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Developing Formulas

This chapter explains how to develop and use formulas to calculate a database. It provides detailed examples of formulas, which you may want to adapt for your own use. For more examples, see Examples of Formulas.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Go to top Using Formulas

Formulas calculate relationships between members in a database outline. You can use formulas in two ways:

In most cases you can optimize calculation performance by applying formulas to members in the database outline. However, if you need to control database calculations more carefully, you can use a calc script and include formulas. For more information, see Developing Calc Scripts.

Your use of formulas can have significant implications for calculation performance. Consider the information in Optimizing Calculations before designing and creating formulas.

The following figure shows the Measures dimension from the Sample Basic database. The Margin %, Profit %, and Profit per Ounce members are calculated using the formulas applied to them.

Figure 26-1: Calculation of Margin %, Profit %, and Profit per Ounce

Hyperion Essbase provides a comprehensive set of operators and functions, which you can use to construct formula calculations on a database.

You can construct formulas from:

Go to top Operators

The following table shows the types of operators you can use in formulas:

Operator Description
Mathematical Perform common arithmetic operations. For example, you can add, subtract, multiply, or divide values. For a complete list of the mathematical operators, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
Conditional Control the flow of formula executions based on the results of conditional tests. For example, you can use an IF statement to test for a specified condition. For a list of the conditional operators, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory. For more information on writing conditional formulas, see Specifying Conditions.
Cross-dimensional Point to the data values of specific member combinations. For example, point to the sales value for a specific product in a specific region. For more information, see Using the Cross-Dimensional Operator (->).

See Inserting Text and Operators in a Formula for information on how to add operators to formulas.

Go to top Functions

Functions are predefined routines that perform specialized calculations and return sets of members or data values. The following table shows the types of functions you can use in formulas:

Table 26-1: Descriptions of Function Types  

Function Type Description
Boolean /This type provides a conditional test by returning either a TRUE (1) or FALSE (0) value. For example, you can use the @ISMBR function to determine whether the current member is one that you specify. For more information, see Examples of Formulas.
Mathematical This type performs specialized mathematical calculations. For example, you can use the @AVG function to return the average value of a list of members. For more information, see Examples of Formulas.
Relationship This type looks up data values within a database during a calculation. For example, you can use the @ANCESTVAL function to return the ancestor values of a specified member combination. For more information, see Examples of Formulas.
Range This type declares a range of members as an argument to another function or command. For example, you can use the @SUMRANGE function to return the sum of all members that lie within a specified range. For more information, see Examples of Formulas.
Financial This type performs specialized financial calculations. For example, you can use the @INTEREST function to calculate simple interest or the @PTD function to calculate period-to-date values. For more information, see Examples of Formulas.
Member Set This type generates a list of members that is based on a specified member. For example, you can use the @ICHILDREN function to return a specified member and its children. For more information, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.
Allocation This type allocates values that are input at a parent level across child members. You can allocate values within the same dimension or across multiple dimensions. For example, you can use the @ALLOCATE function to allocate sales values that are input at a parent level to the parent's children; each child's allocation is determined by its share of the previous year's sales.
Forecasting This type manipulates data for the purposes of smoothing or interpolating data or calculating future values. For example, you can use the @TREND function to calculate future values that are based on curve-fitting to historical values.
Statistical This type calculates advanced statistics. For example, you can use the @RANK function to calculate the rank of a specified member or a specified value in a data set.
Date and Time Use date and time characteristics in calculation formulas. For example, you can use the @TODATE function to convert date strings to numbers that can be used in calculation formulas.
Miscellaneous This type provides two different kinds of functionality:
  • You can specify calculation modes that Hyperion Essbase is to use to calculate a formula: cell, block, bottom-up, and top-down
  • You can manipulate character strings for member and dimension names; for example, to generate member names by adding a character prefix to a name or removing a suffix from a name.
Custom-Defined Functions This type enables you to perform functions that you develop for your calculation operations. These custom-developed functions are written in the Java programming language and are called by the Hyperion Essbase calculator framework as external functions.

For a complete list of operators, functions, and syntax, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Calculating Formulas

For formulas applied to members in a database outline, Hyperion Essbase calculates formulas when you do the following:

For a formula in a calc script, Hyperion Essbase calculates the formula when it occurs in the calc script.

If a formula is associated with a dynamically-calculated member, Hyperion Essbase calculates the formula when the user requests the data values. In a calc script, you cannot calculate a dynamically-calculated member or make a dynamically-calculated member the target of a formula calculation. For more information, see Dynamically Calculating Data Values.

Using dynamically-calculated members in a formula on a database outline or in a calc script can significantly affect calculation performance. Performance is affected because Hyperion Essbase has to interrupt the regular calculation to perform the dynamic calculation.

You cannot use substitution variables in formulas that you apply to the database outline. For more information, see Using Substitution Variables.

Go to top Guidelines for Formula Syntax

When you create member formulas, you need to apply the following rules:

When writing formulas, you can check the syntax using the Formula Editor syntax checker. For more information, see Checking Syntax.

For detailed information on syntax for Hyperion Essbase functions and commands, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Creating Formulas

This section provides a step-by-step example of creating and saving a simple formula in an outline. For an example of creating a formula in a calc script, see Developing Calc Scripts For detailed information on creating formulas, and obtaining the required calculation results, consider all the information in Designing and Building a Security System

This example is based on the Sample Basic database, which is supplied with the Hyperion Essbase installation. If you do not have Sample Basic installed, contact your Hyperion Essbase administrator.

This example shows you how to create a formula on the Variance member of the Scenario dimension. This formula calculates the variance between Budget values and Actual values.

To create the example formula:
  1. Start Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, and connect to your Hyperion Essbase server.
  2. Select the Sample application and the Basic database, and click Open to open the Sample Basic outline.

    Figure 26-2: Application Desktop Window

    If another user has Sample Basic open and locked, you can clear "Lock file" in the bottom right-hand corner of the application desktop window. However, if you clear "Lock file," you cannot save your work.

  3. Double-click the Scenario dimension to display its members.

    Figure 26-3: Scenario Dimension in Sample Basic Outline

  4. Select the Variance member in the outline, and click the button.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the formula in Formula Editor.

    Figure 26-4: Formula Editor Showing Variance Formula

  5. To re-create the formula, select the existing formula and select Edit > Delete in Formula Editor.

    Figure 26-5: Formula Editor With Variance Formula Deleted

  6. In the Dimensions list, select Scenario.

    Hyperion Essbase displays Scenario in the Members list.

    Figure 26-6: Formula Editor Dimensions and Members Lists With Scenario Selected

  7. In the Members list, double-click the button next to Scenario to display the members under Scenario.
  8. Select Formula > Paste Function or click the button.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the Function Templates dialog box.

  9. In the Categories list, select Math.
  10. In the Templates list, select @VAR.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the function and the default arguments below the Categories list.

    Figure 26-7: Function Templates Dialog Box

  11. Check Insert Arguments to insert default, temporary arguments in Formula Editor.
  12. Click OK.

    Hyperion Essbase inserts @VAR(mbrName1, mbrName2)at the cursor position.

    Figure 26-8: Formula Editor With Variance Formula Added

  13. Click the button, or type a ; (semicolon) to insert the semicolon formula end-of-line character.
  14. Click the button to save the formula.
  15. Close Formula Editor.
  16. Click the button to save the changes to the outline.

You have recreated the formula on Variance in Sample Basic.

Go to top Building Formulas in Formula Editor

You use Formula Editor in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager to create formulas. You can type the formulas directly into the formula text area, or you can use the Formula Editor user interface features to create the formula.

Formulas are ASCII text. If required, you can create a formula in the text editor of your choice and paste it into Formula Editor.

Go to top Opening Formula Editor

Open Formula Editor to create new formulas or open existing ones.

To open Formula Editor from Hyperion Essbase Application Manager:
  1. In Outline Editor, highlight the member whose formula you want to create or edit.
  2. Select Edit > Formula or click the Formula Editor button, .

    Hyperion Essbase opens Formula Editor for the selected member. If the member already has a formula, the formula is displayed in Formula Editor. The following figure shows Formula Editor for the Variance member in the Sample Basic database.

    Figure 26-9: Formula Editor Window

Go to top Displaying a Formula

Open the database outline to display members and their associated formulas in Outline Editor. You can also highlight the member for which you want to see a formula and click the button to open Formula Editor.

You can use the GETMBRCALC command in ESSCMD to display member formulas. See the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory for information about this command. See Performing Interactive and Batch Operations Using ESSCMD for information about ESSCMD.

Go to top Adding a Formula

You can use Hyperion Essbase Application Manager to add a formula to a database outline.

To add a formula:
  1. Highlight the member for which you want to add a formula.
  2. Click the button to open Formula Editor.
  3. Type or insert the formula in the Formula Editor window. See Inserting Text and Operators in a Formula.

Go to top Changing a Formula

To change an existing formula, open it in Formula Editor.

To change a formula:
  1. Highlight the member that has the formula you want to edit.
  2. Click the button to open Formula Editor.
  3. Make the required changes to the formula.

Go to top Saving a Formula

You can save formulas to the database outline.

To save a formula after you have created or opened it:
  1. In Formula Editor, select File > Save or click the button to save the changes in Formula Editor.
  2. Close Formula Editor.
  3. Click the button in Outline Editor to save the changes in the database outline.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the formula beside the member in the database outline.

Go to top Printing a Formula

You can print the contents of a formula from Formula Editor.

To print a formula:

In Formula Editor, select File > Print, or click the button.

Go to top Deleting a Formula

You can delete a formula that has been saved to the database outline.

To delete a formula:
  1. In Outline Editor, select the member with the formula that you want to delete.
  2. To open Formula Editor, click the button.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the formula in the Formula Editor window.

  3. Select the text of the formula.
  4. Select Edit > Delete to delete the text of the formula.
  5. Click the button to save the changes in Formula Editor.
  6. Close Formula Editor and click the button to save the changes in the database outline.

    Hyperion Essbase no longer displays the formula beside the member in the database outline.

To undo the last action:

In Formula Editor, select Edit > Undo, or click the button.

Go to top Inserting Text and Operators in a Formula

You can type text and operators directly into the Formula Editor text area, or you can use the toolbar buttons to add the text and operators. You can also copy, cut, and search for text in Formula Editor.

To type text in Formula Editor:
  1. In Formula Editor, click in the formula text area below the toolbar.
  2. Type the appropriate text.

    Text is displayed at the cursor position as you type.

    Figure 26-10: Adding a Formula in Formula Editor

To insert an equal sign (=) in a formula:
  1. In Formula Editor, place the cursor where you want to insert the equal sign (=).
  2. Type = or click the button.
To insert a mathematical operator (+, -, X, /, %) in a formula:
  1. In Formula Editor, place the cursor where you want to insert the mathematical operator.
  2. Type the operator or click one of the following toolbar buttons:

For example, to insert an addition operator (+):

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the addition operator (+).
  2. Type + or click the button.
To insert the cross-dimensional operator (->) in a formula:
  1. In Formula Editor, place the cursor where you want to insert the cross-dimensional operator.
  2. Type a - (hyphen) followed by a > (greater than symbol), or click the button.

For more information on the cross-dimensional operator, see Using the Cross-Dimensional Operator (->).

To insert the semicolon formula end-of-line character (;) in a formula:
  1. In Formula Editor, place the cursor at the end of the formula.
  2. Type a ; (semicolon) or click the button.
To insert a function or operator in a formula:
  1. In Formula Editor, place the cursor where you want to insert the function.
  2. Select Formula > Paste Function, or click the button.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the Function Templates dialog box.

  3. In the Categories list, select a function category. For example, to insert the @VAR function, select Math.
  4. In the Templates list, select the required function or operator. For example, scroll down the list and select @VAR.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the function or operator and the default arguments below the Categories list.

    Figure 26-11: Function Templates Dialog Box With Math Category Selected

  5. If required, select Insert Arguments to insert default, temporary arguments in the function.
  6. Click OK.

    Hyperion Essbase inserts @VAR ()at the cursor position.

    Figure 26-12: Formula Editor Showing @VAR Formula

    If you checked Insert Arguments, Hyperion Essbase inserts @VAR and default, temporary arguments. You can then type over the default arguments with the correct arguments.

    Figure 26-13: Formula Editor Showing @VAR with Arguments

To cut text in Formula Editor:

Select the text that you want to cut and do one of the following:

To copy text in Formula Editor:

Select the text that you want to copy and do one of the following:

To paste text in Formula Editor:

Select the text that you want to paste and do one of the following:

To find and replace text in Formula Editor:
  1. In Formula Editor, select Edit > Find.
  2. Hyperion Essbase displays the Find dialog box.

    Figure 26-14: Formula Editor Find Dialog Box

  3. In the Find what text box, type the characters that you want to search for.
  4. Click the Find Next button.
To do a case-sensitive search in Formula Editor:
  1. In the Find dialog box, select Match case.

    For example, to search for Margin but not "margin", type Margin in the Find what text box, and select Match case.

  2. Click Find Next.

Go to top Inserting Members in a Formula

You can insert dimension and member names in Formula Editor instead of typing them.

To insert a dimension name in a formula:
  1. In Formula Editor, place the cursor where you want to insert the dimension name.
  2. In the Dimensions list, select the dimension that you want to insert in the formula.

    The dimension name displays in the Members list. If a button displays to the left of the dimension name, then the dimension has children. The following shows the Scenario dimension in the Sample Basic database.

    Figure 26-15: Formula Editor Dimensions and Members Lists

  3. To insert a dimension name in the formula, click the dimension name in the Members list.

    Hyperion Essbase inserts the dimension name at the cursor position. To insert a member name (a member name other than the dimension name), expand the member branch and select the member you want to insert.

To expand a member branch to display a member's children:

In the Members list, double-click the button next to the member name to display the member's children.

The button changes to a button.

Figure 26-16: Formula Editor Dimensions and Members Lists, Expanding the Scenario Member

Double-click the button to collapse the member branch.

To collapse a member branch:

In the Members list, double-click the button to collapse the member branch.

Figure 26-17: Formula Editor Dimensions and Members Lists, Expanded Scenario Dimension

The button changes to a button. Hyperion Essbase does not display the member's children:

Figure 26-18: Formula Editor Dimensions and Members Lists, Collapsing the Scenario Dimension

Searching for Members

To search for a specific member in Formula Editor:
  1. In the Dimensions list, select the dimension that you want to search for a member.

    For example, select the Measures dimension from the Sample Basic database.

  2. Click Find Member.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the Find dialog box.

    Figure 26-19: Formula Editor Find Dialog Box

  3. In the Find what text box, enter the characters that you want to search for.

    For example, to search for the Marketing member in the Measures dimension, type market.

    1. To search for whole words only, select Match whole word only.

      For example, to search for Margin, but not Margin %, type margin in the Find what text box, and select Match whole word only.

    2. To search for case-sensitive characters, select Match case.

      For example to search for Margin, but not margin, type Margin in the Find what text box, and select Match case.

  4. Click Find Next.

    Hyperion Essbase finds and selects the Marketing member.

    Figure 26-20: Formula Editor Members List With Marketing Selected

To expand a dimension to display all members in Formula Editor:
  1. In the Dimensions list, select the dimension for which you want to display all members.

    For example, select the Product dimension in the Sample Basic database.

    Figure 26-21: Formula Editor Dimensions and Members List
    With Product Selected

  2. Click Expand All.

    In the Members list, Hyperion Essbase displays all members in the dimension.

    Figure 26-22: Formula Editor Dimensions and Members List
    Showing the Children of Product

To display and insert alias names in Formula Editor:

Check Use Aliases.

Hyperion Essbase displays the alias names for the members. The following example shows the Product dimension from the Sample Basic database.

Figure 26-23: Formula Editor Dimensions and Members List with Alias Names

To select a different alias table, from the Alias Table list box, select a table.

When you select a member from the Members list, Hyperion Essbase inserts the alias name at the cursor position. If required, Hyperion Essbase automatically encloses the alias name in double quotation marks ("").

Go to top Checking Syntax

Hyperion Essbase includes both client-based and server-based formula syntax checking that tells you about syntax errors in formulas. For example, Hyperion Essbase tells you if you have mistyped a function name. If you are connected to a server, unknown names can be validated against a ist of custom-defined macro and function names. If you are not connected to a server or the application associated with the outline, Hyperion Essbase may connect you to validate unknown names.

A syntax checker cannot tell you about semantic errors in a formula. Semantic errors occur when a formula does not work as you expect. To find semantic errors, run the calculation and check the results to ensure that they are as you expect.

Because server-based formula validation has access to more information about the database and outline, this form of validation can take more time to complete. For quicker syntax checking, you can use client-based formula validation to find syntax-related errors. To avoid saving outlines that contain formulas with errors, perform a server-based formula validation and correct all errors before the outline goes into production.

Checking Syntax on the Client

Use the client-based syntax checker to validate formulas and calc scripts. You can use this feature whether or not you are connected to the server. The client-based syntax checker identifies each error within a formula.

To use the client-based syntax checker to validate a formula in Formula Editor:

Select Syntax > Check Syntax, or click the button.

Hyperion Essbase displays the syntax checker results at the bottom of the Formula Editor window. If Hyperion Essbase finds no syntax errors, it displays the message shown in Figure 26-24.

Figure 26-24: Formula Editor Syntax Checker, No Errors Message

If Hyperion Essbase finds one or more syntax errors, it displays the number of the line that includes the error and a brief description of the error. For example, if you do not include a semicolon end-of-line character at the end of a formula, Hyperion Essbase displays a message similar to the message shown in Figure 26-25.

Figure 26-25: Formula Editor Syntax Checker, Syntax Error Message

To step through errors in Formula Editor:

Select Syntax > Next Error or Syntax > Previous Error.

When you reach the first or last error, Hyperion Essbase displays the message shown in Figure 26-26.

Figure 26-26: Formula Editor Syntax Checker, No More Errors Message

Hyperion Essbase retains the list of error messages in Formula Editor until you check the syntax again.

Checking Syntax on the Server

You can check the syntax on the server in two ways:

Hyperion Essbase displays outline errors and warnings in the Verify Outline dialog box, similar to Figure 26-27.

Figure 26-27: Example Verify Outline Dialog Box Containing Formula Errors

Select a member name to see associated errors and warnings. For more information about the error or warning, if the error or warning is in the formula attached to the member, click Find to go to that member in the outline. Open Formula Editor, and use the server-based syntax checker to validate the formula.

If Hyperion Essbase finds no syntax errors, it displays the No Errors message at the bottom of the Formula Editor window.

Figure 26-28: Formula Editor Syntax Checker, No Errors Message

If a formula passes validation in Formula Editor or Outline Editor but the server detects semantic errors when the outline is saved:

After you have corrected the formula and saved the outline, the message in the member comment is deleted. You can view the updated comment when you reopen the outline.

Go to top Writing Formulas

The following sections discuss and give examples of the three main types of formulas:

These sections also discuss how to use cross-dimensional operators in formulas. For more examples of formulas, see Examples of Formulas.

Before writing formulas, review the guidelines in Guidelines for Formula Syntax.

Go to top Writing Basic Equations

You can apply a mathematical operation to a formula to create a basic equation. For example, you can apply the following formula to the Margin member in Sample Basic.

Sales - COGS;

In a calc script, you define basic equations as follows:

Member = mathematical_operation; 

where Member is a member name from the database outline and mathematical_operation is any valid mathematical operation. For example:

Margin = Sales - COGS;

Whether the example equation is in the database outline or in a calc script, Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database subtracting the values in COGS from the values in Sales and placing the results in Margin.

As another example, you can apply the following formula to a Markup member:

(Retail - Cost) % Retail;

In a calc script, this would be:

Markup = (Retail - Cost) % Retail;

In this example, Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database subtracting the values in Cost from the values in Retail, calculating the resulting values as a percentage of the values in Retail, and placing the result in Markup.

For more information on the nature of multidimensional calculations, see Introduction to Database Calculations.

Go to top Specifying Conditions

You can define formulas that use a conditional test or a series of conditional tests to control the flow of calculation.

The IF and ENDIF commands define a conditional block. The formulas between the IF and the ENDIF commands are executed only if the test returns TRUE (1). You can use the ELSE and ELSEIF commands to specify alternative actions if the test returns FALSE (0). The formulas following each ELSE command are executed only if the previous test returns FALSE (0). Conditions following each ELSEIF command are tested only if the previous IF command returns FALSE (0).

For more information on the syntax of the IF and ENDIF commands, see Guidelines for Formula Syntax.

When you use a conditional formula in a calc script, you must enclose it in parentheses and associate it with a member in the database outline, as shown in the examples in this section.

In conjunction with an IF command, you can use functions that return TRUE or FALSE (1 or 0, respectively) based on the result of a conditional test. These functions are known as Boolean functions.

You use Boolean functions to determine which formula to use. The decision is based on the characteristics of the current member combination. For example, you might want to restrict a certain calculation to the members in the Product dimension that contain input data. In this case, you preface the calculation with an IF test based on @ISLEV(Product,0).

If one of the function parameters is a cross-dimensional member, such as @ISMBR(Sales->Budget), all of the parts of the cross-dimensional member must match the properties of the current cell to return a value of TRUE (1).

You can use the following Boolean functions to specify conditions.

To determine if... Use the function...
The current member has a specified accounts tag (for example, an Expense tag) @ISACCTYPE
The current member is an ancestor of the specified member @ISANCEST
The current member is an ancestor of the specified member, or the specified member itself @ISIANCEST
The current member is a child of the specified member @ISCHILD
The current member is a child of the specified member, or the specified member itself @ISICHILD
The current member is a descendant of the specified member @ISDESC
The current member is a descendant of the specified member, or the specified member itself @ISIDESC
The current member of the specified dimension is in the generation specified @ISGEN
The current member of the specified dimension is in the level specified @ISLEV
The current member matches any of the specified members @ISMBR
The current member is the parent of the specified member @ISPARENT
The current member is the parent of the specified member, or the specified member itself @ISIPARENT
The current member (of the same dimension as the specified member) is in the same generation as the specified member @ISSAMEGEN
The current member (of the same dimension as the specified member) is in the same level as the specified member @ISSAMELEV
The current member is a sibling of the specified member @ISSIBLING
The current member is a sibling of the specified member, or the specified member itself @ISISIBLING
A specified user-defined attribute (UDA) exists for the current member of the specified dimension @ISUDA

When you place formulas on the database outline, you can use only the IF, ELSE, ELSEIF, and ENDIF commands and Boolean functions to control the flow of the calculations. You can use additional control commands in a calc script.

For more information on calc scripts, see Developing Calc Scripts. For more information on Hyperion Essbase functions and calculation commands, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Examples of Specifying Conditions

You can apply the following formula to a Commission member in the database outline. In the first example, the formula calculates commission at 1% of sales if the sales are greater than 500000:

IF(Sales > 500000)
Commission = Sales * .01;

If you place the formula in a calc script, you need to associate the formula with the Commission member as follows:

Commission(IF(Sales > 500000)
Commission = Sales * .01;

Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database, performing the following calculations:

  1. The IF statement checks to see if the value of Sales for the current member combination is greater than 500000.
  2. If Sales is greater than 500000, Hyperion Essbase multiplies the value in Sales by 0.01 and places the result in Commission.

In the next example, the formula tests the ancestry of the current member and then applies the appropriate Payroll calculation formula.

Payroll = Sales * .15;
Payroll = Sales * .11;
Payroll = Sales * .10;

If you place the formula in a calc script, you need to associate the formula with the Payroll member as follows:

Payroll(IF(@ISIDESC(East) OR @ISIDESC(West))
Payroll = Sales * .15;
Payroll = Sales * .11;
Payroll = Sales * .10;

Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database, performing the following calculations:

  1. The IF statement uses the @ISIDESC function to check if the current member on the Market dimension is a descendant of either East or West.
  2. If the current member on the Market dimension is a descendant of East or West, Hyperion Essbase multiplies the value in Sales by 0.15 and moves on to the next member combination.
  3. If the current member is not a descendant of East or West, the ELSEIF statement uses the @ISIDESC function to check if the current member is a descendant of Central.
  4. If the current member on the Market dimension is a descendant of Central, Hyperion Essbase multiplies the value in Sales by 0.11 and moves on to the next member combination.
  5. If the current member is not a descendant of East, West, or Central, Hyperion Essbase multiplies the value in Sales by 0.10 and moves on to the next member combination.

For more information on the nature of multidimensional calculations, see Introduction to Database Calculations. For more information on the @ISIDESC function, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Using Interdependent Values

Hyperion Essbase optimizes calculation performance by calculating formulas for a range of members in the same dimension at the same time. However, some formulas require values from members of the same dimension, and Hyperion Essbase may not yet have calculated the required values.

A good example is that of cash flow, in which the opening inventory is dependent on the ending inventory from the previous month.

In Sample Basic, the Opening Inventory and Ending Inventory values need to be calculated on a month-by-month basis.

Jan Feb Mar
Opening Inventory 100 120 110
Sales 50 70 100
Addition 70 60 150
Ending Inventory 120 110 160

Assuming that the Opening Inventory value for January is loaded into the database, the required calculation is:

1. January Ending = January Opening - Sales + Additions
2. February Opening = January Ending
3. February Ending = February Opening - Sales + Additions
4. March Opening = February Ending
5. March Ending = March Opening - Sales + Additions

You can calculate the required results by applying interdependent, multiple equations to a single member in the database outline.

The following formula, applied to the Opening Inventory member in the database outline, calculates the correct values:

    "Opening Inventory" = @PRIOR("Ending Inventory");
"Ending Inventory" = "Opening Inventory" - Sales + Additions;

If you place the formula in a calc script, you need to associate the formula with the Opening Inventory member as follows:

"Opening Inventory" (IF(NOT @ISMBR (Jan)) 
    "Opening Inventory" = @PRIOR("Ending Inventory");
"Ending Inventory" = "Opening Inventory" - Sales + Additions;)

Hyperion Essbase cycles through the months, performing the following calculations:

  1. The IF statement and @ISMBR function check that the current member on the Year dimension is not Jan. This step is necessary because the Opening Inventory value for Jan is an input value.
  2. If the current month is not Jan, the @PRIOR function obtains the value for the previous month's Ending Inventory. This value is then allocated to the current month's Opening Inventory.
  3. The Ending Inventory is calculated for the current month.
Note:   To calculate the correct results, it is necessary to place the above formula on a single member, Opening Inventory. If you place the formulas for Opening Inventory and Ending Inventory on their separate members, Hyperion Essbase calculates Opening Inventory for all months and then Ending Inventory for all months. This means that the value of the previous month's Ending Inventory is not available when Opening Inventory is calculated.

