an ECLScreenReco object has successfully completed the normal matching logic for a screen and needs approval from a custom recognition listener.

Method Detail


public boolean DoReco(ECLCustomRecoEvent e)
Called when an ECLScreenReco object has successfully completed the normal matching logic for a screen and needs approval from a custom recognition listener. Return true if you pass the screen and false if you do not.
e - custom recognition event object
See Also: