Capturing Real World Information about a Client

Real world information that affects the primary client's claim for benefits is captured as case evidence. For example, in order to qualify for benefits, a client may need to provide evidence regarding his or her income. The type of evidence captured can come from different sources. For example, a client may provide a birth certificate to verify the date of birth, a university may provide a letter confirming a person's full-time student status, or a doctor may certify a person's disability.

Evidence is maintained by case workers using the evidence workspace. The evidence workspace includes the following views that allow case workers to capture, manage, and maintain evidence records easily and efficiently: the evidence dashboard view, the EvidenceFlow view, and the active and in edit evidence listings.

The evidence dashboard and EvidenceFlow views provide case workers with an entry point to pre-configured evidence types that can be captured. For more information on the EvidenceFlow view, see Capturing Evidence Using the EvidenceFlow View.

Separate lists are provided for evidence verifications, issues, and for incoming evidence. For information on evidence verifications and issues, see Identifying Concerns with Evidence that Affect Eligibility. Incoming evidence that is shared from other cases is only available if the Cúram Evidence Broker™ is installed. For more information, see the Cúram Evidence Broker Guide.

For detailed information on the evidence views provided and on managing case evidence, see the Cúram Evidence Guide.