Go to top Specifying a Member List or Range

In some functions you may need to specify more than one member, or you may need to specify a range of members. For example, the @ISMBR function tests to see if a member that is currently being calculated matches any of a list or range of specified members. You can specify members using the following syntax:

Member List or Range Syntax
A single member The member name. For example:
A list of members A comma-delimited (,) list of member names. For example:
Mar2000, Apr2000, May2000
A range of all members at the same level, between and including the two defining members The two defining member names separated by a colon (:). For example:
A range of all members in the same generation, between and including the two defining members The two defining member names separated by two colons (::). For example:
A function-generated list of members or a range of members See Generating Member Lists.
A combination of ranges and lists Separate each range, list, and function with a comma (,). For example:
Q1_97::Q4_99, FY99, FY2000


@SIBLINGS(Dept01), Dept65:Dept73, Total_Dept

If you do not specify a list of members or a range of members in a function that requires either, Hyperion Essbase uses the level 0 members of the dimension tagged as time. If no dimension is tagged as time, Hyperion Essbase displays an error message.

Go to top Generating Member Lists

You can generate member lists that are based on a specified member by using the following member set functions.

Contents of Member List Function
All ancestors of the specified member, including ancestors of the specified member as a shared member. This function does not include the specified member. @ALLANCESTORS
All ancestors of the specified member, including ancestors of the specified member as a shared member. This function includes the specified member. @IALLANCESTORS
The ancestor of the specified member at the specified generation or level @ANCEST
All ancestors of the specified member (optionally up to the specified generation or level), but not the specified member @ANCESTORS
All ancestors of the specified member (optionally up to the specified generation or level) including the specified member. @IANCESTORS
All children of the specified member, but not including the specified member. @CHILDREN
All children of the specified member, including the specified member. @ICHILDREN
The current member being calculated for the specified dimension. @CURRMBR
A range of members that is based on the relative position of the member combination Hyperion Essbase is currently calculating. @CURRMBRRANGE
All descendants of the specified member (optionally up to the specified generation or level), but not the specified member nor descendants of shared members. @DESCENDANTS
All descendants of the specified member (optionally up to the specified generation or level), including the specified member, but not descendants of shared members. @IDESCENDANTS
All descendants of the specified member (optionally up to the specified generation or level), including descendants of shared members, but not the specified member. @RDESCENDANTS
All descendants of the specified member (optionally up to the specified generation or level), including the specified member and descendants of shared members. @IRDESCENDANTS
All members of the specified generation in the specified dimension. @GENMBRS
All members of the specified level in the specified dimension. @LEVMBRS
All siblings of the specified member, but not the specified member. @SIBLINGS
All siblings of the specified member, including the specified member. @ISIBLINGS
All siblings that precede the specified member in the database outline, but not the specified member. @LSIBLINGS
All siblings that follow the specified member in the database outline, but not the specified member. @RSIBLINGS
All siblings that precede the specified member in the database outline, including the specified member. @ILSIBLINGS
All siblings that follow the specified member in the database outline, including the specified member. @IRSIBLINGS
Separate lists of members to be processed by functions that require multiple list arguments. @LIST
The member with the name that is provided as a character string. @MEMBER
A merged list of two member lists to be processed by another function. @MERGE
A member list that crosses the specified member from one dimension with the specified member range from another dimension. @RANGE
A list of members from which some members have been removed. @REMOVE
All members that match the specified wildcard selection. @MATCH
The parent of the current member being calculated in the specified dimension. @PARENT
All members of the specified generation or level that are above or below the specified member. @RELATIVE
All members that have a common user-defined attribute (UDA) defined on the Hyperion Essbase server. @UDA
All base members that are associated with the specified attribute member. @ATTRIBUTE
All base members that are associated with attributes that satisfy the specified conditions. @WITHATTR

For more information on Hyperion Essbase functions, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Performing Mathematical Operations

You can perform many mathematical operations in formulas by using the following mathematical functions.

Operation Function
To return the absolute value of an expression @ABS
To return the average value of the values in the specified member list @AVG
To return the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to power of the specified expression @EXP
To return the factorial of an expression @FACTORIAL
To return the next lowest integer value of a member or expression @INT
To return the natural logarithm of a specified expression @LN
To return the logarithm to a specified base of a specified expression @LOG
To return the base-10 logarithm of a specified expression @LOG10
To return the maximum value among the expressions in the specified member list @MAX
To return the maximum value among the expressions in the specified member list, with the ability to skip zero and #MISSING values @MAXS
To return the minimum value among the expressions in the specified member list @MIN
To return the minimum value among the expressions in the specified member list, with the ability to skip zero and #MISSING values @MINS
To return the modulus produced by the division of two specified members @MOD
To return the value of the specified member raised to the specified power @POWER
To return the remainder value of an expression @REMAINDER
To return the member or expression rounded to the specified number of decimal places @ROUND
To return the summation of values of all specified members @SUM
To return the truncated value of an expression @TRUNCATE
To return the variance (difference) between two specified members. See Calculating a Variance or Percentage Variance Between Actual and Budget Values. @VAR
To return the percentage variance (difference) between two specified members. See Calculating a Variance or Percentage Variance Between Actual and Budget Values. @VARPER

For more information on Hyperion Essbase functions, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Calculating a Variance or Percentage Variance Between Actual and Budget Values

You can use the @VAR and @VARPER functions to calculate a variance or percentage variance between budget and actual values.

