Specifying to Follow Up With a Client

Case workers may wish to follow up on a referral to check if a client contacted a provider or not. To allow for this, case workers can indicate that they wish to follow up on a particular referral.

To aid case workers who have many clients to follow up with, system notifications functionality is available. If follow up is required, notifications can be automatically sent by the system to the case worker to remind him or her to follow up. If a referral date is specified, case workers can specify the number of days after the referral date after which notifications should be sent. If a referral date is not specified, the case worker can specify the number of days after the referral creation date after which notifications are to be sent.

If a case worker does not specify that a client has contacted the provider within the specified time frame, notifications can be sent to the case worker's supervisor to escalate the issue. For example, a case worker may refer a client on the 1January 2011 and specify to follow up on the referral in 30 days. An administrator specifies that notifications should be sent to a case worker's supervisor after 10 days. The case worker does not follow up on the referral. So, a case worker notification is sent on the 31 January 2011. A supervisor notification is sent 10 days later on 10 February 2011. For information on configuring notifications, see Configuring Follow Up Notifications.

Note that referral functionality allows a case worker to record that a client contacted the provider. If the case worker specifies that the client has contacted the provider, no follow-up notifications are sent by the system.