You may want the variance to be positive or negative, depending on whether you are calculating variance for members on the accounts dimension that are:

By default, Hyperion Essbase assumes that members are non-expense items and calculates the variance accordingly.

To tell Hyperion Essbase that a member is an expense item:
  1. In Outline Editor, select the member. The member must be on the dimension tagged as accounts. See Calculating Time Series Data.
  2. Click the button.

    Hyperion Essbase tags the member as an expense item. When you use the @VAR or @VARPER functions, Hyperion Essbase shows a positive variance if the actual values are lower than the budget values.

    For example, in Sample Basic, the children of Total Expenses are expense items. The Variance and Variance % members of the Scenario dimension calculate the variance between the Actual and Budget values.

    Figure 26-29: Sample Basic Showing Expense Items

Go to top Calculating Statistics

You can use the following statistical functions to calculate advanced statistics in Hyperion Essbase.

Calculated Value Function To Use
The correlation coefficient between two parallel data sets @CORRELATION
The number of values in the specified data set @COUNT
The median, or middle number, in the specified data set @MEDIAN
The mode, or the most frequently occurring value, in the specified data set @MODE
The rank of the specified member or value in the specified data set @RANK
The standard deviation, based upon a sample, of the specified members @STDEV
The standard deviation, based upon the entire population, of the specified members @STDEVP
The standard deviation, crossed with a range of members, of the specified members @STDEVRANGE
The variance, based upon a sample, of the specified data set @VARIANCE
The variance, based upon the entire population, of the specified data set @VARIANCEP

For more information on Hyperion Essbase functions, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Allocating and Forecasting Values

You can allocate values that are input at the parent level across child members in the same dimension or in different dimensions by using the following allocation functions.

Allocated Values Function To Use
Values from a member, cross-dimensional member, or value across a member list within the same dimension. The allocation is based on a variety of specified criteria. @ALLOCATE
Values from a member, cross-dimensional member, or value across multiple dimensions. The allocation is based on a variety of specified criteria. @MDALLOCATE

Note:   For examples of calc scripts using the @ALLOCATE and @MDALLOCATE functions, see Allocating Values Within or Across Dimensions and the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

You can manipulate data for the purposes of smoothing data, interpolating data, or calculating future values by using the following forecasting functions.

Data Manipulation Function To Use
To apply a moving average to a data set and replace each term in the list with a trailing average. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes. @MOVAVG
To apply a moving maximum to a data set and replace each term in the list with a trailing maximum. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes. @MOVMAX
To apply a moving median to a data set and replace each term in the list with a trailing median. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes. @MOVMED
To apply a moving minimum to a data set and replace each term in the list with a trailing minimum. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes. @MOVMIN
Apply a smoothing spline to a set of data points. A spline is a mathematical curve that is used to smooth or interpolate data. @SPLINE
To calculate future values and base the calculation on curve-fitting to historical values. @TREND

For more information on Hyperion Essbase functions, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Using Range Functions

You can execute a function for a sequence of members by using the following range functions.

Calculation Function To Use
The average value of a member across a range of members @AVGRANGE
The maximum value of a member across a range of members @MAXRANGE
The maximum value of a member across a range of members, with the ability to skip zero and #MISSING values @MAXSRANGE
The minimum value of a member across a range of members @MINRANGE
The minimum value of a member across a range of members, with the ability to skip zero and #MISSING values @MINSRANGE
The summation of values of all specified members across a range of members @SUMRANGE

For more information on Hyperion Essbase functions, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Using the Current Member Combination to Look Up Values

You can use the member combination that Hyperion Essbase is currently calculating to look up specific values. These functions are referred to as relationship functions.

Look-up Value Function To Use
The numeric value of the attribute from the specified numeric or date attribute dimension associated with the current member @ATTRIBUTEVAL
The text value of the attribute from the specified text attribute dimension associated with the current member @ATTRIBUTESVAL
The value (TRUE or FALSE) of the attribute from the specified Boolean attribute dimension associated with the current member @ATTRIBUTEBVAL
The generation number of the current member combination for the specified dimension @CURGEN
The level number of the current member combination for the specified dimension @CURLEV
The generation number of the specified member @GEN
The level number of the specified member @LEV
The ancestor values of the specified member combination @ANCESTVAL
The ancestor values of the specified member combination across multiple dimensions @MDANCESTVAL
The shared ancestor values of the specified member combination @SANCESTVAL
The next or nth member in a range of members, retaining all other members identical to the current member and in the specified dimension @SHIFT
The next or nth member in a range of members, retaining all other members identical to the current member across multiple dimensions @MDSHIFT
The next or nth member in a range of members @NEXT
The previous or nth previous member in a range of members @PRIOR
The parent values of the member being calculated in the specified dimension @PARENTVAL
The parent values of the specified member combination across multiple dimensions @MDPARENTVAL
The shared parent values of the specified member combination @SPARENTVAL
A data value from another database to be used for calculation of a value from the current database @XREF

For more information on Hyperion Essbase functions, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Calculating Financial Functions

You can include financial calculations in formulas by using the following functions:

Calculation Function To Use
An accumulation of values up to the specified member @ACCUM
The proceeds of a compound interest calculation @COMPOUND
A series of values that represent the compound growth of the specified member across a range of members @COMPOUNDGROWTH
Depreciation for a specific period, calculated using the declining balance method @DECLINE
A value discounted by the specified rate, from the first period of the range to the period in which the amount to discount is found @DISCOUNT
A series of values that represents the linear growth of the specified value @GROWTH
The simple interest for a specified member at a specified rate @INTEREST
The internal rate of return on a cash flow @IRR
The Net Present Value of an investment (based on a series of payments and incomes) @NPV
The period-to-date values of members in the dimension tagged as time @PTD
The amount per period that an asset in the current period may be depreciated (calculated across a range of periods) using straight-line depreciation @SLN
The amount per period that an asset in the current period may be depreciated (calculated across a range of periods) using the sum of digits method of depreciation @SYD

For more information on Hyperion Essbase functions, see the online Technical Reference in the DOCS directory.

Go to top Using Date and Time Functions

You can use dates with other functions by using the following date function:

Date Conversion Function To Use
To convert date strings to numbers that can be used in calculation formulas @TODATE

Go to top Manipulating Member Names

You can work with member names as character strings by using the following functions:

Character String Manipulation Function To Use
To create a character string that is the result of appending a member name or specified character string to another member name or character string @CONCATENATE
To return a substring of characters from another character string or from a member name @SUBSTRING

Go to top Using Calculation Mode Functions

You can specify which calculation mode Hyperion Essbase uses to calculate a formula by using the following calculation mode function:

Specification Function To Use
To specify that Hyperion Essbase uses cell, block, bottom-up, and top-down calculation modes to calculate a formula. @CALCMODE

Go to top Using Custom-Defined Functions

Custom-defined functions are calculation functions that you create to perform calculations not otherwise supported by the Hyperion Essbase calculation scripting language. You can use custom-defined functions in formulas and calc scripts. These custom-developed functions are written in the Java programming language and registered on the server. The Hyperion Essbase calculator framework calls them as external functions.

If you are connected to the server, the Custom-Defined Functions category appears in the Function Templates dialog box where you can choose function names to be inserted into the formula.

For more information about Custom-Defined Functions, see Developing Custom-Defined Calculation Functions.

Go to top Using the Cross-Dimensional Operator (->)

The cross-dimensional operator points to data values of specific member combinations.

You create the cross-dimensional operator using a hyphen (-) and a greater than symbol (>). Do not put spaces in between the cross-dimensional operator and the member names.

For example, in this simplified illustration, the shaded data value is Sales->Jan->Actual.

Figure 26-30: Defining a Single Data Value by Using the
Cross-Dimensional Operator

The following example illustrates how to use the cross-dimensional operator. This example allocates miscellaneous expenses to each product in each market.

The value of Misc_Expenses for all products in all markets is known. The formula allocates a percentage of the total Misc_Expenses value to each Product->Market combination. The allocation is based on the value of Sales for each product in each market.

Misc_Expenses = Misc_Expenses->Market->Product * (Sales / 

Hyperion Essbase cycles through the database, performing the following calculation:

  1. Hyperion Essbase divides the Sales value for the current member combination by the total Sales value for all markets and all products (Sales->Market->Product).
  2. It multiplies the value calculated in step 1 by the Misc_Expenses value for all markets and all products (Misc_Expenses->Market->Product).
  3. It allocates the result to Misc_Expenses for the current member combination.

Consider carefully how you use the cross-dimensional operator, as it can have significant performance implications. For detailed information, see Optimizing Calculations.

Go to top Using Substitution Variables

Substitution variables act as placeholders for information that changes regularly; for example, time period information. You can use substitution variables in formulas that you include in a calc script. You cannot use substitution variables in formulas that you apply to the database outline.

When you run a calc script, Hyperion Essbase replaces the substitution variable with the value you have assigned to it. You can create and assign values to substitution variables using Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, MaxL, or ESSCMD.

You can set substitution variables at the server, application, and database levels. Hyperion Essbase must be able to access the substitution variable from the application and database on which you are running the calc script.

For more information on creating and assigning values to substitution variables, see Creating Applications and Databases

To use a substitution variable in a calc script:

Type an ampersand sign (&) followed by variable name.

Hyperion Essbase treats any text string preceded by a & as a substitution variable.

For example, assume that the substitution variable UpToCurr is defined as Jan:Jun. You can use the following @ISMBR function as part of a conditional test in a calc script:


Before Hyperion Essbase runs the calc script, it replaces the substitution variable, as follows:


Go to top Working with Formulas in Partitions

A Hyperion Essbase partition can span multiple servers, processors, or computers. For more information on partitioning, see Designing Partitioned Applications and Building and Maintaining Partitions.

You can use formulas in partitioning, just as you use formulas on your local database. However, if a formula you use in one database references a value from another database, Hyperion Essbase has to retrieve the data from the other database when calculating the formula. In this case, you need to ensure that the referenced values are up-to-date and to consider carefully the performance impact on the overall database calculation. For more information, see the information on writing calc scripts for partitions in Writing Calc Scripts for Partitions.

With transparent partitions, you need to consider carefully how you use formulas on the data target. For more information, see Transparent Partitions and Member Formulas and Performance Considerations for Transparent Partitions.

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